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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I'm not sold on the why Lake Erie isn't salt water theory.
  2. Ben needs to pull out for another month before you confirm your ride max.
  3. Max is watching to many cat lovers videos.
  4. America would be saying thousands are dead then it slowly come to a factual number. Maybe their weadur works in the other direction. If a few city blocks blow up and are on fire ain't nobody really know who was where.
  5. I dont know why their gubment would.
  6. Wait a minute.....and the earth is traveling 66000mph around the sun WHILE "spinning" at around 1000mph. If you're on the moon the earths spin should still be blurry as frak.
  7. If the earth spins on its axis at around 1000mph, how the frak do we get clear pictures of it from the moon?
  8. Gump

    Free horse

    The equine is going to a place called Camp Mohaven soon. If anyone heard anything bad about the place, speak up now.
  9. Take it apart and see if anything is loose? Possibly run audio/Video cables to an external digital tuner, select source video, and see if it does the same thing. Try the coax to the external digital tuner also and compare. My guess would be the internal tuner sucks.
  10. probably a dumb question but did you hook up the problem tv to an antenna that works good with another tv, while that antenna is kept in the exact same position? I have the same flat antenna's on 2 tv's and my tv downstairs gets different channels than the one upstairs.
  11. I love the look on her face. It's like, dude, I just told you earlier my house was red, and you just told the world it's blue and caught fire.
  12. I can't remember the sources when I read about it years ago but below works. http://www.dennysantennaservice.com/1373792.html
  13. Have you tried tv#3 in the same location as either tv #2 or #1? There is no such thing as a HD antenna by the way, it's all marketing BS.
  14. West branch rents.. Tappan rents. And tappan doesn't seem to care about open containers on a boat.There's a loophole of sorts in the no alcoholic beverage law on state owned lakes boats scene. If no alcoholic container is "seen", you can't be sited if you're smart about it. So, mr ranger approaches your boat and you have solo cups full of whatever, and he asks to board your boat or what's in the cup. You say, Apple juice and hand him the boating law and say i do not give you permission to board my vessel. He'll get pissy and leave. But don't take my word for it. Research. State Parks: Intoxicating Beverage OAC 1501:41-3-22 No person shall overtly and publicly consume or display the presence of any beer or intoxicating liquor in any area administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation, except within the confines and privacy afforded in a cabin, lodge room, tent, or camping vehicle or in areas authorized by the Chief of the Division of Parks and Recreation. Ps Bad, if you "actually" like to fish. I boat from whiskey island. Pm me your number and I'll text you the next time I go fishing. It's amazing to me how few people actually like to fish anymore. Not talk and BS but actually fish.
  15. It was entertainingly a complex symphony
  16. I farted and sneezed at the same time. Getting old stinks.
  17. Dead skin from my chest is competing with the dog and cat hair.
  18. Hose it off then spray with the Honda cleaner/ polish. Wipe off with a microfiber,rinse, then wipe on more Honda stuff, let dry then polish with a microfiber. It gets washed when it's covered in bugs.
  19. Terrible. My condolences to his friends and family.
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