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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Really... That's cool. I hope they're from this country.
  2. Ya but what r they charging for the new ride?
  3. I really like my caberg modular but I doubt there's a place you can try them on.
  4. Truth /\ The bodies start to liquefy eventually. Always line it with trash bags.
  5. So was the mixed group of cruisers, sport bikes, and an enduro heading east on 151 towards Scio around 10:30am peeps from here? I was in a cage and damn, there's some shaky yellow line riders in that group.
  6. The movie Blackhat puts me to sleep. Took 4 days to watch the whole thing and the ending sucks.
  7. Do you know when removing the front axle shafts to replace u joints if there is a clip in the differential or they should just slide out? It's has the two piece axle. I've kinda given up on the power deal. Probably take it to a shop.
  8. So was husband in cahoots with this hole scheme? I'm guessing no. I doubt the bitch was Prego
  9. I looked into it last year. You send money to the shipper made out to the buyer. Buyer sends shipper title. Shipper can confirm condition when picking bike up for seller. Seller confirms pickup was made to shipper, shipper sends the money to seller. And shipper mails title to buyer. Something like. They charge a fee for this service. Depends how comfortable you are. Threat points are is the money any good the buyer sent and for the buyer is the bike not a POS.
  10. I'm betting it's the same damn gadget I have in my truck for trailer brakes. You can control it's sensitivity. Betting it has nothing to do with brakes or shifting gears. It's G-force, probably one axis. The harder the truck slows down the more brake voltage is applied. If you jump off your bike and hit a tree, the light will come on. Probably works when in reverse decel as well, which would come in really handy for motorcycling. You could add a strip of LED's that intensify with g-force.
  11. Same technology for electric trailer brakes when hauling trailers. It's called proportional electric brakes. You could make your own for around $60 maybe. Could be helpful when cars r behind you but riding behind someone you're not use to, it would take time to realize his brake lights going to come on at every slow down.
  12. Is he in a friggin dream?
  13. Someone gave me Gone Girl to watch. I have NO CLUE what is going on in this movie.
  14. Not a bad idea if no one needs to man the garage.
  15. Had one on the shop I worked at. They came and got the chemical, then replaced with new chemical. Big metal tub sat on the drum and recycled the juice. You can make your own degreaser juice with some jshop. I can get you gallons of it near cost. Kinda like this used one for $150. I never knew new ones were over $600. 50 gallon R&D Parts Washer $150 http://cleveland.craigslist.org/pts/5107870901.html
  16. Gump

    Help me decide.

    Bunch of a$$holes. Europe's been tooling around in these for years.
  17. You deleted your uploaded pics that r not not in threads? Dunno, then, I had the same issue months ago. I thought Ben has some issue with the new server setup people or something.
  18. It looks at the pics under your user name. I had to delete a bunch of old pics to upload a tiny pic.
  19. Damn. someone should snag this and store it.
  20. Gump

    Help me decide.

    Did not know that.
  21. Aaaaannndddd it's raining again after work. I'm going to need a bush hog to cut the lawn.
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