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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. EWW! EWW! Oh my God! Holy fucking shit. My eyes are burning, and I just threw up in my mouth a little, and my dick screamed at me. Off to the shower now, not that the water will be hot enough to clean the creepiness off me.
  2. THAT is the jury finding the defendant GAY-lty right there. Thanks all for the laughs tonight!
  3. holy freaking shit The Little Rascals called. The He-Man Woman Hater's Club thinks this is Thanks for the laugh CBRGirl! It was to this point a boring workday.
  4. Welcome! Very nice looking SV! And as always, we can use another twin rider around here.
  5. This time next year, she won't be holding that title, so this year is kind of a practice run. We're cool, just realistic.
  6. Will be partaking in another annual Turkey Bowl football game early Thursday morning, while the kids and their mom are at her sisters. Then off to my cousins for some dessert and drinking.
  7. That is what threw me off at first. No RROD. Sound was good. And the phucksticks at Microsoft could give a shit. I should have know better, being in IT, but still. Anyway, it's on it's way to TX for it's first rebuild. Didn't last quite a year, but from what I have heard, I was lucky to get that much time out of it to begin with.
  8. Mine bricked with the upgrade this weekend. Spent an hour on the phone with lack-of tech support, only for them to tell me send it in, but call back tomorrow since their application for setting up RMA was down. I was livid. The kids are most definitely getting a Wii this Christmas.
  9. That was half a game. They should have sent someone back into the Meeshigan locker room about 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter to look for the Wolverines. I saw blue an yellow helmets on the field, but the guys in them sure as hell weren't playing any football. O-H....
  10. :plus1:I loves me some brews and shots watchin' the Brownies too. And since the only football I can see tonight involes the Bungs and Stills, I will have to drink more than usual to watch that shit! I would hope they play to a tie, but the Bengals have already met the NFL's quota on a tie every 5 years or so.
  11. Just joinin' in the fun man. You're right. Not often is a single player the cause for a losing season. Having been a Browns fan since most of the MFers around here were shittin' green, I've seen either a shitty team with a bona fide superstar stuck on it, or a winning team without a single pro bowler to be found. Either way, you're a good team or bad by a collection of knuckleheads. The Stillers being the lone exception. Complete assembly of knucks yet find a way to win. Y'all be good tonight out there beerin' it up watching the Bungles and Stillers. Don't wanna come in tomorrow and read that we have another 'rider down' or DUI'd.
  12. It's my understanding from a couple guys that sell that Pazzo is pretty strict on their pricing, and don't cut their dealers much in the way of discounts. I don't say this to dampen your spirit, but encourge ya. If you can get a deal that would be great! I'd offer to get in, but I already have a set. They are VEDDDDY niiiice.
  13. My son's godfather once told me that "you'd fuck up an anvil with a rubber mallet". He was wrong. I killed the mallet.
  14. Thoughts and prayers for Joseph and little Nick. Thank you for wearing your helmets!
  15. Since this thread has gotten to the point of name calling and fact puking, I figure that my $.02 from someone who has never really been big on spouting political crap will fit well in here. This is my theory on not only our newly elected president, but our country as a whole. If ya don't like what i have to say, then fuck me, fuck you, forget this shit and let's ride. But this is what it all feels like to me. When you take a day off from work, it always takes a couple days to get caught up. Take off a week, good luck getting back in front of the 8 ball in the next two. Murphy never takes a day off, and the fuckers you expected to pick up the slack for you on projects while you were out broke their mice by playing solitaire. This country is at this point not simply by the cavalier attitude of the outgoing prez, but the singular missteps taken by the three previous men to have that job, each of which exacerbated the previous placeholder's mistakes by not only NOT correcting them, but compounding them with their own. Sure, shit's melting on the the back burner, fuck it. I'll use the front one. Oh shit! It's boiling over! Well, my term is up. There are still two more burners, let the next guy use 'em. So here we have Obama now in the almost unenviable position of not only having to keep his own word on his own pet projects, but having to unfuck almost an entire generation's worth of mistakes. And his 4 year term might as well be 4 days of the two weeks worth of metaphorical work that is necessary to get us back to an even keel. Maybe he does well enough with them to get 4 more. Hopefully we'll see come 2012 (providing the Mayans were wrong). But if he's not, and just adds fuel to the fire at $5 a gallon by then, who's left standing? You and I, amigo! And the work will still need done. Pretty soon we're going to have to stop bitching to eachother about all of this and either pitch in together, or this is all going to collapse and not from D.C. out, but from outside D.C. in. And for those who think that this election was a fix or not the true representation of our nation, B.O. collected a shitload of votes last night, both electoral and popular. It may not have necessarily been him that we were voting for, but the change from what we've had so far. And for those who want to bitch about the voting process, how many of you showed up at polling centers surrounded by fellas toting AK-47s and in flip flops? I thought so. Shut the fuck up. If you think that the election of Obama is the end of life as you know it, it's not a lack of confidence in him that you have, it's a lack of it in your fellow American. Jack Kennedy said it best..."ask not what your country can do for you...". You happy/unhappy with the result? Good. Just like the NFL or other sports, you have a 24 hour rule. Either enjoy the result or lick your wounds. Then get back to work and be glad that whether your man got the job or not, you could voice your opinion. Because just like that time back at the office, when it comes down to it, no one is going to get you caught back up for you. Now, having spewed all of that, and probably not making a whole helluva lot of sense to anyone besides myself, do with this what you will. I really don't care. I am just sick of all the bitching from both sides. My grandmother said it best. "Steven, people either look at life as their glass being half empty, or half full. None of the motherfuckers ever are truly thankful that they have a goddamn glass." So please. Share your differences, but share your commonality. Agree to disagree, but stop getting pissy. Or go create the site ohiovoters.net. I like my ohioriders.net better when we argue Michelins and Dunlops.
  16. RVTPilot

    It's GONE!

    Being that I am right handed and mouse with that hand, I was able to "maintain" left handed.
  17. RVTPilot

    It's GONE!

    I have been riding the whole time, but like anything else, I had to build up some endurance. I still have scar tissue issues in the hand between the carpal bones. At first, I could ride for about an hour, but then it would either start to throb really bad, or go numb. Hell, I would ride to PT. A lot depends on where your breaks were, too. I had two metacarpals that were broke clean in 2, and two bones in the back of my hand with fractures in them. The two wrist bones are the ones that have limited my range of motion. If your breaks were in a different place, then maybe you can get back at it faster. My ortho surgeon said that the scar tissue will continue to generate for 6-9 months after in initial injury, but then begin to break down after that. I have been working in my garage all weekend, and I can tell you that from all the activity with my hand, the areas with scar tissue are swollen worse than they have been all week. Do what you can, just listen to your body. This isn't like grunting out a sore joint or a sore muscle. Take it from someone who has spent more time in PT this year than out of it. (I had microfracture surgery on my left knee in January.)
  18. Godspeed, Bernie. Thanks for the laughs.
  19. RVTPilot

    It's GONE!

    Good to hear, Dang! I am 2 months removed from having my cast off, also on the throttle hand. I rode my bike around the neighborhood that night, but it was a few days before I would take even the shortest commutes, usually back and forth to work. My hand still isn't 100%, not that it probably ever will be. At 35, shit just doesn't heal like it used to. But I am done with PT for ROM and back to the gym Monday! All I can say is take your time, and do your stretches. Those tendons take a lot longer than muscles to get back into shape, and if you build up the muscle beforehand, the muscle will overcompensate for the tendons and your range of motion will be reduced damn near permanently, unless you tear one and have surgery, at which point you are starting all over. Good luck!
  20. Thanks for the marthon vid, Cleave! I am freaking stoked for this season! Was at the Jets game with my son the other night. John's right. First team D and O looked good.
  21. I have a Targus one that I picked up online for about $30 on closeout from Circuit City. It's the same model our comapny pays $70 directly form Targus for. I lug a lenovo T60 laptop back and forth, and this thing is comfy and stable.
  22. RVTPilot


    You call what you want, knobgobbler. I have more sports coordination in that still misaligned pinky than you have in your entire sequin wearing, limp wristed, girbil accumulating azz! And while I have coached 6 year olds in flag football, and whacked my pud, it was never at the same time, unlike your pedophillic self.
  23. Hey, the murky end of the gene pool needs their fun too!
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