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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. My last job will be digging the hole they are about to roll my decrepid carcass into.
  2. :plus1:Just2ez05 did my rims and her did a great job! He takes a lot of pride in what he does, and has done tons of bike parts. PM the guy.
  3. Thanks for hanging out! Good gang of knuckleheads here.
  4. Sorry to hear this man. I have an aunt who was diagnosed with diverticulitis when I was young, and I remember her having bouts with it up until she had surgery a couple years back. She put up with it for about 20 years before she finally had some portions of her intestine taken out. But I also remember her controlling it a lot with her diet and just not eating some things. Or when she did, she did so knowing full well she'd pay for it. I hope your guts stabilize before you hop on the plane. I know I get bloated whenever I fly. I think I recall her being told to eat a lot fo yogurt due to the cultures in it, but don't take that as gospel. Whatever happens, listen to your doctor and get better soon, mang!
  5. :plus1:With ya there, chickie! They should take this broad, AND her doctor that her with the kids out into the desert and slather them in BBQ sauce and let some buzzard justice take place.
  6. Sounds like summer camp all over again.
  7. Maybe if there's a bottle of Sex Panther in there. "What is that?! It smells like a turd covered in burnt hair!"
  8. I wonder how many trade offers he has gotten. $2200 for 18 y.o. CBR?! Methinks the dude is missing a decimal in there some where. Thanks for the laugh, J!
  9. Happy Birthdays to each of ya!!
  10. You can't go about proclaiming supreme executive power, just 'cause some wat'ry tart threw a sword at you!
  11. That's freaking awesome! Thanks for the cool read.
  12. I have an uncle that was governor of Kentucky back around the civil war era. If you travel through Lexington, our family name is peppered about. Restaurants (De Sha's) and a couple streets. Means jack shit to me. He reportedly owned slaves, so I'm not exactly proud.
  13. You blasphemous punk. I shall smite thee with a hefty dose of my RVT power then turn my RC 180 degrees without crossing 3 county lines unlike your vaginally clad 'busa. Kids.
  14. :plus1:on malwarebytes. We have started replacing spybot with this at work to rid ourselves of viruses and malware and it works quite nicely. We were re-imaging machine left and right for a time.
  15. He was just going to wear it one evening out to one dance then take it back.
  16. Mom and granny probably already had it. (Ask JRMiii about mom - see previous post.) The other two did confirm that you gave it to them, and that would bethe last time either of them gave someone a sympathy lay. They said you were the 10 at 2. Your pimp hand is about as strong Stephen Hawking's low post moves. Now go get your shine box, bitch!
  17. In your case it's probably a sheep that you gave the clap to. Wanna keep your rep in the green? One word. Trojans.
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