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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. The bitchez have a repreive momentarily. My pimp hand was the one broke in the accident last year and it's still giving me some trouble. I save the left for other functions since I control the mouse with my right. But as you see from my avatar, I normally keep my pimp hand STRONG!
  2. Thanks wolfman. To lose an entire plane's occupancy is simply nightmarish. My heart goes out to all of the other families as well. Just truly sad.
  3. :plus1:This, and the Honda Spray Cleaner and Polish are side by side in my garage cabinet and always in stock!
  4. I had no idea who the fuck Chris Brown was until he dropped his pimp hand on Rhianna. (Allegedly.)
  5. I lost a friend on that flight this morning. She was one of our trainers for our salesforce here, and was also an avid motorcyclist. Her and I had worked together often and shared a beer or two when we had the time. Broke my heart first thing this morning. Godspeed, Mary. You are missed.
  6. OOOOH! That's awesome. I picked up an '08 Tacoma access cab last May while I was healing from my get-off. Nothing fancy mind you, but I need things like nerf bars so the kiddies can get in and out easily.
  7. Sweet! Now I know who I need to pester when I want pieces parts for my truck!
  8. Britten was a certified genius, and intelligently passionate. If any of you have respect for what Michael Czyz is doing and don't know about John Britten, go do some research. It will be worth your time.
  9. Congrats on the promotion! Can you divulge what manufacturer your dealership is?
  10. Easily done. I can see that. Please pass the potato salad.
  11. Next time I is in the 'Nati I will come hungry!
  12. Kellen Winslow called. He said try your local community college parking lot. Wait. He called back to say he was kidding.
  13. Wanting ribs says nothing about your beliefs. What you put on those ribs says EVERYTHING about them, however. Personally, I'm a sweet and hot BBQ man.
  14. While I can see where religions would recruit (the more radical, the more actively they do), but I don't get where atheists would. "Hey! Come believe in...nothing!" I think like a lot of folks my age that grew up being forcefed Sunday mornings at church, I have found that while I do have a certain level of faith and spirituality, the hypocracy and elitist attitude of organized religion has soured me on that "celebration of faith" they all talk about. Either some bullshit dogma that defines how you are to have your relationship with God, or how your faith is directly proportionate to your tithings. And for the other side of the pendulum, hey if you don't believe in that stuff, good for you. But don't tell someone who uses that faith to keep on the sunny side of life they're an idiot. If you want to live carefree and they aren't pushing their agenda on you, extend the same courtesy. That's the problem anymore. It's not that the religious zealots are the only ones pushing, it's the ones who have faith in or believe in nothing that push just as hard. It's isn't what their agenda is, but simply that they have one, and YOU need to align with it. Ugh.
  15. The new Buell 1125 with those mosntrous nostrils looks like some home cooked nastiness, too. And the upper is big enough to keep Kirstie Alley under the bubble.
  16. This obviously has to be a difficult situation for family and friends. Casper, please pass along heartfelt thoughts and prayers of mine to them all.
  17. I hadn't heard of the DN-01 until I started this thread, and yes, it is akin to home-made sin. Fugged up fugly.
  18. Holy. Shit. Jerm, I don't know where you found this, but it just eclipsed the 'busa. And we wonder why Eric little company struggled so. JRMiii...what up brotha 'busa pimp! Hell, even I'll admit the 51's not the sexiest girl I've taken behind the paddock wall. Though I am sure you'd find her a bit more attractive if she were, say...copper? And that Gladius is something only a mother could love. Providing the mother hooked up with her brother to make it.
  19. Oh yeah! I've seen those. Like a bad concept bike come to life. The old FJs were fugly, too. Had an upper that looked like it belonged on a snowmobile.
  20. RVTPilot


    Welcome, fellow vet! Thanks for putting the time in the Big Green Machine and defending our great nation. I did 7 years in the corps, and miss the shit out of it.
  21. I did a quick search to make sure I wasn't making a duplicate thread here. God knows we can't afford any more duplicates around here. Anyway, I was debating with a guy at work today as to what we thought the ugliest bike in production is, which of course evolved into the ugliest that we have have seen. Now this is in terms of ugly from a production standpoint, not a rat bike we saw at The Gap or some swap meet. Something one of the big 4 or others trotted out and said, "Hey! Buy this abortion on wheels!" After our somewhat entertaining conversation at work, IMHO, the ugliest bike I have seen pimped is the Huyabusa. I know it's popular around here, and even mah boy JRMiii has one. They are sick fast. Stooopid fast, in fact. Which is good! Because God knows you don't want to look at it for long. The nebulous body lines look like a money shot on the back of a first year college student. And it's a shame because underneath that bulbous plastic is a fantastic powerplant with (through a nice set of pipes) one hellatious growl. When the new ZX-14 came out with it's even faster motor and ribbed/vented/cheese grater fairings, I thought that might outdo the first generation 'busa ugliness. Not to be outdone, Suzook came right back with a tail section heisted right off an Intruder. Ick. So, please. Offer up your $.02. Just try and rise above the picking of someone else's ride just cause yours is taking it on the nose. We all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is ugliness. (I mean, Kathy Bates is married, right?)
  22. Okay. Yous gots way too much college goin' on there, J. All smart an' shit. Nevermind that what appears to be metal flake in your 'engineered' paint is actually sperm since the bodylines of a 'busa make it look like a cumshot with wheels. Did Peter North park that thing in your garage?
  23. Had my first real wreck last year, though in 15+ years of riding I have had a parking lot drop here or there. Was actually hit by another guy on a bike, whom I wasn't riding with. He was a biker noob all the way around, and tried to pass me on the right as I was making a right hand turn into my development. Seriously. Trashed the right side of my RC and me a bit. Literally a handful of broken bones, sprained knee and shoulder but otherwise unscathed. Hell, the RC was healed before I was. Fortunate someone wasn't sitting at the stop sign waiting to turn or I would be explaining this story (and a TON of other shit) to St. Peter.
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