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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. RVTPilot


    Man...sorry to hear about the tumble. I know you don't want a finger checked out, but I can tell you what I thought was an innocently jammed pinky 10 years ago in a pickup football game enxded up being a broken carpal bone that still bothers me today. It hampers my already shitty guitar playing. Advil up for your track day, and hope you heal up quick!
  2. RVTPilot

    NEO Cruisers

    Fixed that for ya!
  3. Believe me. I didn't take your post as any form of bashing. Quite the contrary. I am all for a good debate now and again, and while I would vernture that you and I are far from polar opposites on this issue, we just have some variarions between opinions. You stated your points and backed them up. That is more than most folks that engage in these types of conversations. And what you speak to with your friend's mortgage, I have some myself in similar situations. If my paymeny went up $700 I wouldn't know what to do. But being married to someone who knows the industry, we were thankfully educated, and have tried to help friends and family whenever we could. Just becuase of shit like this.
  4. Quality reply, Putty. Cheers! I will somehwhat agree to disagree with you on the mortgage crisis being as simple as only aspects of the mortgage industry. Had the economy not entered such a violent tailspin, exacerbated by things such as the overgrown war budget, a dwindling employment rate, and other factors, the popularity of such loans would not have been as prevalent. And when you offer such a volatile option to the pool of homebuyers, which is littered with a myriad of potential credit trainwrecks, this is the end result. I know some folks personally that played the wait-it-out game with the fed rate and got by, but they were sweatting. And these are folks that make a helluva lot more money than I do. Just makes me wonder how overextended they are. I'm not about to say that I am perfect and don't have my fair share of bills and whatnot, but it's amazing to hear about some of the things people do with their finances and get away with it.
  5. Very true, JRMM, and thanks for the comment about the missus. I think either way our gov't is headed at this point, either party is going to begin to stick their mits further into John Q. Public's pie. And how much closer to home can you get than the roof over someone's head? And I will also say that it is still ultimately up to the consumer to educate themselves, but when the educators are in on the fix, it makes it hard for those who have limited resousrces for information to go any other direction that the one they were steered into. And, as we motorcyclist often see, common sense is a dying attribute amongst the general population. I mean c'mon?! Does someone actually think you can get by forever making only a $800 or 900 a month payment on a $300k house? Do some freaking math! Ugh. I need a beer. And it's just now noon.
  6. This hits rather close to home for me, as my wife was an underwriter for the local 2nd mortgage division of a large national bank, who was recently let go along with 131 other employees thanks to the market crash. Her bank was one of the very few national lending organizations that did not offer subprime loans, or underwrite them for brokerages. However this still did not keep the sudden and massive change in the market dry up their business in a hurry. So thanks to the banks that did get into the subprime business and foster predatory lending, the mother of my kids is hunting for work in a market where her bank was the very last one to have it's bloodletting take place, and the market is flooded with folks with her jobskills. Suffice it to say, she has begun looking out of state. More than likely, she is looking at a career change rather than a relocation, because Cleveland isn't the only town with banks shedding underwriting departments. And I do agree that the average American taxpayer is getting stuck with someone else's mortgage bill here, but the domestic problems here are the manifestation of larger federal government faux paxs. Unmitigate investments in a war that has no direction, band aid economy stimulators, and tax cuts for the insanely wealthy are all contributors to this. And think how shitty it must be for some. Usually, when things are tight (as they may be headed in my house soon), folks stop paying things like the credit cards, or cut back on grocery bills. If you stop paying for the roof over your head, how fucked are you? Sure a lot of homebuyers were duped into getting mortgages for homes they couldn't afford, but a lot of them got the information to make those decisions from the ususal places you go for that kind of knowledge, hence new predatory lending laws. Which brings up now the fact that the government is about to get more involved with your lives than before. Thanks to how they failed to do things right before, they now find themselves forcing issues on the back end.
  7. That is the yellowest bike I have ever seen. But clean, and very pretty. Nice work!
  8. I'm pissed off because work called me at 5:47 am and no one was there when I called back. I have to wash my bike.
  9. Just got off the phone with r1. Sounds like it sure as hell could have been worse. Glad to hear it wasn't. Thanks for the 411, r1. Get better soon Inya. Need ya back on the scoot!
  10. Plain and simple. Lack of funds at the moment.
  11. r1 knows damn well he and I could set it up this weekend. he's just afraid that his tampon string may curl up inside his leathers and chaffe when his mooseknuckle sets in.
  12. Just when I thought CbrGirl was all that and then some....rides a Honda...faithful companion to Satan...quality contributor to the board...then she comes out pimping the Stillers. Nick I can understand. He's a ninja, and ninjas are aloof and lurk in the shadows. Classic case of Stiller-itis. BUt CbrGirl?! For shame! Reminds me of a day at school way back in kindergarten. The teacher asked us one day what our parents did for a living. For the most part, the answers were typical...nurse, fireman, salesman, etc. But this one kid migrated to the back of the classroom, trying to avoid becoming part of the conversation. This was obvious to the teacher, who then decided to call on him and ask what his daddy did for a living. As he let go of a heavy chest-heaving sigh, he explained, "My Daddy is a stripper in an all male cabaret. He dances naked in front of other men for money, and if some of those men have enough money, he takes them out back in the alley behind the club and has screaming crazy mad fag sex with them." The teacher was mortified, and we kids were shocked silent. As the teacher quickly attempted to resolve the situation, she scolded the lad saying, "BEN! What a horrible thing to say! Is this anywhere near true?!" "No," Ben replied, "My Daddy plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was just too ashamed to admit it."
  13. Nick reminds me of the joke about the molester walking a kid into the woods. The kid looks around at the dusking sky and says, "man, it's gettin' dark and sure is spooky out here. I'm scared!" To which the molester replies, "You're scared?! I gotta walk out of here alone!" Speaking of molesters and football, I wonder how far the Stillers are gonna fall this year.
  14. There are always a set labeled "Fat Bastard" and coating you in vaseline will help. Just like when you were in H.S.
  15. There are reasons the Bungles unis are orange with black stripes. The Brownies have a tough schedule this year, but should win the division. I can see my season tix from here, and can't wait to hear that first stub tear off!!!
  16. You're not so off base, crusher. But it wasn't the instructors so much as it was the other riders. With passing being as restricted as it was, and being able to take some better lines than some others in my particular group, there were moments were we found ourselves bottlenecked. But, that comes with this kind of thing, and I am not saying this to be critical of any other riders. I am slow in plenty of spots. But a lot of the places I was trying to work to go faster were places I was getting hung up that particular day. However, I did find that if I went to an instructor for help or questions, they would accomodate me as best they could. And a couple times, they would lead me and others around the track faster even within the group and helped us find spots to pass that I would have been uncomfortable doing otherwise. Having ridden with r1 for a while now, I know that he will soon be frustrated, not bored. Not that another rider is slower per se, but just that he will want to work ro get faster and better. He's still a dick though.
  17. Werd! I have been running water wetter as prescribed from the bottle (3-4 capfuls per quart) since my rebuild, and honestly, the 51 has been running a bit hot for my taste. Now, 51s typically run a bit hotter than most thanks to the Rube Goldberg radiator system Honda created for them. Methinks I am gonna try engine ice, since it is Mid OH friendly.
  18. It is almost kinda creepy the similarities, but I have been in both, and I remember thinking in the Fiero, "Holy hell just let me survive the trip!" and in the NSX, "Holy shit this is nice". But I also have to recognize the pilots of each vehicle, as the Fiero was a buddy from H.S. and the NSX belonged to a pilot in one of the squadrons I was attached to. And if you're going to drop a new powerplant in the the GM, why not go the full monty and drop the new 'vette engine in it! Talk about a sleeper!
  19. While I will won't say that all our American cars are crap, I will say that IMHO the Fiero was a deathtrap and unreliable, where the NSX is not. That's not to say that the NSX isn't overpriced. But I'm not sure these were the best two examples to pit against one another to compare domestic to Japanese engineering and development.
  20. You're so angry, crusher. You need therapy.
  21. I will be at SQL, but will have to meet you there. At the office til 6 then need to swing by the hacienda and drop off the laptop. But I'll shoot you a text Inya, and let you know when I am headed out.
  22. This is something I have talked with friends about before. I am fine with an insurance company setting these kinds of standards. However, I would disagree with not making insurance mandatory. Because the knuckleheads that are making life expensive for us now would make it worse for a lot more people if they could get away with riding without insurance. Sure, some are already doing it, but that number would grow exponentially. And of course it would be the uninsured MFers that would go out, act stupid, kill more folks than themselves, tear up something, and have no money, even if court ordered, to repay the damages. Unfortuantely, we live in a society where common sense and responsiblity has to be legislated, to a point. However I think Uncle Sam is going way overboard.
  23. I have not been pulled over and ticketed since I have been in Ohio, and only twice in FL, which was years ago. But from what I hear the PoPo seems a little less leniant up here with bikers.
  24. Man, you have my sympathy bro. I sepnt a week looking at my completely repaired bike with my hand still in a cast. Drove me insane! Not sure what it would cost to ship a frame up there from C-bus. Probably less than the cost of gas, but not by much I'm sure. Here's something that might save you time on the coating end with Just2EZ. Strip it while it's in C-bus. He has to farm that out, and that would eliminate a 3rd schedule from the equation. Just trying to help!
  25. Depending on when you are planing to do this, maybe we can coordinate some pick up/drop off points. I am having my swingarm and foot controls done after the riding season ends. When do you plan to do this?
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