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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. The taxes they pay in what goods they do buy doesn't mitigate the negative impact on the economy they impart. Services that benefit from the scant tax dollars collected from goods bought by illegals wouldn't receive any significant negative imapct if that section of the revenue stream dried up. As far as competition in the workplace, more than just high school dropouts are competing for jobs with illegals. You talk of my stereotype, your comments reflect the same thing. In my personal case, sure..I'm not competing with an illegal to maintain my position as a client admin for my company. However, I see pleny of "contracted" labor come through our community done by illegals when pulling wire, punching down phone nets, etc. And while it appears menial from the outsiders persepctive, those are jobs that some college educated workers would take in this economy to get their foot in the door at a tech company, not unlike apprentice work in the unionized sector. And for the ones that are paying payroll taxes, as you stated, they are doing so with stolen SSNs or identities. Where I come from, we call that a double whammy, as not only have you taken a job that an otherwise honest, tax paying American citizen would have, they are perpetuating identiy theft. Now you have another set of victims to the scenario. At the end of the day, they are still only paying at best a minimum into the system, as to do anything higher profile only runs them the risk of getting caught more easily. Anything they can do to reduce that chance, they will.
  2. While some of this is true, it still doesn't justify their existence here. And whatever taxes they might pay into that the country receives is mitigated by their negative impact on the job market, and now in CA, educational system. What's closer to reality is that they come here, earn their money under the table and don't spend it in their local economy as the rest of us typically do. A lot of it goes back to where they are from to either finance the next wave of their kin into the land and the cash is horded.
  3. RVTPilot

    cheap sv1000

    Google the last sentence, then go back and read the ad.
  4. If I could get someone to pick up my RC, I'd help you out here!
  5. RVTPilot

    cheap sv1000

    This this is a steel. All your base are belong to us.
  6. This is rigoddamndiculous. And too bad they are going to kawtow to the illegals and make the schools provide the education in Spanish instead of making the "students" learn English and get their education the way the rest of the kids in this country do. Sometimes I wonder if our place on the map with Canada was switched, would the Canadians allow the shit our country does?
  7. I have a passenger seat on my RC (which is still for sale, BTW:D) and my hopes is that your passenger weighs 150 lbs or less and has a 18" inseam. I will say that a friend of mine was 5'7" and 145 and the only thing she complained about was the heat on her feet from the exhaust, and we rode a lot. But by and large, I've not gotten rave reviews about the comfort out back of my RC.
  8. I was gonna go thru our stash here at work, but jblosser was quicker than me. However, I will still send over some supporting funds when I get to the hizzle this evening.
  9. If this is true, does stealing a lump of coal make me a jewelry thief?
  10. A lot of us are, probably more than most think. Kinda hard to not be if your lineage runs back into western PA, NY, or OH.
  11. That would be an epic PPV event.
  12. We must put and end to yoder-on-yoder crime.
  13. I agree that the system for adoption is convoluted (to be kind) and very expensive. A small part of that is a means to say that those that can afford this process are more likely to properly support a child financially without any form of assistance (though that is not the entirety of why its so expensive). And I agree with your sentiment that there are plenty of truly wholesome folks out there who are capable of providing a sound, safe, and loving environment for raising a child that might not otherwise have that with its biological parents. Its not unheard of at all for a set of relatives to raise a child, as they can provide for it much better than the parent(s) themselves. As well, I am sure there are numerous occurrances of folks bypassing the system if the conditions allow that to happen. Doing it for the right reasons (i.e. the well-being of the child) are not evil. However I would rather condone folks following the ardurous path to adoption than bypass the system, and setting a precedent that its okay to establish your own form of adoption. That sets a precedent that lends itself much more to human trafficking than adoption.
  14. There's no speculation here, Pauly. They only knew eachother through mutual friends, per the article. I'm talking about this exact situation here. Regardless of his desire to raise a child, there is a proper way to go about adpoting through a process set forth long ago to ensure as best as possble that someone is qualified to provide for that child as a parent. One of the aspects of that process is to ensure that women don't use their procreates as a revenue stream to finance their vacations. And for someone to foster that idea by enabling her to do so is just as guilty IMHO.
  15. Human trafficing at its finest right there. That is about as unrelated to adoption as one can get. What should be done as part of her munishment is to separate her brain from her reproductive sytem. Let the courts decide the method. And the tool that thought is was cool to pick a black market kid in installments should get to spend 1 million hours in community service cleaning abortion clinics with his tongue. The kid should get to live out the rest of his life in Disney World free of charge.
  16. We just got done talking about this in the office as two of the guys on my team are Applebots. Neither are impressed. Overhyped, underdelivered.
  17. Adobe and Apple working together would be like Charlie Sheen and Courtney Love hooking up. Just not a win there.
  18. At least the new iPhone won't be used to finance someone's way up the organ recipient list this year.
  19. I wasn't aware that was possible. No fap, fap, fap, but tak, tak tak.
  20. Everyone in the NFL knows that the Bungles are cheap. These enterprising young lads were just supplementing their meager NFL income, peddling a little chronic.
  21. Take your time. The chair isn't moving. But have done it plenty, especially in dress pants where the boys have room to roam.
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