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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Sage advice, Einstein. You learn your lesson from home spun Brazillians? I hardly have a respectable beard by any means. But what I do get grows thick and fast. I love the Fusion blade, but over the course of a year coupld probably buy a nice Braun for what I spend in blades. I have a Norelco 3 headed wet/dry and its nice, but I have to use it everyday to be truly clean shaven. And on occasion it bumps up my neck and soul patch area. BUt I did have a Braun foil one for a while, and it was the nicest razor I'd ever used.
  2. Agree completely, Chris. The track is not by definition safe. The street, even less so. Motorcycling isn't safe. If it were, our mothers would fight one another to get us bikes as adolescent Christmas gifts the way they do Cabbage Patch Dolls. And I find nothing exhilarating about a street ride where the best part of the ride was saving a back end washout after hitting unseen sugar sand, pea gravel, or leaked fluids mid-corner. It has also been my experience that those that thought themselves to have big nards for how they rode on the street had a disproportionately sized brain. I see far less of that on the track.
  3. I will agree to disagree on this. Being capable of circumnavigating a track does not make the street any more dangerous than it already is. Any rider worth their salt on a track has the mental wherewithal to be cognizant of the potential hazards found on the street and would adjust accordingly. Guys who jump out to the track just to learn to be nothing more than faster on the street are fucktards. And guys who spend the majority of their time on the track that would chose to ride with more discretion on the street aren't more dangerous or are sheltered just because they chose to exercise some discipline in an unpredictable riding environment. Being a capable and confident street rider has a valuable list of merits associated with it. The same is said for those that exercise the limits of our beloved sport in its proper environment for doing so. I concur with Brian in the 'running in circles' reply. It simply isn't like that in reality at the track (though everyone is entitled to their own persepctive and opinion). Even with the expansive gap between Brian and I in talent and experience on the track, I'm comfortable saying we both argree that seldom are two laps identical. And if you find yourself stringing together multiple identical laps, you are either in elite territory in the sport, or doing it wrong. As I am working to improve my abilities on the track and actually make the laps seem similar, they are as different as anything worth encountering of the unpredictable nature on the street, which is a rather short list for sure. It takes nothing more than one more bike braking into a corner or ever the angle of sunlight on the racing surface to change how the game is played at that point. The amount of effort and skill required to shave off the slightest fragments of a second off one's lap time and the associated challenge is what entices me to leave the street for the track. And mind you, I am not trying to imply that I am anything fast on the track. I am far from it. But I am for more intrigued at the idea of getting better on the track than I am on the street. Years of commuting with my FZR600 as my sole source of transportation accompanying countelss trips to The Gap and assorted trips have my cup full in that regard. I do enjoy a sunny Sunday ride with the gang, and even would like to do the lap around Lake Erie sometime. But I wouldn't cancel a track date to do it.
  4. Sucks to hear about this, and I hope she makes a quick and complete recovery. Its no way to spend Christmas, that's for sure. But maybe she takes a quick upturn and improves enough to get home tonight.
  5. I am in the midst of this transition now, though I think that I wouldn't say I'll never ride on the street again. But I am comfortable with giving it up for a couple of season to get my track bike in complete order and acquire another bike for the street. Like a lot of guys, I feel safer on the track than in traffic. I have also learned a lot more about myself as a rider taking part in track days. I've been riding on the street since I was a teenager, but have found the track as a better environment to hone my skills. And it just happens to be fun as hell in doing so. I do still enjoy nice Sunday ride with friends, and will do charity rides as well. But even once I have another bike for the street, I would expect the lion's share of my riding time to be spent on the track.
  6. Terrrific job, Doc! I thought the sound quality was excellent and gave the scenes added depth a lot of shorts don't have. And like buildit I liked the angles you shot at. I'm curious as to what camera you shot this with? The depth on some of those shots was great! Kudos!
  7. You only need to be in a wifi spot to browse and download. You can read anywhere once you have downloaded the content. Whomever posted the pic of the library (forgive me for forgetting now that I can't see the post) good on ya! If your local library offers online downloads, you can check books out and read them for free, just like any other library book. [Disclamer time: I work for the firm that has developed the digital media technology employed by publishers, authors, and libraries across the globe. I'm really not trying to sound like a commercial, but I work with this technology all day long.] I say I don't care what device you read ebooks or audio books from, just do it so I can keep my babies fed! Merry Christmas!
  8. Won't be necessary, but bring it anyway. May need it to jump start Kev's ticker now that he's getting older.
  9. There are occasions where I gets an over-the-road mouth hug from the missus. Certainly distracting, but what if that carries the same penalties as a DUI?! Like she needs another excuse to tell me no!
  10. Happy Birthday to my amigo! I hope you are enjoying your brithday as mush as I am enjoying the fact that you will be 40 before me. Every Wyatt Earp needs a Doc Holiday. I'm happy to be Doc.:HOBirthdayGifts:
  11. RVTPilot

    What BS!

    Sounds like some Wisconsin lawmakers have been eating uber firmented cheese. Or perhaps Wisconsin needs to do a better job of not handing out CHLs to perps.
  12. Sooo...if you're driving/riding the bike and watching someone text, who is watching where you are going? Just curious. I'd hate for you to be distracted by someone else distracted and then hit someone. That would be the vehicular equivalent of dividing by zero. But I digress. I agree there should be some sort of blanket line of punishment for someone who texts while driving and creates an unsafe situation, up to creating an accident. I'm not sure it carries the same weight at the basic level that a DUI does, though. Certainly, if someone is pounding out a text and causes an accident, there should be a greater level of punishment because that specific situation dictates it. Punishment should be proportionate to degree of disregard that created the situation. Then again, the next time our judicial system gets that right, it will be the first.
  13. Good perspective here, Steve. I am of the opinion that once they decided to encircle law enforement that they were teetering on the edge of it no longer being a peaceful protest. Its no different that if they'd have backed the police into a corner. I figured once they sat down to block the vehicle access that they'd be arrested for obstruction. If they resist then garnish them in liquid cayenne and bake in the pokey for 24 hrs or until their lawyers arrive.
  14. Word. Plants should be smoked, not eaten. Then, after smoking the plants, go eat some meat.
  15. For whatever reason I seem to have rather vivid dreams, and somewhat frequently. However there is always some oddball aspect to them, as in houses that are missing a wall, or being able to fly in a car. Just really odd shit. But they are in color, and I can feel things in them. I think its just my brain cleaning out my subconscious fridge while I am asleep. I do know that when I am focusing very hard on projects at work, they will appear in my dreams as I am in the midst of them. Makes it hard to get away from work that way.
  16. The Black Crowes - Remedy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZgJrHxWaIg
  17. Looks as if I am headed to Chicago in a Jeep Liberty (driven by some empty headed brunette who is unaware of anything outside the perimeter of her windshield) with my wife, and the two guys who host the afternoon sportstalk show on 92.3 The Fan in Cleveland, Bull and Fox. I will be using a Javelin missile launcher, and the first zombie I will kill will be r1crusher. I can probably do all that and be back before bed tonight.
  18. Great video! Thanks for posting this up!
  19. A very happy 236th birthday to my beloved Marine Corps, and all who claim the title United States Marine! Semper Fidelis!
  20. Going to masturbate now. A lot. And seeing where I can milk $18k from my 2012 budget. (Two good kidneys...check.)
  21. Just buy my 51 and fhaghetaboutit! On the swingarm, I think it depends on what year 51. I'll ask around myself, though I also know there are some wicked smaht RC jockeys here.
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