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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Dammit! Me too!! I've been pwned by the stealership thinking RVT = racing v-twin like Honda said in the press release.
  2. What the OP doesn't want you to know is that he begged me to dress like that when we went to GingerMan and give it to him 'prison style'. Having never molested a man (and not about to begin then) I simply stabbed him with a sharpend toothbrush in his sleep. To this day we can't drive past the prison farm in Grafton without him asking to run in and 'get a sample'.
  3. Mine would be Elizabeth Hurley with about two weeks growth on the mantrap.
  4. Feel free to run to the end of the interwebz and fook yerself.
  5. Mama Cass & Meatloaf, Korn, & Cake R.E.M. & Dream Theater The Pogues & Bad English Sonny Bono & Screaming Trees
  6. Same here, Fonz. We have a Nerf dart armory, and even his 6 y.o. sister has a couple weapons. Laser tag in the house is another favorite. With two dogs runing around it's akin to a shootout in urban Guatemala, but that makes it that much more fun.
  7. Nate Dogg - Sick Puppies. Too soon?
  8. Sorry to hear of this, ICE. Thoughts and prayers for family and friends.
  9. Saw this commercial for a game my son wants. Laughed out loud in the store. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StfVY_jxdso
  10. Heather is the only thing keeping this thread from becoming a complete abortion.
  11. In one of the pics from your link JRM, there is a desk fan hung from the rearview mirror. I am at a loss for words on that. I wasn't aware that the A/C for Vettes was so substandard. This thread is chock full of winning fail with this cat's Vette.
  12. ^^ +1 There are some comapnies good at making laptops, and some that IMHO are very bad at making them. HP/Compaq for example...I do more side work jobs on HPs than all others combined. Lots of dead mobos and shit HDs. They have all the nice, shiny fit and finish, and have crap under the hood. On the other side, Lenovos look blah and drab, but the ones I have been around (and supported for 4 years) run like champs. At my current job we have Dell, which I haven't been a huge fan of since buying one of my own years back. However the Latitudes that we have been buying seem very reliable, and don't seem to be built as chintsy as the one I had several years ago.
  13. Thoughts and prayers from Ridgeville, man.
  14. That's a sweet paint effect! I wonder what brush you use to get that kind of a finish?
  15. Take this as friendly advice, but you're encroaching Ford/Chevy territory here. Some of us being Intel guys, others being AMD. 2.26 vs. 2.3 is splitting hairs really. I'd be just as interested in the FBS rating for the mobo for each proc. A wicked fast proc is wasted if it's gotta run through a tight little bus. Personally, I can speak well of the intel i5 here as it's what I have in my work laptop and it runs very well. I don't do much in the way of graphics, but I do a good bit in the way of VMs and multiple RDP sessions and have yet to encounter any issues with it.
  16. Thanks for the laugh. I have two dogs, and two kids, ages 10 and 6. My pups are a 10 month old english mastiff and a 7 year old mix of about 5 different something-or-others. Some days the kids wear the dogs out, other days vice versa. And it almost goes without saying that when Daddy decides to lay on the living room floor, all four pile on him.
  17. Ask if Mike that used to work for Honda of Avon is still in their service department. (Ask Jim in Sales. They both worked in Avon together and know eachother well.) He took very good care of me when he was up here, and paid attention to the details.
  18. g3, that is pure evil to exact such revenge upon your elders. you have my respect. My mom busted me catching toads in her garden and blowing them up with firecrackers. I would stuff them into their mouths, light the fuse, then toss them up high in the air. Even my dad wasn't impressed with that stunt.
  19. Congrats!! That is one hell of an accomplishment. Were I in C-bus, I would make YOU the sammich today!
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