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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Dude, those sucked. Was subject to those at 29 Stumps. Was a PITA the way the filled any jet cavity with sand.
  2. That is absolutley insane. You hope he heals up, but man. He's got no business being on a bike after that. Wow.
  3. You go that right! I's hungry, and now waiting on a beating, some torture, AND a sammich! Gawdamn bichez.
  4. Do the beatings and tortures require an appointment, or are they on a first-come, first-served basis?
  5. jbot, you have really put me in quite the conundrum. I truly want to comment, but I can't. I mean, I already know I'm going to Hell, but now I have to wonder if I get there and some retarded folks are there, what the hell did they do?!
  6. ^^ true. though i would guess its similar to rubbernecking at a wreck on the highway.
  7. RVTPilot

    That Dude...

    Eh, overstating the obvious and doing it in the manner he did hardly constitutes one having brains. Balls, eh maybe. But not brains. Sorry.
  8. I have seen fourms where the pages are 100x busier looking, and it'd distracting as fuck. Not sure what has serpentracer's twat full of sand, but I'd hardly give the criticism much thought.
  9. I like it! Though if you could make some of the active buttons look like bewbs and sammiches, I would spend even more time here at work at ORDN.
  10. And Caper comes in here all spweing of common sense and takes away all our fun. Man....
  11. No, I do. Just not the way you'd like me to have it. And careful of your use of the word ignorant with me. If you would have read my comments and understood them, I am not holding either side of the situation to a higher standard than the other. Personally, I am not interested in whether science can prove their isn't a God anymore than religion can. While science continues to debate and contradict those with faith or belief in a higher being or existence, science itself is rife with accomplised individuals who debate and at times contradict eachother, and quite often based on theory, which, while based primarily on principals of science, are still theory, and therefore not indisputable fact. As vastly different as science and religion are, they are strikingly similar in their arrogance and closed-minded perspective on the other. I have had many arguemnts with those of faith as to the "facts" that they present. In my experience, those devout in faith are often devoid of scientific fact. Yet science has yet to prove the how and why of all things, speaks as if they have.
  12. Dude, that FSM is awesome!! I shall claim allegiance to that!!!
  13. True. While I am going to venture a guess that his text will be as self righteous as the Bible and its proponents are, in being so criticism is fair. I was raised under the Christian faith and while I am not ashamed of that nor do I lament it, as I have grown into adulthood, I, like many, have begun to question aspects of my faith, and the value of following a cultural interpretation of events that are understood to have a holy value. In the same part, I am not of the opinion that science can explain everything and there is not God, becuase clearly science has not yet. Just as those adamant about their religion, those of an entirely emperical perspective have gaps in their story as well. One of the greatest minds in science belongs to Stephen Hawking, who's title is Theoretical Physicist. Theorietical as in pertaining to theory, and theory is unproven. IMHO until theory is replaced with hard evidence, it still is potentially flawed. Just as religion is. So the Newton's Cradle of existence continues.
  14. I appreciate the honest response. While I haven't the opportunity to read it at the moment, I did do some research into it, and found some very stark review of it, and very much all across the board. I agree it will be interesting to read, though I will admit that while I am certainly not atheist, I would entertain hearing one's side of the conversation.
  15. True. But it wasn't The Bible that was recommended reading. I have been given that recommendation in the past, and did read it, and found it to not to be as advertised, at least IMHO.
  16. What makes it great? Is it objective and unbiased, or the atheist manifesto?
  17. I find it difficult to believe that we are either alone in this vast universe, or at the pinnacle of being development. What's to say that more advanced species have not come, cycled, and expired on some other planet a gazillion miles from here? Hell, for all we know, our planet is some ginormous alien's kid's aquarium. Let's just hope he can sprinkle fish flakes evenly all around.
  18. Congrats! I didn't know what true happiness was until I got married. By then it was too late. But truly, best of luck to you both, and may you live to be old and wrinkly together.
  19. Being 1/4 Mezzican, I can back up Bad234 25%. Leave my people be, bastids.
  20. Welcome back, hotness! Miss you around here. Good to hear from you, and talking up manymore entertaining and nonsensical things.
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