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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. +1, td. I was in my office on the phone with a friend of mine in FL when I heard on the radio a 15 second news blurb that a plane had hit the first tower. The sports talk guys mentioned a cessna-type plane that had hit one of the towers a few years prior, and everyone kind of went on for the next few minutes as if it was nothing more than that. Wasn't 5 minutes later when I refreshed the Plain Dealer website that there was already a pic there. I pulled my Sony Watchman out of my desk and called my mom and stepdad into my office and from there the horror for us commenced. My Mrs then was working in downtown Cleveland in the Tower City complex, which was unmitigated chaos in short order. She ended up walking out of downtown Cleveland with some co-workers similar to those in NY. That was crazy to me, but then so was everything else that day. I couldn't drive down to where she was for hours, and she didn't make it home until almost 6 that night. That night her and I sat cuddled on the couch with our 9 month old son with tears in our eyes. The former Marine in me was, and still is, enraged and felt helpless. My stepdad owned a small packaging products distribution outfit (small = him and I) and the next day we could work, we ordered packing slip envelopes with the American flag on them. From that day forward, if it came out of our warehouse, it had a flag on it. Shamefully, I guess we should have done that before hand. But you can't undo the past, merely learn from it. I will continue to think about and pray for the mighy souls freed from their mortal confinements that day, and for the families who needlessly lost them. I was proud of my nation in the aftermath as the galvanizing unity displayed made me feel fortunate for the time I served defending such amazing people. Today, even as we banter and argue across party lines, we should still keep in mind that while we don't always agree, we are always Americans, and feel fortunate to be in a place where we even have the opportunity to openly debate one another without the potential for punishment. Semper Fi, brothers and sisters.
  2. RVTPilot


    Man, that sucks! Hope they get all the little pieces back where they belong, or the best that they can. Don't go sticking that thing anywhere fun and wet until its completey healed. Don't want it getting infected or anything.
  3. Truly sorry to hear of this. Thoughts and prayers for the two of them, and hopes for a complete and speedy recovery.
  4. Nope, sorry. Don't recognize the name. I do see an occasional RC around the area, but not familiar with who owns them.
  5. ^^ Those are pretty cool, but not sure that its worth it to be to drop $100+ on one. But interested to see them once they come out. Kudos for the find!
  6. +1 Jagr. The Osprey is still a flying deathtrap, and now they wannt dump millions into a flying Hummer? Great. So when the roadside IEDs don't get them, crash landing into enemy housing will.
  7. RVTPilot

    Geek jokes

    I don't know if I should feel good or bad about not getting all of these. From my professional geek POV, I am apparently slacking. Yet within the realities of life, I am glad to not be such a geek that all of these made sense. Ah, the duality of being a geek, or apparently a quasi-geek.
  8. Took a bird off the dome earlier this year, and ended his life. Ran over a squirrel a few years back. Not much bump, but kinda freaky at the time. Biggest scare was watching an armadillo pass right under my left rearset while drag racing a buddy of mine late one night in FL. I saw it out ahead of me and just kept the throttle pinned hoping I'd hit it hard and fast enough to just split the sucker. But he stopped short enough to watch me go by as up close as you can get without getting hit. Scared the shit out of me.
  9. Happy Birthday, Junior! What new garbage truck device have you invented in the last year?
  10. Sorry to hear of this, and I hope things improve for them, and my thoughts are with the family.
  11. RVTPilot

    rip peter

    Truly sad. He's not much older than my son. And this sport is not discriminant when it injures its passionate participants. Thoughts and prayers to the family. Godspeed, little Pete.
  12. Nothing wrong with a smart chick with big norts.
  13. It came for your soul. You're about to go ginger.
  14. Yeah, pretty much if fire is taking on the form of rain. EEK!
  15. Why are you storing them? I have a buddy that owns a tree service, and for a nominal fee, they just "go away". Next time you have the need, gimmie a call.
  16. I think we need to reset SnOmAn's post count to zero for starting this thread.
  17. No place for handcuffs to mount. Otherwise its a beautiful set of furniture! Bump for some good kids to get some things taken care of! And best of luck on the recovery! Been through 2 knee surgeries and they are work to rehab from.
  18. What do you mean, "you people"?!
  19. That is freaking hilarious!
  20. You know, up until this past winter, I still had the ECU out of the FZR that I replaced with a PowerPak. Talk about old school shit.
  21. Since I no longer has a 'roommate', I will be glad to store a bike of yours in there, say like a VFR.
  22. ^^^ With ya. I had a townhouse in FL w/out a garage so I would pull my FZR in the front door each night. So what if my foyer smelled like fresh tires and gas. Those are smells of secksiness to me.
  23. He was a good friend of a buddy of mine here at work. We were talking about this yesterday. Sad. RIP Kevin, and thoughts and prayers for the loved ones left behind.
  24. I have had this happen to me before. That sucks! Fuckers! May the get genital warts on their face by the end of the day.
  25. Jus' playin. Loves the old school bikes too. Hell, I miss my '96 Fizzer now and again.
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