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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Can't necessarily argue with Ben, though I would try either Malwarebytes or CCleaner in Safe Mode first, brought over from an external source. But you do have a sticky one here. An OS reinstall might be the only fix.
  2. I has a half sad and will do better next time. :(/2
  3. true, but his credit is fooked. hence him only having 69 cents.
  4. Ben...Benny...Big Ben.....you know I is givin' you shit. If I was gonna take you to task, it would be behind closed doors, amigo. (We marines praise in public, council in private.) But I will take the piss out of you in good fun in front of everyone. Actually, this wasn't taking the piss out of you, it was taking it out of this thread. So yeah, now you kinda got trolled. By accident, but that makes it funnier now. Rep up r1! Gimme some luv!
  5. RVTPilot


    Wow, that finger must really hurt. So what do we have to break on you to get the old Blk Tod back?
  6. Obviously that keg on the passenger side is less than 8 years old, and under 80 lbs. Good to see responsible parents out there!
  7. What kind of leadership do we have here?! A member - sponsor no less - is posting about the overwhelming number of politics threads and what do you go and do? Tell fuckers to vote on it! Injecting more political-type things into an anti-political thread! You have no sense of what your members or sponsors need. Do you not hear the cries of your oppressed members? ('elp! 'elp! I'm being repressed!) Shame on you Casper, shame on you. Oh, and with jbot on the pr0n. More bewbs, pls. Wait. Um, I mean, nevermind.
  8. Nice, man! In 200k miles, is there any major maintenance that you've had to do, aside from standard scheduled stuff?
  9. Kudos to him. There aren't enough teachers like that anymore. Oh, and thanks for the recall on the ditto aroma. Damn Xerox machines!
  10. We all know what goes around comes around. I just hope as many people get to see it with this broad as possible. Say, thousands of people just standing there watching kharma exact revenge on her. She'll get hers.
  11. Saw this thing on Modern Marvels last night. Pretty ingenious, especially with the work they've one withe the flight control computer.
  12. Yeah I am sure that went over like a fart in church dropping that gem on the family. I wonder how long he worked crap clubs doing stand-up to pay off his law school student loans. A friend of mine is a corporate law attorney with a large firm out of Cincy and he makes STOOOPID cash and is still tight having to pay his student loans.
  13. Was kinda stunned to see this. Sounds like he went Heath Ledger-style. Sad. I was a fan of his. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/entertainment/post/2010/09/comedian-greg-giraldo-dies-at-age-44-/1?csp=hf R.I.P., Greg. Thanks for the laughs.
  14. This is my favorite time of year. Rode in this morning and even being on the slab, the brisk air was nice!
  15. Mandingo. Thick, black, and will soon be pushing an oriental kid out of his bed wif his girl. Congrats on the new pup, and good luck with the training. I have a 4 month old English Mastiff at home now, and she's done real well so far. My $.02...socialize, socialize, socialize. That is good for them. Then again, being that he's black and needs to be socialized, you should call him Obama.
  16. If I can still lean forward, a Viffer would be nice. If I need to sit up, a Wing in my golden years.
  17. I have just really gotten into snowboarding. Did it a couple times with my sister and bro-in-law, but geared up completely last year with my son who took to it like a fish to water. Need to get that kid on a YSR ASAP.
  18. RVTPilot

    Fuck sinuses.

    I hear a Neti Pot is the shiznitty. I will be giving it a shot this winter fo' so'.
  19. perfect winter car, IMHO.
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