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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Everyone knows makeup sex is the best sex there is.
  2. Hopefully it's no worse up there than Mid OH is first thing in the morning.
  3. You are bringing your gear anyway, right? Ya know, just in case?
  4. I think that if there is anything that makes a child feel uncomfortable, it is the sight of one of their parents crying. I know that I hated it when I was a kid. But when they see it the only reaction they have been shown to execute is compassion. I can't imagine 3 rounds of shots like that for a 2 year old. As an update, our AJ is improving. She has gotten up on her feet the last two days and walked, which is helping her respiratory function return to normal. She no longer has an NG tube (she removed that in her sleep) and has been given ice chips to compliment the nutrition cocktail she gets in her IV. However the first night of chips resulted in her throwing up and a rather sleepless evening. That was Friday. Yesterday she had a good bit of family visit, and that helped with her morale immensely. Still no exact time frame on when she might get home. We are hoping mid week. The fever is pretty much gone, so the antibiotics are working. So at this point it will be her respiratory capacity and a functional digestive system that dictates her release, I think.
  5. Damn, Hellmutt! Props for not splitting that doc's face in two. Not sure I would have been so disciplined. I took a break tonight and took our son to the Browns game. He has been sequestered to my in-laws for the last two days, but has called often to check on his sister. I felt he deserved some time focused on him. So it was boys night out at the ballpark. Got some good updates from the Mrs. on AJ, and things are progressing. We are very blessed and lucky, and in no small part from the kind of support you all have shown here. Thank you beyond words, OR types!
  6. You guys are awesome! Things are improving. She is out of ICU and now in the pediatric ward. Here she is happy to be one step closer to home.
  7. RVTPilot

    20130815 150834

    From the album: Misc pics

  8. RVTPilot

    Misc pics

  9. Thanks gang, for the support! I am headed back up to see her shortly and give mama a break.
  10. I guess forgive me in advance for coming here to release some stress, and I know that others have had far worse days. Guess it speaks to how lucky I truly am, but the last tow days have taxed me and my family like none so far. It basically revolves around my 9 year old, Alexandria, and her becoming suddenly ill. Her issues started somewhat typically for a kid with an upset stomach late Sunday, and ended with an emergency appendectomy at about 2:30 this afternoon. What made it frustrating was that we had her into a pediatric ER by doctor's orders by 2 o'clock yesterday in one hospital, only to have her rushed over to another hospital at 12:30 in the morning today. While doctors came and poked and prodded my littlest one and performed one test after another (no doubt following protocols set not by doctors, but by insurance companies), I had to look into my suffering little one's eyes and try to explain to her things she doesn't understand while she is in excruciating pain. In less than 24 hours, she went from what seemed like a typical tummy ache to a constant 103+ fever, a ruptured appendix, and an abdomen filling with fluid. She was a trooper and endured a lot of BS over the last day, and is resting comfortably right now in the Pediatric ICU at Cleveland Clinic, where she will spend the next week working her way from being a tube and catheter hub to eating like the rest of us. I know thousands of kids and adults each year have appendix issues and go through this. It just chewed me up watching my baby endure all this. She was in pretty bad shape 24 hours ago, enough to be sent into the ICU. Tomorrow they hope she can be sent to a normal floor and work her way back from there. Sorry to dump all this in here, but I needed to come some place I feel at home and release a little, and you guys are my OR family. Some of the OR gang that I catch up with on FB knows about this, and thanks for all their support, along with mine and Shannon's families. Shan and I are going on a collective 6 hours sleep since waking up Monday, and have tried to give every ounce of energy to Alexandria. Thanks for putting up with my venting. I am off to shower and bed, I think.
  11. I plan to be in for the 750 and the 20 again, as well as the track day Saturday.
  12. A buddy of mine from Elyria just came back from an 18 day trip that brought him back through Sturgis on the way home. Did you go to Wall Drug for a cinnamon roll?
  13. Yes, because when it happens to me, it's rape. When he does it with you, you are providing payment for services rendered.
  14. It looked like the grids were pretty light from Nick's start videos. I wish I could have made it this weekend, and hope to make it next month.
  15. Careful with Matt's gloves. Probably has a bunch of madcat's and Cragypoo's DNA all over them.
  16. IMHO, even in Novice I would wear gauntlet gloves, though I do not recall the glove reqs for Novice. If you don't have any, I have an extra set you can borrow. I will be there that weekend with the other Motoseries knuckleheads racing. If you want help prepping the bike, I am glad to help, and r1crusher would probably throw hands in, too. Just let me know!
  17. Jeff broke the fucking interwebz. Jeff, this is why we can't have nice things!
  18. Holy shit! Don't point that towards the sun. It might burn a hole in your camera body!
  19. So who all is in now? jrmmiii emailed me saying his vagina is going based on weather. So if the weather is good, there will be the four of us, and Kev's trailer hauls 3. Maybe we go 2 and 2 if Justin comes?
  20. Welcome! What side of CLE do you call home?
  21. I appreciate the props, and you're very welcome. Just doing for others that's been done for me.
  22. Just because you have the muscle tone of a jellyfish doesn't mean you are getting off the bike with a purpose.
  23. Sorry to hear about your off, and injury. Hope you heal up soon and are back at it next season.
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