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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. This is great! This will help me get my 4 year old nephew into Slayer.
  2. I agree that his punishment was insufficient. I haven't talk to my cop friends on this yet to get their opinion, but my guess knowing those guys they will say he should have lost his job. But I think the department is partly to blame as well for not having the proper equipment in the vehicle capable of mitigating a situation like this. I know our K9 vehicles in Ridgeville have window controls for when the interior gets hot. If you are going to have a K9 officer, put the proper equipment in place.
  3. ^^^ Something like that can be done in Word for sure. You could go big time with Illustrator, but it can be done other ways. I have folks in that line of work that can assist.
  4. I hear the TP in Mexican Wal-Marts is only used once before they sell it. Classy.
  5. Good to see Andrew in the hizzouse! And Craig should have put his foot down like Rossi. That would have been totally baller.
  6. You can has a bite of my ass, r6crasher. I am all signed up for this weekend now. Both 600s and the 20, plus Saturday. Oh, and I have a set of Michelin rains for sale now, for those interested.
  7. I have a ton of takeoffs from the track in my garage. I have a set of BT003s that I would let go cheap that have some decent life in them. Also some Pirelli's that have a track day left in them.
  8. I am in for the track day Sat and a couple races Sunday, maybe both 600s and the 20. Figure it's the last round so why not.
  9. Dude, I have been running the Bell RS-1 - very similar to the Star - and I paid something like $240 for it. Love this lid, and look to probably pick up another new one at the beginning of next season.
  10. Will do for sure, Brandon. We talked a bit about that when he was here, and depending on what happens with his collar bone surgery (he's hoping to get it done quick) maybe Wednesday night we might run that direction. I'll get with the usual suspects and maybe we'll take some pizzas over too and keep him company for a bit.
  11. Awesome news, and he called me about 30 minutes ago as he kinda needs his keys to get into his apartment. He was very grateful of all the help and well wishes from everyone, and I'm looking forward to seeing him upright in a couple hours.
  12. Shit...I saw Brandon's hardware and didn't know those were double 600 wins! Congrats man!! My FIL got some solid pics of the guys, and he even commented how "that kid on the black 224 bike was getting in leaned on its side and flying". I will be calling the hospital around 2 to get an update on visiting Ryan and will pass along whatever they tell me. Mad props to Ron for rolling out to be there with Ryan, and to some of the MS guys (not sure if Eric and Bob are on here) for helping with getting his gear to our place. Ryan's incident reinforces the gravity of our chosen sport. Just glad he wasn't hurt any worse, as he could have been were it not for smart, fast decisions made by the guys behind him. Was personally a shitty day, partly of my own choosing I guess. I picked the wrong tire to stay with for the day and watched guys race in the sun later. Lesson learned, and will have two sets of rims next season.
  13. Track day Friday night, then 600s on Sunday is the plan. Got family plans Saturday, and will be at the track afterwards.
  14. My Mrs. got a similar ass shafting on her student loans, and you are correct. It is not an insignificant amount. Makes me even more thankful for my G.I. Bill and being debt free on my education.
  15. I rode like a bag of ass all weekend, but nevertheless enjoyed being with the gang and seeing our guys do well! Was great to see Ron and chase a few beers back with you guys. I just couldn't get out of my own head this weekend, and it showed on the track. Part of me is looking forward to having July off, but part of me isn't. Need to get back out there and get after it. But, new shock will be here tomorrow and new tires in a couple weeks. So already chomping at the bit for Nelson to try and restore some pride. All that said, it was a good weekend overall, though wish the ambulance didn't get as much work this weekend as it did. Those guys will be okay, but still. Congrats to all our OR peeps that brought home hardware!! Well done.
  16. Ron there Saturday, plus OSU coming out. Gonna be a blast this weekend! Got the rains off swapped off last night, stacking the trailer tonight, then leaving straight from the office tomorrow. I should be in between 6 and 6:30 I think. WOOT!!
  17. I might be in for karts too. Also trying to decide if I am coming in Friday night or early Saturday.
  18. Rosso corsa set - $135 o.b.o. Bridgestone set - $110 o.b.o.
  19. Supercorsa set - $140 o.b.o. Rosso corsa rear - $60 o.b.o.
  20. RVTPilot


    From the album: Take offs (temp)

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