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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. o your thinking about buying a bike with this problem?? i misread and thought you already had it... then nevermind my prior post, i say pass on this bike.
  2. its going to come down to galfer or speigler, and which has the lower price. some claim they are different, but in reality in my opinion, they are both the same. most noticeable difference: speigler has heads that you can rotate for easy install and DOT approved, but galfer is generally cheaper, and i didn't have any problem installing my galfer lines.
  3. to do any sort of transmission work is going to involve dropping the engine and splitting the cases. to a lot of people the first reaction is "ZOMG!" but its really not that hard. the bottom end is sooo much easier to work with than the top end. cost - without looking at fiche charts, assuming your going to order new gears, AND assuming its similar setup to mine, its probably going to be around 200-250 dollars, depending on how much the 2nd/6th gears are, gaskets, misc items, and any oops mistakes along the way. as long as your semi decent in organization, have a decent area to work with and are handy with a wrench your golden. the only special tools you need to buy are snapring pliers, clutch holder (can be bought and returned at your local shop...), and adjuster bolt tool (can be cheaply made out of cutting sockets instead of buying the $70 yamaha tool). again this is assuming its a lot like mine, which i believe it is. and i've never done anything like this before, cars or bikes, and it wasn't hard at all. link to my progress
  4. i've got a hookup for galfer lines, and i believe nick (apch8r) has a hookup with spiegler. just an FYI
  5. you mean there is actually knowledgeable info on gixxer.com?? no way! true to what casper said, you'll find a lot of people who like to help out here. plus, being in "da nati" you have a lot of helpers within a short drive. o and welcome!
  6. close: http://www.yamaha-racing.com/Racing/motogp/bike/profile/ ~210hp of course there is always the chance that they downplay the number to make it not look as good. that is burgess' game he plays.
  7. man you gotta get better body positioning. you should probably attend a trackday with STT i hear they have great instructors that teach you how to ride properly.
  8. the only reason OSU closed was because i did all my homework last night for today, stayed up late to prepare for a presentation and an exam today. o well im not complaining. off to work on my bike!
  9. sooo swing'r... you taking the scoot to work? lol
  10. lol here's to hoping... they did close early, winter of 07 though.
  11. i really doubt they are going to close OSU tomorrow...it would take a miracle. they closed once my freshman winter, but that was because it was a snow storm that hit early morning. with this ODOT has some night time to take care of it...
  12. i think that post you quoted was referring to the pilot road 2ct. not the 2ct that was in your video.
  13. but thats cause lizards got the magic.
  14. at least its not a 400 dollar electrical problem my bike hid from me during my pre-buy inspection.
  15. or even a prior owner greased up the bar thinking it would make it slippy... when i was fixing my sticky throttle i found that one, it was routed the wrong way and pinching against the frame and two, there was grease on the bar...
  16. aren't those the long duration tires that michelin puts out? in my opinion if they are the pilot roads that im thinking of, then you'll be more than fine with only 200 miles. you'd be more than fine no matter what tire is on there with 200 miles...
  17. the renthal grips are comparable in comfort and wear. grips are 10 bucks whether you buy driven or renthal. not that big of a deal.
  18. how do you like your grips? i installed mine recently and i can stop holding them... i just updated my thread so you can check that out, i wont overtake your thread here...
  19. update: got the suspension back today! wow what a job Reuben at 35motorsports.com in Indiana. I wish i had some before pics of how dirty it was... looks like a brand new suspension! what i had done: .9 racetech springs plus a revalve up front refresh and recharge in back. you can also see my new clip ons and grips, no brake hooked up yet though just wanted the basics to get the back wheel running. swingarm and rear shock installed whoa is it really yellow? no seriously it was almost black when it left here. those black smudges are my finger prints. it was spotless when i picked it up new grips and vortex clips ons. there was a ton of gunk or crap on my OEM clips ons, it was almost impossible to get it to snap back without serious free play. turns out someone prior put some grease on there trying to get it to be easier... FAIL. it really hurt me at mid oh because i wouldn't know exactly where the freeplay ended and throttle response began. this new setup is amazing, i have almost <~1mm of freeplay yet snaps back mmmm only downside is i have to run the clip ons under the triple instead of the stock setup of over the clip ons. the difference in clip on height is about 5-7mm and they would stick up over the top of the forks. rear wheel hooked up, almost ready to fire! job well done by reuben
  20. isn't that what a transfer case is for? idk... output shaft to transfer case to rear wheel is what i thought.
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