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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. yea sorry i just realized that it was easy as pie.
  2. link it just started today, so there isn't that many times up... not sure if the link will work, you might need to be logged in (no guest view) obviously we aren't a r6 specific board, which is why i thought to add the part of bike/tire combo.
  3. idea from another board: lap times from the tracks around here. post up the top 5 lap times just so people can compare. not for bragging rights, more of a comparison for the new guys or the guys that are moving up to see how good they are doing. no exclusions, meaning everybody can post a time, none of this no racers allowed stuff. also maybe what tires/bike combo you were running. mid oh nelson putnam and soon to be bluegrass! possibly a sticky in the trackday/race section...? thought it could be something fun once the season starts.
  4. thats almost as good as Lizard's "pimptastic" suit...
  5. where is the yamaha love? (particularly 99-02 R6 love)
  6. more: harb you'll like spies' style then-- 20 21 schumi dragging a little titanium
  7. who the heck keeps there receipts from 6+ years ago?! i shred all mine after two years...
  8. yes new boots for sure! you can find some good deals at the pony or online on new boots, especially in the winter months. sidi/a-star/oxtar all good. you will have to pony up some dough though, expect at least 150 and up in dollars. over the ankle is a must. here are some boots from a member: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18845 these are in good condition and a really good deal!
  9. thats what i thought too... until i went on these rides... not really much up here unless you go to hocking...
  10. welcome! ill be back home in beavercreek once school is over up here. make sure to keep sunday mornings open too for our super secret roads no one knows about ride...
  11. bank robbery part is fake.
  12. if you want the high-res of any of these, let me know i can email them to you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  13. Well i applied the gasket sealant today and torqued up the cases and am letting it sit til tomorrow. I think i did a good job of doing it, followed the manual as to where to apply the sealant, applied it to one side as per manual, made sure it didn't get too close to bearings, fingerpaint style, etc... I looked inside at the mating surface and could see a very residual amount of sealant that oozed in, and i mean very small. is something to be concerned about? Also is there really any warning as to if there is a bearing going or would i find out after its too late?
  14. you will not need the superbike lines at all, you honestly won't use them to their potential at all. the sbk lines are geared for the hardcore trackday rider/racer. your normal SS lines will do you just fine, trust me. i know someone that can hook you up with any galfer product, just let me know. front lines for ~65 dollars plus cost of bolts and fittings, if you get all custom it will be more obviously (~+25), but if you do normal it should be more than 10-15 dollars on top of the 64. you also want to get your gear before you upgrade your bike. remember you are more important...
  15. he drives a different car everyday to work. the other thing i like about him is that he doesn't just let them sit and dust them every once in a while, he actually gets out and drives these things! if you ever get the chance to talk to him in person about his collection (and can look past and around his huge chin) he's very knowledgeable and great guy to talk to.
  16. you could be like old people and migrate with the geese.
  17. you're just afraid ill whoop you.
  18. the pilot doesn't seem like that kind of guy IMO.
  19. weekends are good for me...
  20. afraid? ha i laugh at you. but seriously that would be kind of cool.
  21. ah, well that site has gone down the crapper with corporate buyout, everyone is over at r6central.com nice bike btw. more first gen love!
  22. seriously guys? seriously. i gotz natural skillz.
  23. r6central? thats the other one i frequent besides this one. whats odd is my girlfriend that is coming into town, her name is colleen. and when i looked at the last person that posted i thought she was looking at my ideas for this weekend...
  24. any place in columbus that offers this? i know the dublin area has outdoor but obviously that'd be a little cold... what about anything else to do with your girl/guy?
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