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Posts posted by natedogg624

  1. finished putting everything together, man the headers were hard to get on!

    primed it up like john and brennan suggested and she started right up :)

    i haven't heard that song since mid november, it feels good.

    many thanks to john (1fasttc) for helping me at my garage and basically making sure i was doing it right, as well as brennan for making me double check my work lol and anyone else who helped.

    now the thing is to make sure i make it through the 100 mile test. after that im golden.

  2. as for the back protector, id wait to see what comes with the suit your buying. i know i had to get a better back protector since they one that came with my teknic suit was a dinky quarter back protector.

    i then got a full length (to the tailbone) back protector for myself and like it a lot, at first uncomfortable but just like anything else it conforms to your body.

  3. more pics from today:

    my new setup


    carb's in, i had to take them off and put them back on twice tonight and will have to do it again before its all said and done


    i was running out of things to do... i saw my dremel and an idea.



    electric is a PITA


    redoing the clutch cover cuz i installed it with the cable end of the clutch arm facing the wrong direction


  4. Apparently his laptop is only compatible with vista?


    that doesn't make any sense to me. you can run any OS you want so long as you have the proper specs to be able to run it. if he's able to run vista he can run xp at least, maybe the new Windows 7 thats coming out idk.

    good luck though

  5. Nada. SpyBot runs fine booted regularly. If there is spyware/adware it can't remove with Windows running, it'll ask you for permission to run when you next boot. Then, before Windows boots, SpyBot runs again removing the stubborn shitheads. Works really well.

    ah well now i know.

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