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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. pics! tomorrow. i lost count of the total guns, but a lot of handguns, 2 AR15's (1 w/ scope) - i may be keeping the one with scope to play around with and sell at a later date than the rest. also, NONE of the guns have any ammo in/with them, the guns that require clips are all emptied. and for some reason a shit ton of collector pens, i never knew pens could be worth $2000+ (yes three zeroes). if anyone knows of pen collectors or if you want me to post some pics of those too let me know.
  2. whats wrong with it? its a suzuki. get a real bike, like a HD.
  3. if it has a white "X" on it, its already been claimed by family members, same with the uzi, shotgun (black arrow), and some other guns.
  4. holy crap i know those people on the right! crazy.
  5. there is also a pill to make your hair curly.
  6. just a little preview: and this is just one little closet from what i'm told, i still haven't been up there. ill get detailed pics most likely by this weekend for everyone to look at and then start the process of selling the next week.
  7. donations. a nice parking lot means god will be better to them.
  8. give paul a call and see what he'd quote you. you might even get a chance to see his super cool attack kawi bikes if he still has them there...
  9. did you actually get a quote from Paul for 50 or are you just imagining this? i HIGHLY doubt it will be 50...
  10. so then you missed the multiple yellow horse and buggy signs then i take it? or you saw them and simply ignored them? if you see the signs you should know to be careful coming over blind hills or turns. nearly all the cases i've seen involving a vehicle and buggy the driver of the vehicle was at fault for not paying attention to these signs. they don't post them for nothing...
  11. just what we need in this country is more government control by restricting them access to public roads. its a free country, let them decide if they want to endanger themselves by taking the road often traveled.
  12. invite friends, coworkers, family so you can reap the benefits. the only thing i can't figure out is how to add people that have wave that i haven't invited. i see my google contacts but how do i know if they have wave? edit: for those that don't know what exactly to use it for: http://wave.google.com/help/wave/using-wave.html#
  13. good luck being able to sit comfortably for a few years. i broke mine in middle school and still can't sit for more than 10 minutes without it hurting or getting uncomfortable, unless its one of those comfy office chairs.
  14. I heard it was sucked too.
  15. guaranteed poonaynay for going with the gf.
  16. i heard it was some kind of drugged up sex act gone wrong.
  17. you can rent leathers and im sure someone will lend you boots if you need a quick fix.
  18. i had to load up the ol IE to see what i was missing out on... google search - address bar news articles - set up a RSS feed in your chrome bookmark toolbar and you're all set buttons/gadgets - google homepage bookmarks - ctrl + B will show your bookmarks spellchecker - automatic in chrome/FF translator - right click over your word of choice autofill - automatic again in chrome/FF magic wand thingy - again one of the right click options in chrome
  19. they did a special on him on sportscenter a few days ago, very good. even if it was USC.
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