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Everything posted by Tomcat0403

  1. Don't blame it on the bike ride MJ....
  2. Ninjachick and I are looking for a few people that need a place to store your bikes. We have an attached garage to our apartment and would like to offer up some space (for a small fee ). I will happily move my jeep out of the garage if we have more than a few bikes. Also, if you need to work on your bike, it will probably make me get off my lazy ass and work on mine. Shoot me a PM if you have any interest or questions Edit: oh yeah we live in the North Columbus area
  3. That is nice about the new system because if someone is screwing with your bike you know a lot faster, this allows you to hopefully catch them in the act, or more likely know if you bike is gone a lot sooner which equals a faster and more likely recovery
  4. home now...great ride but i am tired as fook
  5. bs....the radar says otherwise unfortunately...getting wet in a track suit sucks balls though...me and mj will catch up if we cant make it...well, i will catch up we'll have to wait on mj:D edit: mj is about to head over, let you know when we leave
  6. MJ and I are going to wait out the rain for a little bit and see what happens, if all else fails we can meet up with everyone later Parks or someone shoot me your cell if you dont mind.
  7. OMG WTF I got nothing at all...
  8. Operational security is something i am stressed everytime i go to drill or receive any info from the Marines...for lojack to keep on being effective many of the same things need to be applies IMHO...that's the way we treat it
  9. "doing everything possible to keep the units secure" i will leave it at that
  10. Do you realize the ramifications of us not doing everything possible to keep the units secure and use discretion in who sees it and when? If the owner wants to find it, they can do it on their own. It makes sense to us to keep it that way to protect us and the store.
  11. ok scratch the one with the red circle, and i'm at work alone...creeepppppppYYYYYYYYy
  12. the storm? the golfer? the chick (unless it is the tree trunk the looks like she has a cock)?,the red circle one( too small) and the stage???
  13. The lojack with the keyfob is a new system that alerts you if your bike is being moved, started, or ridden. This accomplishes this through "seeing" the keyfob. If the bike is being moved, etc it will call, text, email, etc you until it gets an answer or response. This system also has the original tracking system on it. Insurance companis generally offer 20% off of you comprehensive and some offer a no deductable option (check with insurance provider) And no the system looks like and OEM part and does not have any markings whatsoever We offer $100 off for OR members There are plenty of what-ifs as with any situation, but if you at the record here in Ohio - 100% recovery rate and with Ohio being in the top ten of bike thefs and one of the Top states for motorcycle licenses and registrations, with all of this I truly believe in Lojack
  14. We at CSC will not allow people to watch the install. This is due to legal ramifications that could come about, i truly understand wanting to be able to watch the work being done on your bike, and if this is a deal breaker I'm sorry. It is safer for you to not know what the system looks like anyways so you dont mistakenly disclose it to anyone. The people that truly look for your motorcycle are the police, they have the systems and by their previous records of recovery are very good at it. So I am sure when i say that it would not matter if you have a "secret" install or not when it comes to the recovery of your motorcycle. likwid--->Lojack is installed in several different locations on many different bikes. Each one is generally determined by the technician. Thus, there is no specific location or area for that matter to look for the system. Also, by installing it Lojack cannot guarantee that it will even work correctly. Hence that the policies we have in place are for the best interest of us and the customer for a proper installation and operation of the system. Bodyman-------> Lojack has a battery that keep the system running if it is disconnected....see above post
  15. I thought we weren't telling people about us?
  16. Ok...here is the info you need. Lojack is installed by trained and certified personnel only, they all have to go through background checks that are very strict to be able to work with the product. Also, you are told not to tell anyone you have it, keep any papers with the bike that say you have lojcak and there is no markings on the unit to distinguish it from any other OEM part. Also the unit has a battery on it that is charged and used if the unit is ever disconnected from the bike. Think about it, if someone is dismantling your bike, all of the parts will still be in the same area that the rest of the bike is and the criminals. Our rep just came in the other day to help install one of the new systems on a bike and i asked him what the recovery rate is in Ohio. Since the system came out the, every (100%) of the bikes stolen with lojack were recovered. Including a major bust in Lockbourne OH that recovered 24 or so bike along with tons of other stolen equipment, all because one bike had lojack. More proof yet that the system works and is worth it is that our Chicago store has had somewhere around 160 bikes now that have been stolen (customer bikes). All of them have also been returned. Also, if your biks is not found within 24-hours, you get the cost of the system back. If there are any other questions let me know
  17. it scared the shit outta me...didn't even see him there
  18. i wish i could see the thread, RIP
  19. our lojack system will page you, ask gooner, its pretty sweet
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