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Everything posted by Harb67

  1. I was driving on the highway the other day and passed a Sugardale semi with a huge image of Sugardale bacon covering the side of the truck. The semi was driving in the middle lane, next to a truck driving in the far right lane carrying a bunch of propane cylinders. I thought to myself "here's hoping for some black ice; this would be the most delicious crash EVER".
  2. Well shit, I must be a terrible person responsible for the death of 90% of the entire polar bear population because I always drive with my headlights on. As soon as I get behind the wheel, I first put on my seat belt and then second turn on the headlights. I figure...if it's a good idea for my motorcycle to always have at least one headlight on, then why not do it in a car? Increased visibility = ALWAYS a good thing, especially when around shitty Columbus drivers.
  3. Got my girlfriend a necklace from Tiffany. Which...cmon...we all know is really a gift from me to me when all is said and done
  4. For -years- I went out of my way to say "wheels" instead of "rims" because I think "rims" sounds like I'm trying to be BALLLAAAA or some shit like that. The one time I say rims...it bites me in the ass I was trying to indicate that they're alloy wheels as opposed to the standard steel wheel with hubcap that comes on the base model of lower-end cars (like this: http://z.about.com/d/cars/1/0/T/M/ag_06optimalx_g_wheel.jpg) Anyway...
  5. My parents have a '94 Explorer with a 5 speed and the 4.0L V6...just under 300k on the clock. Original engine, too. Still runs fairly well, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to try to take it out of town on any sort of a longish trip. Funny thing though...the speedo has never been right on it. My dad got one of the optional rim packages (back in '94, the fact that is has rims as opposed to the basic steel wheel+hubcap thing was probably the option) and the dealership never recalibrated the speedo for the new wheel diameter. I was pulled over in it once and when the officer asked "Son, do you know how fast you were going?" I answered honestly, "I have absolutely no idea". Part of me wants to buy it from them when they finally decide to get rid of it. It'd be a fun project to restore it back to its former semi-glory, simply because I've got a lot of memories in that thing.
  6. Nice site. I've been using bikewalls.com for all of my motorcycle wallpapers, but that place has a nice variety of styles as opposed to a ton of stuff with bikes only...mostly press pics from the manufacturers.
  7. 100.00 down/1.99 up? Better see if you can get a Japanese ISP to lay some cable through the planets core or under the ocean or something, because a 100 down home connection in the US is unheard of We're so damn behind in internet speeds in this country...
  8. Home internet connections are a fickle bitch. There are several things you should keep in mind while dealing with them: 1) Your contract states they will supply you with up to a certain amount of bandwidth. This is your ISP's way of saying "we'll do our best, but if you don't get the exact numbers you expect, tough shit". 2) Your bandwidth will be greatly affected by how many other people are on your 'grid'. If you're the only guy in town with a given ISP, you'll have better speeds than someone who lives on a block where every house uses the same ISP. Also, 3) Things fluctuate. A week ago, I was barely getting 5 megs down/1 meg up on a connection that is advertised as 16 down/2 up. I just ran a speed test and got 15.97 down/1.8 up...much better. If stuff is slow for a few days, no biggie...if it consistantly stays significantly below what you're paying for...proceed to part 4. 4) ISP's are greedy bastards who won't hesitate to cheat you out of some bandwidth if they think they can get away with it...or at the very least, they aren't proactive about checking to see if you're being properly served. At my last place near campus, we had Time Warner and a supposed 12 down/2 up connection. It was painfully slow and I began to get suspicious, so I started running speed tests frequently and logging the results. We were consistently getting less than half of what we were paying for so I called TW and bitched. If you threaten to cancel your contract, an ISP will typically bend over backwards to keep you as a customer. I told them I had received a mailer from WOW internet with an amazing deal, and my shit got fixed really quick. It essentially amounted to the guy going "oh yeah it seems that you are getting slow speeds...here, lemmie try something. Is it faster now? You're welcome, we're sorry about that." Prior to me threatening changing/dropping my service, he was blaming the slow speeds on my router, my modem, my neighbors, my computer, my browser, the fact that I touch myself at night and God sees it and is angry with me...virtually saying anything to take the blame off of TW. If you are constantly getting speeds well below what the numbers on your plan suggest, get on the horn and demand some service...at worst you'll be out 30 minutes of your time and have a better understanding of your actual service. Also, for the record, when I called Time Warner about our roadrunner issues, the tech had me use http://speedtest.net/ for the speed tests. I did the test on that site and the speakeasy site linked earlier and the difference in speed between Chicago using http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ and Cinci using http://speedtest.net/ were almost zero. Both of those sites should give you pretty accurate readings. (15.97down/1.8up on speedtest.net, 16.01down/1.81up on speakeasy)
  9. Harb67

    2010 vfr

    I think there's too much 'new' stuff going on with this bike for it to be an easy call without actually riding it first. Sure, on paper it's heavy, ugly (to some), and has crappy fuel range...but honestly, without actually trying anything like the fancy gearbox that magazines have been speaking very highly of or the clever uber-compact engine design, it's impossible to make a call. Sure, we can approximate what an updated slipper clutch and 600cc I-4 will feel like each time a new supersport is released, but this isn't just another updated bike. That being said, do I have any desire to purchase one...ever? No, not my style. But I would love to take one for a spin and see what all these fancy gadgets and innovations can do
  10. Chief, just ask yourself "Would she have been ok with me spending $1700 on this necklace? Would she have also been ok with me spending $1700 on a full exhaust for my bike?" Unless the answer to both questions (well, the second one more importantly) is yes, you're better off without her And on the off chance the answers were both yes...well at least it's proof positive that such females DO exist (!) and that you have what it takes to find such a creature.
  11. "Now she'll HAVE to let me PIITB!"
  12. Obviously it's way too early to tell, but I doubt that many teams would jump ship with a WSBK bike and stick it into MotoGP. Why leave a series you already have a bike built for and enter a new one where you'll have a hard time competing against prototype bikes and extremely heavily modified production-based bikes built to compete against said prototypes? Sure, it's possible this will draw some away from WSBK, but if teams are so concerned with cutting costs it's not really logical for them to pack up and switch to a new series. Who knows; 2012 is a long ways off and a lot of things could change. Here's hoping both series can stave off any more economic hardship long enough to make a solid recovery
  13. http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/motoczysz-c1-motogp-2012/#more-7207 Proof positive that these rule changes are a good thing. Not only is that one more team that they'll [almost certainly] have entering, but it's a small private team that needed this exact type of measure in order to be able to get their foot in the door to begin with. I fail to see any downside
  14. They don't have to be though. Sure, the best ones probably all are, but there's no rule saying "you have to be using a prototype engine designed specifically for this series". This rules change gives companies and privateers the option of using modified production engines, which is an option that is probably very appealing to a good number of competitors considering how nobody has escaped the effects of this recession. The point of this change was to open up the series by giving the option of reducing costs, not to immediately reduce costs across the board.
  15. WOOOO finally for once I am not the reposter, but rather I am the repostee!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLKL7EwTOZo Dude made a rocket launcher and put it on his CBR. The only downside to the project is that the rockets sort of have a mind of their own once let loose. Still, that'd be a good way to scare the shit out of people who try to merge into you and stuff. Like we needed another way to break the law on a sportbike
  17. I'll leave the file in that drop for a long time; I doubt I'll need the space any time soon. You guys should check out drop.io; it's a really handy website. This manual will be useful when I get my 675 next season:devil:
  18. As Cheech said above, get rid of the S-video for a better output format. You say your PC has "regular monitor out"...what exactly does that mean? It's either VGA or DVI: VGA: DVI: DVI is preferred and will give the best picture, but VGA is acceptable and both will do a much better job than S-video. If you need to buy either cable, head over to monoprice.com and search for what you need; they have the best deals on cables. Don't buy cables in retail stores...their markup is obscene. All that being said, if your video card can't handle 1920x1080 resolution, you can be hooking your display and laptop up with cables woven with hair from the Virgin Mary and your image will still look like garbage. It'd be helpful if you supplied what video card you have, or at least the model of laptop you have. To find out; go to the start menu, click Run, type dxdiag and hit enter. Go to the Display tab and let us know what it says in the Name field in the Device box (should be the first thing listed in the upper left)
  19. I'm shocked that such a ridiculous case made it so far. I figured people might like to hear about one where the 'little guy' won, especially after all the talk about HB191 and the other various ridiculous laws/cases involving speeding, driving, etc that pop up in our state. And who knows, maybe someone here could use this info to their advantage in a future case. http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/29/2986.asp Ohio Appeals Court: No Speeding Tickets for Fast Sounding Cars Ohio Court of Appeals rules that a police officer cannot issue a speeding ticket because a car sounds fast. The Ohio Court of Appeals on Monday ruled that a motorist cannot be convicted of speeding based solely on how fast his car may have sounded. On October 18, 2007, Patrolman Ken Roth ticketed Daniel Freitag in the village of West Salem as Freitag was driving with his wife Jane on US Route 42. Roth claimed his radar unit clocked Freitag at 42 MPH in a 35 zone. Roth also claimed he could hear Freitag's 2006 Lincoln Navigator speeding. "As it approached I could hear the vehicle on the roadway which based on my training and experience it is consistent with a vehicle that was in excess of the posted speed limit," Roth testified. A trial court judge on November 16, 2007 accepted this testimony and found Freitag guilty. Freitag challenged this decision before the Ohio Court of Appeals on the grounds that the radar evidence was not admissible. The trial court claimed it had taken judicial notice of the "Genesis Radar" that Roth used, but the state failed to specify which particular radar model was used. Freitag won on the point that the radar evidence was improperly admitted, but he lost as the court sent the case back to the trial judge to rule whether the officer's estimate of Freitag's speed based on the Navigator's sound was credible. The trial court once again supported the officer and ruled that Freitag was guilty. Freitag, however, did not give up. He appealed a second time, insisting that the officer's testimony that he could estimate a vehicle's speed by its sound or by watching a car's headlights through the patrol car's rear-view mirror was absurd. This time, the appeals court agreed. "In weighing the evidence and all reasonable inferences and considering the credibility of the witnesses, we conclude that this presents the exceptional case, where the evidence weighs heavily in favor of Freitag," Judge Donna J. Carr wrote for the court. "The weight of the evidence does not support the conclusion that Freitag was exceeding the posted speed limit, specifically because Patrolman Roth's testimony that he audibly and visibly determined that Freitag was speeding is not credible... It is simply incredible, in the absence of reliable scientific, technical, or other specialized information, to believe that one could hear an unidentified vehicle 'speeding' without being able to determine the actual speed of the vehicle." Calling the trial judge's ruling a "manifest miscarriage of justice," the court reversed Freitag's conviction. A copy of the final appeals court decision is available in a 50k PDF file at the source link below. Source: Ohio v. Freitag (Court of Appeals of Ohio, Ninth District, 12/7/2009)
  20. How big is this file? If it's under 100 megs, hop over to http://drop.io/jarethjajowka and upload it there, then anyone can go to that link and download it as many times as you like. Most email providers aren't big fans of attachment greater than ~10 megs.
  21. Wow, that's incredibly tragic. I dunno if they still do it anymore, but for my entire Freshmen and Sophomore year the movie theater at the Gateway had a little 'ad' about him that'd cycle through in their pre-preview slideshow, and they ran a commercial about him (I think his dad was in the commercial) on several channels for years. That's awful for that family
  22. OH MAN, just what I've been wanting! A site that can tell me "what Wikipedia, the public school systems, and the liberal media don't want you to know about the creation vs. evolution issue."! What a load of garbage
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