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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. nothing is going to help you quit unless you have a will to quit and by will i mean self control. whether it be jerk off to keep from smoking or something as simple as just keeping your hands busy.
  2. on my 600 ive topped mine out on the back straight. which is geared down one in the front and is 145 mph. and ive been passed by 1000s that are doing 170+.
  3. I bought this as it has the most protein per scoop. It recommends 3 scoops after workout and I use 1.5 30 Grams is plenty for what im doing. http://www.gnc.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3509954
  4. Wednesday update. down 3 more pounds for a total of 11 so far. I played golf a few night this week and didnt work out on those days. still exercise just not as intense. I think starting Friday Im going to do a juice/ protein shake fast. Aiming for 5 days may go a week depending how I feel. that will bring me to a month, when I mentioned I would post updated pictures. Its amazing how keeping this thread updater with my progress has motivated me. Thanks every one for putting up with this. haha hope everyone is doing awesome as well
  5. What other items does he make? this looks like a high quality piece thats why im asking. wondering what else i need from him. hahaha.
  6. No im not single. I saw it somewhere the other day and it seemed to fit right. My GF says shes always right but we both know Im smarter and more righter all the time. if she asks I didn't say that.
  7. Received my prize today! I pumped to say the least. I do have some work to do to the bike before I can get it road ready. New tires, fluids, and battery. ugh. soon enough though. Thanks again.
  8. If a women is never wrong then what happens when 2 women have a different opinion.
  9. GFs got a toe that she stubbed in basketball really bad in Junior High and it will still occasionally fall off. its weird. ANd i seem to find it in the sheets every GD time. its very likely that your finger nail will be screwed up to some degree. it actually looks really food now. i almost thought the first pic was of the underside of your finger.
  10. it just turned spring there pirate. why make an account now when the weather is nice? shoulda got your feet wet this winter. then you would know we are tough group to get into. youll be gone by 20 posts with that attitude.
  11. How tall are you Old school. Thats a huge change. I graduated HS at 165 I couldn't imagine being that weight ever again. I was strong and fit but lean lean from track.
  12. Does this mean you already turned in all the paper work at the Sheriffs office and when you turn 21 they will mail it to you? other wise expect it to be a month or more.
  13. Thanks 12oclocker! This is a great way to End the week/wake up to on saturday. And no i didn't just wake up.
  14. That's great Marty. All part of getting old. Just had this discussion with a buddy how it was so much easier to get drunk win college and then sleep all day. Now you have to get up early and mow the lawn or something. Haha. So I had a busy week and forgot to update. I'm down another 4 pounds as of Wednesday. 8 total. Feeling good. I have found that I have to work out right after work otherwise I loose all motivation and really drag my feet on it. I think I'll wait 2 weeks then post another picture. That will be about a month of change. Hopefully everyone else is still chugging along.
  15. they just announced that they have hand grenades.
  16. still listening here. more shots fired.
  17. Wait Wait Wait!!! Sonavabeech is a girl?! Did I miss the leg humping welcome thread some how all those years ago....
  18. the clearance is in the front right corner. always a good start.
  19. might have to get a pair of those draggin jeans. If they can withstand ice studs it should hold up fine to asphalt.
  20. This I could see getting PISSED about. Ive had to inform 3 times. never even a second glance in any of them.
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