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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. NO help here on the ignition except to try and heat it up to bent it back straight or get a new one cut. as for the bolts a dremel to cut a slit in the top and turn out with a flat head. then replace said screws is the route id take.
  2. I hadnt given it much thought till I was cleaning out my wallet tonight. I moved January 2012 Back to Minster. I still have my Dayton address on my License. Does this matter? If so what are the steps to get it changed? Will I have to go through the Background check and waiting period again? Or is it like a change of address for your DL? Bring proof and they print you a new one?
  3. If I was going android right now id go for a Samsung s4. since I dont care for the size of the new Iphone I might be switching to android for my next phone in May.
  4. havent weighed myself since last wednesday when I made the thread. you make a good point about doing it in the morning though. this is roughly the same time of day as when i first posted this so i figured it was a good comparo.
  5. ive got one of those. works well once you get use to it. if you bend the metal a little tigher it holds it spot better and you can even do 2 clays at a time.
  6. Update week 1. Just stepped off the scale. I am at 209 which means after week 1 I have lost 4 pounds. not hateful. Going to go work out now and ill step on again later to see how much it changes after working out and dinner.
  7. 33 North till it goes to 2 lanes past bellefontaine. first left on 274 west. 10 miles or so and your there. will take about an hour or so.
  8. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/08/can-this-be-real-man-buys-two-toy-poodles-only-to-discover-later-that-they-were-ferrets-jacked-up-on-steroids/ hahaha idiots.
  9. Just needed a lighter weigh pole Gump. I was getting bend at 135 in JHS.
  10. BJs are the best. No idea about printers.
  11. I was a sprinter in HS. had a few sub 50 400s. my coach always wanted me to run the 800 but id run a 52-53 first 400 and a 75 second. didn't know how to pace myself. also ran the 4X100 4x200 4x400 polevault. them were the days.
  12. i ran 30/30 at the track but if feels weird on the road because of the lack of heat.
  13. Id runhigher pressure. and I would also get a Pilot road tire. they are made for commuting and have a harder center so this wont happen as quickly.when you are riding the slab this is going to happen everytime.
  14. I can reach the button with my finger slightly bent and as I draw it straightens out. Seems like I can get more pressure on it that way. So far I like it.
  15. we use etrack and the D ring fasteners. they were in the trailer when we bought it new. there are stainless steel screwed in and only every 16" or so. works great. we have 2 rows also one about waist height one shin height.
  16. It blows me away that you can get hydraulic brakes and a decent component set for $600. with a Rockshox fork. Use to be $600+ for a light weight aluminum frame. Then add in a couple hundo each for components and shocks and wheels. and you're at $1200 easy for a nice setup.
  17. Really like the look of this jacket can I get a price PM?....
  18. I have been practicing with it already but Im not likely to carry it other than at the range and mowing my lawn. I tipped it forward a little so its not a straight up draw. actually feels very natural to me. My finger is above the trigger guard when I clear the holster. even if it was over the trigger my finger reaches to the front of the trigger guard so its a non issue.
  19. What size us your trailer? It doesn't seem like you would have enough stuff to really need the added CWD kit.
  20. Digestion to me means that it runs through your digestive tract and is expelled. While your body takes the nutrients it needs and only as much as It can handle. While metabolizing is the actual use of those nutrients by your body. Just because you can eat a 2 lb steak and you digest it doesn't mean that you metabolized every last bit of nutrients. Like I mentioned earlier. It's a g/hour amount. Same thing goes with alcohol. You can process basically a beer an hour. I haven't done any research b the above statements and its all just me thinking it out. I'm not saying its right or wrong.
  21. Digested id different than metabolizing. youll digest everything but what your body actually takes in to use is what (im guessing) he was talking about. also guessing that its more like 20-30g per sitting because like most everything else your body metabolizes its a g/hour type thing.
  22. When I went into GNC I asked where the whey shakes were. An associate guided me over and ran through the different kinds and the protein levels. he then said that this has 60g of protein which is more than your body an take at a given time but that it ensures that you get as much as your body can take. I swear he said 20-25 but it might have been 30. If thats wrong then tell me whats right cause I sure as hell dont know.
  23. I actually bought the 60G protein Shake. and I use 1.5 scoops instead of the 3 scoops since your body can only take 20-25 at a time anyway.Plus it ends up being cheaper, I also snagged it for 2/$50 normally $38 per. Couple years ago my brother and I started lifting hard and we were taking Mdrol. we both had Awesome results during the 6 week cycle but If I didnt drink enough water I would start to get the shakes. awful bad. Then after wards If you didnt still hammer the weights and protein you would lose a lot of it in the next 6 weeks. weird shit. Wont be doing that again.
  24. Bought a Blackhawks Sherpa holster for my Taurus 840. I fit it tonight with the paddle back and it works great. Cleaned both my 840 and my Black Stainless TCP.
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