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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. Did a killer Back and shoulder Work out today. my arms are still heavy and I did that 5 hours ago. I went to GNC and bought some whey protein shake. it gives me a great boost after a work out. so much so I feel like doing more. I know it will not help with Losing weigh necessarily but the energy boost allows me to do more where normally id be smoked. so I feel its a great trade off..
  2. I like the zx14 for touring better than the hayabusa. The also have the concourse which is very much like the zx 14. And I could be wrong but I think that the concourse bags and aftermarket seats might even fit the zx14. Gives you much more options on baggage for touring.
  3. Little update from the last couple days. Yesterday was core day on the DVDs. so after wards I ran steps for 20 Minutes. Today was a tough day at work, besides the fact that my legs are smoked. then I played 9 holes of golf. Partner had the cart and I walked most of it.
  4. Thats fantastic Marty.. Hot trainer helps. haha
  5. none posted to the site I promise. Your numbers still the same though right?
  6. Hell When you put it that way Night Rider, In the end I just wanna look good naked!
  7. Thats a big change NightRider. Congrats on that. im sure thats more life changing than I can imagine.
  8. Funny start button. and a sweet looking dashboard
  9. I don't mind bulking up when its muscle and not fat. As long as I lose the flab ill be happy.
  10. I have feeling I won't be able to get to 185. I tend to bulk up. Last time I was working out and lifting hard I was at 210. With very little fat. O well. Ill be happy with that too.
  11. So basically getting a late start on a New Years resolution. My lungs hate me when I work out in cold weather so I started this week when the weather turned. I just weighed myself and Im at 213. Id like to get back to 185. Ive started a P90x ripoff monday and just finished disk 3 today. Ill also be running on my rest days. Ill most likely be running steps, hills, or some kind of intervals. I hate distance running especially alone. my girlfriend is going to start when she finishes school next month. and will be biking while I run. If anyone else wants to get in on some of this we can post some pics, set our goals, and do weekly updates on weight/losses. MY GOAL.... 185 by JUNE 1. Im also cutting out Pop completely. and of course watching what I eat. PS: This winter was a long one and we all have extra Winter weight we can lose!!
  12. Its hard to give negative feedback these days. unfortunately you probably already left feedback. this is why i wait a few weeks to leave any feedback at all.
  13. Shift leather (textile in the summer) jacket with all armour. Shift shorty or guantlet gloves Jeans OXtar boots.
  14. The Tesla Cars get about 250 Miles per charge if I remember correctly. but thats highway distance at peak efficiency. So how far will they go at a sustained speed of almost 200MPH. 50 miles 75? I really dont know only speculation i would like to see this actually happen. Im not argueing just thinking out loud.
  15. This is right. luckily Concrete holds up better than asphalt though.
  16. hmmmm Im going with APRIL FOOLS!. they cant develop a battery that can last 500 miles of hard driving and they cant "refuel" in a 15 second pit. so they would have to swap batteries.
  17. We add traction additive around steps and doorways. but unless you get a very small stone it's not slick because of the natural texture. also it doesnt stay wet for long. Chrome when you do your stamped power wash it and seal it every year. whether it looks like you need to or not.
  18. Nature Stone. The Company is originally out of Cleveland. Its a quarried stone and epoxy mix. then its troweled down a 1/2" thick. Its anti microbial and chemical resistant. Porous so it wont have standing water on it. and very hard for ice to form. Stays warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than Concrete because of the pores also. The only bad is that it needs a concrete base. which isn't hateful because you can do it yourself and even if it looks like junk we are just covering it up anyway. Check out the website below for some pictures and such. If Im allowed to say that. MinsterConcreteCoatings.com
  19. Its 430. Pics or youre Banned. Swing the Ban Hammer!!!
  20. Watched it live. I almost puked. Replayed it 10-12 times till the rest of the family was grossed out. He willbe back.
  21. Say a guy on a black And red 650. Thought it might be you.
  22. Sound like the old joe Diffey song. 3rd rock from the sun.
  23. I hate stamped concrete. Looks like shit in less than a year and even with the color added to the mix. Gotta seal it every year to even keep it looking somewhat nice. Plus if you are skimming I it will come up eventually might be one year might be 10 but it will. And i dont like the look of it. To each their own though.
  24. I think the real word you're looking for is Resent. I resent my GF sometimes. And I tell her I hate her. but thats all in good fun. and she knows it.
  25. Gunner did you happen to be in New Bremen on Thursday evening going into Alcoa?
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