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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. Her rear mag is where they found the drugs!
  2. I just bought a new vacuum about 6 weeks ago and already had to clean the GF hair out of it.her hair is about 2 feet long.
  3. At least it was a micro framed revolver and not a full size. haha 8" Ruger super red hawk alaskan in .454!!
  4. shadyone


    I see him on Xbox live occasionally.
  5. Whats the time frame between pictures. It seems like he came out of nowhere.
  6. You've obviously not ridden the newer and I'm talking 1998-present mopeds. With a turbo muffler they are capable of speed over 50 all day and 55+ with the right wind and hill combo.
  7. The PM9 has a roll marked slide or something like that and different sight and different rifling compared to the CM9. Also about 50% more if i remember right. For a SD Gun there us no reason to upgrade to the PM. My dad just bought a CM40 last fall and i helped him break it in. It shoots very accurate. I didn't care for it too much. The 40 kicks a ton. And it's probably because we were just rattling off rounds to get to 300. But it didn't have any failures. I still prefer shooting my Tcp. And I don't say that just because I offered it up for trade. The CM9 is a nice feeling gun also.
  8. I have had turned around and drug his stupid ass through the broken window.
  9. So if you've experienced this first hand. How can you be for it?
  10. To a lot people 7k and 20% pay cut is be end of the world. How a outer just take the paychecks from all the politicians.
  11. So what about the 4-8" of snow they are calling for tomorrow?
  12. How has no one asked to see VIDEO. this is Scruit for gods sake. You're all slipping.
  13. I heard about this on Friday. Crazy occurrence for sure but no chance he's still alive. No use risking others.
  14. I think I would have like to seen your face when you realized it was the only way. Haha.
  15. Is it weird that an elliptical hurts my knees. Like literally 30 seconds and I'm in pain.
  16. You can't tell me he couldn't have went over he low side. Clear some branches and up and over.
  17. I won't need office at all. I'd like to keep it under $300. I like the ipad but don't want to settle on a older gen just because of price. This is why i originally started looking else where. Ill start searching for used ones as this seems like my only choice. Ipad that is.
  18. Yea I have. But then I'm left trying to balance a phone that's not too big for pocket carry. And one with a screen size big enough to browse for extended periods of time.
  19. I'm really leaning towards a Chromebook as the ipad is a fair amount more expensive.
  20. I really just want it to surf the web and shop online. Maybe play some silly time killer games. Don't need much computing power and won't need office.
  21. I have been wanting a ipad for a while. And it would also be compatible with my iPhone. Now if I did get a tablet like the nexus 10 I'd be more likely to get a android phone in May when I upgrade.
  22. So the GF has basically confiscated my laptop for school and she is always on it Ding homework in the evenings. She also stays a couple nights a week in Dayton to cut down on driving. So I'm left to use my iPhone for A computer. Buddy of mine introduced me to his Chromebook and I really like it fast boot up light weight and more than I really need in a computer I have been looking at tablets. Any opinions, real life experience. Good buys bad buys. I also saw a few used chromebooks on eBay for a decent price.
  23. How about a Taurus TCP with a uncle George pocket holster and a Remington 522 and ill throw in a couple hundred rounds of Winchester superx subsonics.
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