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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. tires are one of the things i will not go cheap on.. i might get them cheap but won't trust cheap tires. i recommend any of the 2cts, roads or pp... both good. I've got the pp 2cts now.
  2. You never had me... You never had your car..
  3. was the vette grey with black wheels if so i beat him on the 600 last year on 35 headed into dayton..
  4. its ok, because the name of her porn is now in the news she will be rich.. many people will buy it just to see her..
  5. few things ... first i think that as soon as you can dowshift smoothly and have good road awareness you're ready for a track day. you'll learn a lot and not have a lot of bad habits developed that will be hard to break. i had less than 800 miles before i did my first one. also touched knee down first day. on a 955 speed triple. not easy. second thing. i have also ridden down roads in tennessee and NC where i could put it in neutral and coast down the road using my rear brake to slow me down and not have my hands on the bars for five minutes at a time. weighing pegs and leaning will steer the bike, just like on a bicycle.
  6. How am I the only one who questioned why someone was filming at that very instant. nothing was going on? almost like it was setup.... weird...
  7. i'll agree with that mr. smuggler.. and BTW welcome fellow triumph and daytona rider
  8. for most on road turns it will be... Break before the turn. and dowshift if needed. begin looking through the turn. weigh outside peg. push left go left. push right go right. hold throttle or slightly accelerate. continue looking through to the exit. straighten out and accelerate.
  9. i might be biased because i own a triumph and learned on a 955 speed triple.. but thats my best though for what you want..
  10. i just put on PP2cts a year ago or so.. very good tire.. highly recommend and Sportbike trackgear has them on the cheap side normally.
  11. you are correct.. it is subjective. i hold a glock and its about as comfortable as a brick. i guess thats the biggest turn off for me. as far as inexpensive $500 is a lot to me. lightweight. sure not too much more or less than any other polymer. indestructable, i feel my pt840 will do whatever a glock can. might be wrong. 100% relaible the word on the street for what its worth is that the new g4 isn't so reliable. deadly accurate sure is... so are most others, more accurate than most shooters.. and concealablity its not even on most peoples list.
  12. shadyone

    My first gun

    speedtriple--- i like your style of gun and also your bike style.. VW---My first gun was a full size .40 Taurus pt840, i bought it because i had decided on the .40 caliber and it was the first gun i pickedup and it instantly felt perfect in my hand. when i chose to get my CCW i went with the Taurus TCP. also had decided on the .38 for carry then decided i liked the taurus more than the rest and the price was good.. if I was to buy one now it would be a XDm 3.8 in a .40 compact. or Beretta PX4 storm .40 compact. but at the end of the day its all about what you like and how it feels in your hand. and what you can afford.. that was a factor on both my guns. but im a college student.
  13. so many better guns out there than glocks.. and many more for concealed carry. JMO it also seems like you have a quick temper.. not someone i want to be able to carry.. also JMO because they obviously dont test for that...
  14. shadyone


    so what your saying is we need to know in what aspect or sense is behind the math problem. or maybe units, then we can decide what answer is correct.
  15. Amazing. your dad has a lot of time on his hands...
  16. even if it just expired its still your tag.. id say go for it..
  17. does nobody use sportbiketrackgear.com cheapest i found ever on pilot powers and 2ct..
  18. shadyone


    sorry i wasnt sarcastic enough...:rolleyes::rolleyes: i needed a sarcastic face.
  19. shadyone


    First off this one has letters in it....... makes it completly different.
  20. i wonder how many people smacked their heads on the windows when the 700 spun.. pretty quickly might i add.
  21. shadyone


    as an engineering student i looked at the problem and in my head got 2. now i got 2 because i was taught that distributive multiplication comes before regular multiplication and division there for i did (9+3) then distributed the 2 -- 2(12)=24 then did 48/24. ..= 2 EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: i did not change the problem and got 2..
  22. actually ive put more rounds through my brothers before i bought mine, than mine. The only problem ive had is if you are so easy on racking the slide it will stop about 1/8 inch short. then you can either push it forward and it well be good to go or rerack. other than that none with mine, my brothers, or my dads.. the only other thing thats not a issue but strange is my gun is a A and my brothers is a B or vice versa... but his magazines dont work in mine... not an issue like i said but apparently they changed the magazines length front to back a hair and thats enough for them to stick i mine... just turned in my ccw application. in a month ill be ready.. trust the gun with my life and my families.
  23. Nice little gun.. i own a black stainless version..
  24. apparently I'm a tough chick... and apparently i dont shoot enough zombies fast enough and kill everyone i run into..
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