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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. nope not kidding.. if you glance on way its hard to tell if someone is even moving . spend even a second and you can tell if they are closing on you or not. so ya his fault for not paing more attention and noticing the speed they were moving... like i said thats my opinion.
  2. a car pulling out in front of a motorcycle is not the motorcyclists fault.. but yes i agree i ride like everyone will do the stupidest thing possible.
  3. Finally getting around to buying gear for the girl. mostly looking for gloves and boots. already have a helmet and about to buy a jacket. let me know what you got and ill see if we can make a deal. thanks everyone.
  4. My girlfriend lives in woodman park apartments. we were sleeping and i didn't wake up... i'm guessing it was a power wheelie not a full on wheelie as the article says they were wide open throttle.. either way both at fault.. more so the car driver for not hearing them rip on it and seeing their closing speed... thats just me though..
  5. when i was in california i stopped my ducati of hollywood.. they also sell benelis.. saw almost all of their models both ducati and beneli. awesome shop.. hot girls working too..
  6. i want to shoot every one of those ass holes in the dog spinning video...first in the crotch then the face..
  7. talk to independentmotorsports. maybe you can work out a trade up to a SS. they will most likely give you more on a trade than them buying it outright. just a thought.
  8. I think i did three beginner days before deciding i wanted to move up. the class just got redundant and i was in the fast group.. really intermediate isnt too much faster than the top few groups in beginner. its a lot more intimidating though. and you have to use a lot of self control not to push the limits of yourself to keep up with someone else.. defenetly have to go at your own pace.. in every class
  9. I really enjoy killing time with the mx vs atv. i didnt like reflex and doubt i will like this one.. physics are neat but a simple enjoyable game is better...
  10. This would have been handy last year when my brother and i both got hit with a $107.50 fine for beer on a state park lake... i had no idea.. first time i had been on a boat since i turned 21 and growing up my parents grandparents aunts and uncles always had beer on the boat..
  11. a triumph tiger or speed triple or street triple with a new seat will have plenty of storage room with luggage and power. and you could easily track the speed and street..
  12. this is unfair as you would have to do a percentage of people driving while high as opposed to drinking which will never be available. i have never tried pot and feel no need to but whatever if it can be a form of revenue and help people then legalize it.. no skin off my back.. plus then i can buy stock in fast food and junkfood companies and make a fortune..
  13. or a new FZ8 saw one at iron pony last weekend.. look great..
  14. Bump for an awesome deal on a great bike..
  15. shadyone

    TN laws

    plus if you're two weeks from your appointment then you are still 2 months fromactually getting your ccl.. id leave the guns in the car. and then keep them in the tent or hotel at night.. dont bring it on the bike..
  16. Ft.Loramie is just under an hour north of dayton. get off in piqua take 66 North runs straight in to it.. Im from Minster which is a few miles north.. use to work country concert parking campers.. best Job ever. work for three days where people bring you shots and beers all day. then get free camping and front row tickets to eveyshow.. doesn't get much better than that..
  17. check out the taurus 1911 or 845.. I know a lot of people think taurus sucks .. i personally love both of mine. and between me my dad and my brother we own about 10. never any problems. there is a sale right now at buds $450 for a 1911.. similar price for the 845 probably cheaper... couldnt hurt to check them out .. if you don't like them fine..
  18. heading up the first weekend in july.. or down i guess...
  19. if it yellows a visor chances are the helmet needs replaced anyway or at least the visor. visors are cheap compared to helmets. and if it helps with fogging im fine with it. i normally ride with my visor open so no fogging worries here.
  20. My aunt does advertising specialties. price depends on quantity, colors, and size..
  21. I would say that since its your fiance and you live together you might be able to get out of it. but if not you can probably agree to a price and make it like 10 bucks a week or something stupid..
  22. Kentucky Bourben Barrel New Castle Yuengling Guiness regular beer of choice is bud light..
  23. I'll take the non moving violation for $100 Trebek
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