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Everything posted by shadyone

  1. My roommate just got back from china and we were just talking about all the empty buildings thar were in beijing.. and other large populated cities. this brings it to a whole new level.. On another note imagine the sweet rides you could take through a cirty with zero traffic.. seems like the perfect spot for a late night race scene as well
  2. mostly because they have too much money.. lose respect for material things others would do almost anything for.
  3. i dont think on a 250 that it accelerates fast enough that your moving around on it would slow it down. really this coould probably be done in pe smooth motion.. slide chest down tank while extending legs and rolling on the throttle as your arm lowers...
  4. ive always wanted too but couldnt convince myself i could get low enough....
  5. nice to see another 04 on the board... no imput on the battery. still gave the factory one..
  6. $1,000,000 thats at 500,000 per hour..
  7. we tend to stay in cherokee at a camp ground forget the name.. they have small bunk houses and obviously tents.. about an hourb to the gap though..
  8. Rode barber 3 years ago... would love to go back.. great place... have fun be safe
  9. i believe it was 04 i was at homecoming or prom that night.. pretty bad ass..
  10. I'd keep it as a back up... mine quit working out of no where while studying for a final.. just saying
  11. too bad your in columbus.. i would take this in a heart beat if it were Dayton...schools first though
  12. I may be wrong or seeing your point differently but my motorcycle turns both wheels just one is powered. but i dont see how the gyroscopic effect change with powering the front...?
  13. They also had a 650. but it was pretty obvious they were talking about the 675 because of the three cylinder... the 600 and 650 were I-4s
  15. Its a triumpoh speed triple for sure.. looks like a 2000 ish model..awesome bikes.
  16. not if it happens to you on the last round.. then you got to click it 6 more times.
  17. I originally bought a TCP for carry but have been really thinking about buying the BG380.. always said id never sell a gun but i dont need 2 carry guns. might go back on my word for this little guy..
  18. I know of 3 people that got married to someone off of eharmony. I also know of a few that are in serious relationships because of online dating.. i also know a few who date a lot through them and have no luck.. some get lucky some dont. might as well give it a try..
  19. .... (Hands shot to girlfriend) "here try this its strawberry....." (girlfriend takes shot)... "mmm delicious.." ... "NOT so hard now is it.. ?"
  20. Saw you asked about this on the Taurus forum.. good call on keeping it.. might want to let those guys know though..
  21. I like how the comments immediatly went anti harley.. and started a argument.
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