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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Your advice is useless, there is no source of news more reliable than the news sources that report the news. Some independent outfits do a fine job of investigation once a major story breaks, but they can't process the sheer volume of information that the AP does... they simply don't have the resources or manpower.
  2. Find me a more reliable, and consistent source for information...
  3. Calm down mad max
  4. OR You are wrong, and it he gained 100 pounds on purpose to make himself appear weaker and more vulnerable so his fucking defense would be more believeable... I bet you believe reality TV is unscripted, too... GULL A BULL
  5. no, if I were martin, zimmerman wouldn't have given me a second look and just assumed I was a guy visiting one of his white neighbors in a gated community... No call, no pursuit, no scuffle, no shots... Cause I'm white, and I don't appear threatening to most people.
  6. Yeah, because there aren't any gyms or workout equipment that can be used indoors.... When will someone invent indoor exercise equipment?
  7. You're right, he got fat on accident... Gull - a - bull
  8. Don't judge a book by it's cover, but a magazine? Judge the hell out of it... I enjoyed going back and reading all the erroneous "information" posted in this thread...
  9. URBAN LEGEND AND EMAIL HOAX CONTINUES IT'S ROUNDS http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/barackobama/a/obama_citizenship_questioned.htm TINFOIL HAT SALES BOOMING Did Obama attend Occidental under a Fulbright Scholarship for Foreign Students? No. According to various news sources Obama did attend on a scholarship, but it wasn't a Fulbright scholarship, let alone a Fulbright scholarship for foreign students. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program accepts Master's Degree and Ph.D. candidates only. Obama, an undergraduate, was neither. He couldn't have been awarded a Fulbright scholarship for foreign students even if he had been born outside the U.S. (Source: Fulbright Program)
  10. magley64


    This: The WTC had been targeted before, it's logical that it would be targeted again.... The methodology was what was new, historically plane hijackers just redirected planes to a new landing zone with demands. The patriot act is a big piece of shitty legislation passed during one of the worst parts of our recent history, by emotionally charged legislators and supported by a piss scared constituency... it needs repealed.
  11. Double post fail...
  12. And where are all these riots we were promised?
  13. You think Z got fat for the trial on accident? LOL or was it to bolster his defense about being a weakling shitty fighter out of shape so i had to pull a gun to win a fight i may or may not have started....hmmm
  14. I'm good with it.
  15. +1 The ones serpent took photos of are very nice to look at, and if that is your intention, go for it.... personally, I like to build stuff i can drive. I take my dune buggy everywhere, and sometimes it gets rained on... Doesn't bother me, i enjoy it just the same. The 67 Tempest/GTO we built, i used as my daily driver, and I had an absolute blast driving it. The short bug I helped with, it was crazy fun, and popped wheelies. build something you're going to enjoy. If you enjoy sitting at car shows watching every tom dick and harry ooh and ahh at your car, then build a show car. If you enjoy offroading every once in a while, build a jeep, or a dune buggy or a rail buggy or a lifted truck. If you're into pure street acceleration and handling, build a little F1 car, (this is my next build I think) or a wide tire street rod... the sky is really the limit when youre building.
  16. magley64

    Magzfest '13

    couple days out...
  17. I've done it, more than once... Get a body with a title (or if air cooled VW a Pan with a title) The rest of it is up to you, and you can go as extreme or mild as you like. That way you don't have to mess with all the inspections and BS that go with getting a home built title. my last one has less than a grand invested, and it turns heads ans makes people smile everywhere i go.
  18. Drill, tap, keysert to original thread size.
  19. Insurance companies typically can't see what your speed was, just that you were cited... They didn't even get my "full time and attention" ticket correct, they thought it was "wrong way on a 1 way street" So as long as you're not "cited" for reckless op, they will just adjust your rates based on a basic speeding violation
  20. That does seem like a stupid question
  21. IF everything Z said is true, then fine... it was an unfortunate set of circumstances and he should not be convicted of anything criminal... Big "if", because there is no "other side" of the story (he's dead). Z could have done any number of things to start the altercation in question, and simply lied about it. (grabbed M, tried to detain M, etc.) and I can't imagine why someone would lie about or omit such details if a murder charge was on the table...
  22. My nieces ride with me around the yard... If we are on the scooter, I slide to the back seat and they sit in front. If we are on heather's cm450, or on the xr200 they sit up on the tank with their feet on the crash bar. sometimes i Iet them control the throttle... It's rare, but if they really want a ride on the xx, I'll pop them on the tank, but they have way more fun on the other bikes... xx isn't well suited for slow jaunts around the yard.
  23. Walking down the street, how do you tell an educated one from an uneducated one? What qualifies as "educated"? 4 year degree? masters? doctorate? studying on one's own? Fact is: Racism is alive and well in this country. It may not be generally as overt as it has been in the past, but it is far from being "history"
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY
  25. So no black people are ever discriminated against anymore? Interesting...
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