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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Really? "Acts of terror like these" is not saying "this was an act of terror"? Idiots like you are all over fox news...(don't worry, by your own logic I didn't call you an idiot)
  2. Benghazi: yes, the best way to cover it up was to walk into the rose garden and announce it to the press... hell of a cover up! NSA: Oh why would they want to keep secrets regarding national security? :eyeroll: Fast and furious: protect those who were guilty of what?
  3. I didn't vote for him either time...
  4. Those are conspiracies? Benghazi was an act of terror... i haven't heard anyone claiming that Obama conspired to make it happen (though they love to try to blame it on him on Faux Nuz). Who is the NSA conspiring with? They are spies, they are spying...on everyone. Fast and furious, really? what was the conspiracy? Who was conspiring? Then make your fucking point and quit piling on bullshit just to fill space...
  5. I've been against it since the jr. bush administration, along with the rest of the patriot act...
  6. What types of conspiracies? You mean like "9/11 was an inside job" type conspiracies?
  7. FISC just renewed the authority of the government to collect this data less than a month ago... I didn't see anywhere that they ruled it unconstitutional... FISA Court Renews Unlawful Surveillance Program, DOJ Defends Program: According to the Director of National Intelligence, on July 19, 2013 the Government "filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority." In a separate filing, in a July 18 response to a challenge brought by the ACLU, the Department of Justice said that a federal district court in New York could not overturn the order of the FISA court. And in a July 16 letter to Congressman Sensenbrenner the Department asserts that "because the telephony metadata must be available in bulk to allow the NSA to identify records of terrorist communications, there are 'reasonable grounds to believe' that the data is relevant to an authorized investigation. EPIC has recently filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, challenging the lawfulness of the NSA domestic surveillance program. For more information, see EPIC - In re Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Jul. 22, 2013)
  8. What is FISC? / Who runs FISC?
  9. see i've had the opposite experience... all of motorolas were kick ass. The Rizr, Krave,(which I'm still baffled by how that speaker was electrically attached) Droid 1, Droid 4... the only one I hated was the X2.
  10. If I didn't have such bad luck with samsung smartphones I'd be onboard with this... My omnia was horrible... But on the flipside my old samsung sliders d415, t809 and flipphone were awesome...
  11. debonne and grand river are good suggestions... then you've got lorello, the grand river tavern, more covered bridges than one could shake a stick at, including both the longest and shortest in the country...
  12. Nothing at all, I was just questioning the statement about liberalism/progressivism needing to be destroyed.
  13. Golden dawn has lots of arms and ammunition of all types.
  14. Those are pretty broad terms... What specific ideas held by liberals/progressives need changed? Or are you just burning straw men again? Social security? Marriage equality? Ending the war on drugs? Curbing the curruptive power of corporate money in politics?
  15. We are well known for wineries up here... Firehouse is on the strip... the rest of the wineries I'll mention are only a few miles outside of GOTL. Ferrante is a very classy restaurant/winery. Old mill winery is a nice midrange to affordable place to eat. The sunrise cafe is a cool place to have breakfast... (Their gimmick is that they act rude, but the food is good, and it's kind of fun) As for the strip, it's pretty small, you can work your way from end to end in an evening... no problem.
  16. Ranger / sonoma / s10 makes for a good first vehicle... High on utility, not too powerful, long wheelbase for stability in snow.
  17. You picked the right forum, some very knowlegeable and passionate individuals should be along shortly.
  18. Just to clarify, I'm not anti-CCW, I'm anti-gun. Since guns are already ubiquitous, and are likely to stay that way... I'm pro-CCW... I'd rather people be licensed and trained on the basics.
  19. that's not the argument the CCW crowd are making... they need guns because cops are inept, slow to respond, utterly useless when time is of the essence, and do absolutely nothing to prevent crime.
  20. If you suspect the gas, I'd dump the fuel into a spare can, and refill with fresh fuel... if it clears up, dump can into bonfire, enjoy... if it doesn't clear up, then start working the fuel filter or other angles... I've had good experiences with seafoam back when I had "surging" issues.... half a can each for 2 fill ups and the issues were gone.
  21. yes, because nobody riots or loots or kills in this country...
  22. I believe cops are just as honest and hard working on average as the general population. I'm not particularly biased, but I wouldn't trust a cop any more than I would trust a stranger. Some are good, some are bad, some are inept, some are capable... Having a badge doesn't affect their personality, but the power can be a corruptive force. I've never had an occasion to call a cop for anything, but I haven't had too many negative interactions with them either. A few have pissed me off, either by their incompetence or their attitude, but by and large they have treated me just fine. This may also have something to do with being a white kid in a rural setting, if i were darker skinned and living in a more urban environment, my attitude and experiences may be quite different.
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