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Everything posted by magley64

  1. If you intend your gun to be a deterrent, why not open carry the biggest shiniest handgun you can get your hands on? (if it's concealed how does a "bad guy" know to be afraid of it?) Like putting ADT signs in your front lawn...a deterrent is only effective if it is seen or known.
  2. seriously? you have no more answers to my concerns so you just infer that I must be stupid? I had come to expect more from you...
  3. maybe because I disagree with the majority on a number of issues.... Why i ride a bike that never sold well, why I drive a car that is pretty rare, why I'm an atheist, pro ACLU... I'm not your typical person, but my reasoning is just as valid as yours.
  4. just paraphrasing the end of this thread... http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101177&page=8
  5. How exactly do you charge a dead person?
  6. as I've said, could also be a deterrent, but if that's the case, why conceal? why not buy the biggest shiniest hand gun you can afford and strap it to your hip for the world to see? "look at me everybody, I have a big dangerous gun, don't mess with me" isn't knowledge better than doubt?
  7. Then I have no idea why everyone on this site seems hell bent on arguing with me that despite what I know about myself and my environment that I must need a gun to protect myself or I'm just naive...
  8. don't you read anything? mental illness isn't real, it's just an excuse evil people use to get away with stuff..
  9. I get that... but the fact that you're upset that a business chooses not to sell an item or is somehow "wrong" or "anti-american" for not selling it is a huge reach... somehow the public should be outraged that walmart doesn't sell cars.
  10. I'm not naive, I'm aware of the risks of living in this world and I have terms that I live on. They are my terms. No kids, Not married. None of those worries. I've been a number of places on my bike, and I travel outside of the country for work on occasion. You may be fine with your psychological need to carry deadly weapons with you everywhere. I'm fine with myself as I am. I face the world myself with my own 2 hands and my own 2 legs, and my own brain. I don't see the need for me to ever have to impulsively kill anyone. Could that change? sure... But I'm not seeing it change anytime soon. If i were a religious man, I'd say I'm fine as god built me, but then I never believed in any of that nonsense, so I guess I'm just fine as nature built me.
  11. there are lots of lucrative businesses that don't sell cars, tobacco, or alcohol...
  12. good job Michael Cera... How about addressing the issue? or would you prefer to continue with the "nut uhh, you are" line of argument? cause that's constructive....
  13. if you're using it as a deterrent, why not just open carry? surely the knife wielding asshole wouldn't have even bothered to pull the knife if he seen a 6 shooter strapped to your hip. it still does nothing to stop a bullet from penetrating your body once it's been fired. I can take steps not to crash, but that's not the same as wearing a helmet and a jacket. I can turn on my high beams and make myself more visible to deter people from pulling out in front of me, but it does no good at all if they pull out anyway.
  14. so...what? another company will pick up the demand, and reap the benefits/profit... you can't force a company to deal in something they don't want to deal in.
  15. Gear/helmet=defensive; if/when something goes wrong, and my body hits the pavement, it takes less damage. perhaps equate to a ballistic vest/body armor. Gun=offensive, does nothing to protect your body from damage, only damages other bodies. If it could catch bullets I'd be on board with your analogy. Otherwise it would be like rigging a rocket launcher to the front of your bike to blow up people who pull out in front of you... but as some of your own data suggests, you're WAY more likely to die by automobile than by bullet, so why bother carrying a gun? Do you also carry antivenom in case of cobra bites?
  16. I think it's a false sense of security, as well as an added level of stress that I just don't need. I don't see how constantly watching your back is good for your sanity or health. I have no problem with anyone carrying a pistol if it makes you feel better, but if you're so paranoid that every time you see someone else with a gun you draw on them and shoot...you're severely messed up in the head.
  17. I said I'm not afraid of being shot, and that I don't need a gun. I never said I've never had a gun pointed at me before.
  18. How do you know what situations I've ever been in? what is "inanimate" danger?
  19. I'm just saying, it's the same concept as riding my motorcycle... there may be more risk involved, but i'm not going to let fear drive me to become some paranoid, volvo driving, only on country roads during the day drivers, just as I'm not going to let fear drive me to becoming some sort of paranoid gun slinging cowboy... If you need to live in constant fear of being shot, so terrified of everyone with a gun that you shoot at the first sight of one so be it... but advocating the same for others seems a little sad... and really the wrong direction.
  20. ehh, no thanks, I have no desire to become anything like like that, but you go ahead and be paranoid....
  21. I think you guys actually agree, re-read.
  22. probably not as much fun as you might think, skis have WAY more frictional resistance than wheels with bearings in them... why my 400 pound snowmobile with a 0.34 liter, 2 cylinder engine gets worse fuel economy than my 3000 pound car with a 4.6 liter, 8 cylinder engine...
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