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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Yes his "true agenda" of doing exactly what he said he was going to do in the campaign...
  2. I switched to Huntington from first merit, been very happy so far
  3. I think you misspelled "alot"... The ACLU protects individual liberies from being trampled on by the majority or by the courts. I'm a member of MANY minority groups, "motorcycle riders", "atheists", "first generation college graduates"... the list goes on, and regardless of how the majority of people think, my rights should remain my rights, even if the majority of others choose to live their lives differently. It's why my "political" views differ from my "personal" views when it comes to guns. though it's kind of a tricky subject because guns make it a split second decision for anyone to immediately and permanently infringe on another's most basic right, and that is the right to live. (f you're not familiar with "alot" http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html)
  4. I don't, sometimes I travel on business, and more often I ride to various locations around the nation via highways and byways... Probably 85-90% of my time is spent in my home county. the numbers are a little old, but they haven't changed much either... http://www.fedstats.gov/mapstats/crime/county/39007.html http://www.criminal.com/statistics/ohio/ashtabula.htm average murder rate per year is somewhere between 1 and 0... in a population just over 100,000, the math isnt that difficult. I'm just as likely to die by lightning strike, or by earthquake as to be murdered by another human being in this county. More likely to die by hornets/wasps/bees. 70 times more likely to die in a plane crash. 100 times more likely to die in a fire or drown. and yes 761 times more likely to die on my motorcycle. I just don't need a gun... take into account that nearly everyone one of those murders were perpetrated by the spouse...the odds get even more astronomical since I'm single.
  5. this keeps coming back to me... but okay... we can talk about me... I find it quite relaxing actually. You just think it's dangerous because you've never lived it. You think it's just an illusion, I know it as reality because it's all I've ever known at home. The homicides that occur in this county, are almost always performed by spouses.(sure there is the rare meth deal gone bad, but I don't deal in meth.) The bank robberies that occur, are almost always done with notes, not with guns. I just don't need the hassle of buying, loading and carrying a device that I never anticipate the need to use, and that I disagree with on personal principle. The best thing I can do to cut down my chances of meeting the business end of a firearm is just to stay single.(which despite my better judgement, I'm probably not going to do) now what about you? What about your lifestyle makes it so likely that someone would want to pull a gun on you?
  6. nope, you're not the only one... I was expecting a question regarding opinions on the proper greeting to offer to strangers...
  7. Joyous Yule for all you crazy pagans. Happy winter solstice to the silly Wiccans. (yes that's today) Happy Hanukkah to the typing cat! (sorry it's late) Happy Kwanzaa to whoever celebrates Kwanzaa... soyal, yalda, saturnalia... Enjoy them all! Christmas, too
  8. Not a member... just a supporter, which I find confusing that you (seemingly, based on tone) aren't. If you're a second amendment supporter, do the rest of your civil liberties mean nothing?
  9. So what is the (real world) application of a military designed rifle... Planting corn? No, it has a designed purpose. Sure you can use a block of C4 as play dough, that doesn't make it a practical application... Design intent MEANS something... Yes the first club was "designed" as a weapon, baseball bats are "designed" to propel a baseball as far as possible within the regulations of the game. A knife can be used as a weapon, but it's "designed" for cutting meat or vegetables, fileting a fish or opening boxes... depending upon how it's "designed" You can misuse anything from a pillow to a telephone to kill someone but it wasn't "designed" specifically for the purpose...
  10. Yes, because corvettes are designed with the purpose of killing... Oh wait, no, that's guns... I can see how that might be confusing... Gun =/= Car get over yourself.
  11. I actually do understand what an AR is... I just don't see any practical application for it for a law abiding citizen... seems it's just a deadly weapon waiting to get into the wrong hands. if you're using it for hunting... right... but chances are it's just a toy to you... so have fun with it, and be more responsible with how you store it than dipshit's mother was.
  12. we've been up one side of this topic and down the other... what have we established? it seems not a damn thing... it has prompted me to study a few things, and re-check my understanding on a few others... so I thank you for that... until the next debate...
  13. that's the point, you take a shot, you either hit or miss, but the animal is alerted, and probably fleeing, you have to manually chamber another round before you get another shot, and the animal has had time to flee. either bolt action, pump action, or lever action, no matter what, you still have another operation taking your concentration away from aiming and firing.
  14. interesting... so no deer with your "hunting rifle" but pretty much anything else it looks like...
  15. We'll get hammered up here on the east side of the lake, we always do...
  16. There is no reason your gun has to fit in with my moral code... I thought the word "sport" implied a level a difficulty, if you're just trying to kill lots and lots of deer why not just leave them dishes of antifreeze?
  17. so you're telling me that "most" hunting rifles are semi auto multi shot, with no separate (bolt, pump, or lever) action to eject the casing and chamber the next round...
  18. Don't most hunting rifles require you manually eject the casing and chamber the next round?
  19. I like that... we get rid of the loophole allowing individuals to sell guns to whoever they want and I bet you cut down on gun crimes considerably..
  20. Wait, how is that a different conversation? You can legally own a AR15, and you can legally own M16 "parts" who's going to stop you from loading one into the other?
  21. I like that Idea...but I'd also add in that there should be high standards for "completion" of the course that requires that the individual demonstrate competency in loading, firing, and maintaining the firearm.
  22. Not necessarily a machine gun, but could easily be converted to one... (and what could be more fun than that? huh?) Yes, one trigger pull one shot, but instantly another trigger pull and another shot, over and over again, so if you didn't hit the target, now you can instantly keep firing over and over until you do...
  23. Personally, I would be overjoyed if we were to abandon them entirely in a massive culture shift. Politically, I'm not for banning all guns. Again I'd like to see the military stuff get under control, prohibited private sales, background checks, demonstrated competency both with firing and proper care. Licensed shops selling things in a responsible manner. Handguns are handguns, I don't think the system can get much better other than requiring sales through a licensed shop or vendor to keep everything going through responsible channels as much as possible. guns will still get stolen, and still be sold to the wrong people but at least if we have more responsible people selling them responsibly, the people that shouldn't have them will have a harder time getting them, and they won't be quite so prevalent...
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