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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Doesn't that seem a bit... absurd? I mean, hunting is supposed to be a sport, right? (unless you're doing it for survival) doesn't it kinda take the "sport" out of it at that point? I mean, I'm not a hunter, but seriously, shouldn't there be some challenging aspect to it?
  2. The way I see it if you enter another person's home without permission, you take your life into your own hands... there is no reasonable expectation of safety at that point.
  3. Personally, I'm against guns, altogether, except for hunting rifles. Politically, I've got no issues with people defending themselves in their own homes... Beyond that it gets hairy trying to figure out where one person's rights start to infringe on other people's rights...
  4. then you don't know who I am. I'm about as atypical as they come, especially around here.
  5. is that something that happens often? honestly, I have no issue with whatever home defense weapons you want...(if you look back at my posts I've always been on the positive side of castle doctrine). I'd suggest a shotgun with rock salt... It's the military grade stuff that I'd rather see controlled better, and the sidewalk cowboys that concern me the most.
  6. I guess that depends, what are you trying to protect yourself from?
  7. If We can't trust them with a safety edge razor knife, how in the heck can we trust them with ak 47's and ar 15's? I've just lost all confidence in the average american, their ability to use their brain, and their judgement...
  8. I'm not concerned with brian owning any gun, its the general population that concerns me
  9. enough with the name calling...srsly Personally attacking me does nothing to make your points any more valid. Either you can face opposition to your viewpoints or you can't...
  10. I'm speechless, I didn't know I meant so much to you...I'm really sorry, but I'm in a committed relationship, and I'm pretty happy...you'll find someone, just keep your chin up;)
  11. right, but how long did all that fire bombing take? vs 2 very big bombs
  12. I think it was this... www.rideohio.org/showthread.php?t=18144
  13. that's why the failure at pearl harbor was point A... (had they succeeded in crippling our fleet, they might have been more inclined to invade) and H&N were point B... (once they knew what kind of heat we were packing, they didn't want anything more to do with being at war with us) my point was that it was our military they feared, our big guns, not the general public/ small arms...
  14. what gun do you use to protect your family?
  15. I think the reason japan didn't invade america was A. their surprise attack intended to cripple our navy failed, and B. our nuclear capability demonstrated on hiroshima and nagasaki. it had nothing to do with your guns, it was the United States military that they feared.
  16. You're not going to change my mind about what a gun is or what it's designed to do... It has no practical application in the real world other than assaulting people... Sure you can use it for "play time" but it doesn't change what it is or what it does. We can discuss what reaonable steps can be taken to regulate them, or if those steps will have any impact on their use on the street. How those regulations will affect people, or what effect those regulations will have on the statistics... but arguing that a gun is not what it is is just absurd. Trying to equate an assault rifle to a motorcycle is intellectually dishonest.
  17. If you want to travel up this way (440) 576-5830 ask for the gun room... I bet they aren't sold out just yet... but i could be wrong
  18. no, but it does stop me from directly injuring or killing them in most situations.
  19. if he/she was driving too fast to handle the speed of their car, they put themselves at risk.
  20. lets go through every one here... Police officers? I'm not easygoing around them, I don't do anything that would make them think i might be threatening...but then they get extra training. Every car driver? absolutely, I always ride like I'm invisible. It's the way I've always ridden, it's why I stay aware of my surroundings. The general public can't drive for shit. Commercial pilots? They have a ton of training and additional requirements... Doctors? a decade of specialized training or more... Tatoos? No, i'm not trusting some flunkie artist to stab me with needles to make a decorative statement, I'm fine the way I am. chairs rolling aren't typically traveling at a high enough speed to cause death. bullets are...
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