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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I should have the right to risk my life... I shouldn't have the right to risk yours.
  2. Will it make every murder go away? absolutely not... will it make tragedies like this occur less often? yes... Would it have made this one less deadly? probably. responsible gun owners obey the laws, and if the law says no assault weapons old psycho's mom probably wouldn't have had one, and old psycho probably wouldn't have had alternative access to one...
  3. Again, when I'm riding a motorcycle, and I make the wrong decision, I've only really put myself in jeopardy. Everyone else has armor (a steel cage) around them to protect them from injury. I have no problem with people taking their own lives into their own hands, it's when they take other people's lives into their own hands that I'm concerned... and yes, I think people are bad at split second decisions, which is why I keep aware of my surroundings on the bike. If i don't like what someone is doing, I don't shoot them, I get the hell away from them.
  4. because most of those things have legitimate practical uses... what do you use an assault rifle for? trimming trees? planting corn?
  5. magley64

    AR-15 or?

    If you want to travel up this way (440) 576-5830 ask for the gun room... I bet they aren't sold out just yet... but i could be wrong
  6. I don't really know jack about carbs, I take them apart clean them, and put them back together the way they were, and that is all.
  7. I'm certain that will happen eventually, and our kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews will be safer for it. times change.
  8. there are plenty of things that are fun, that we agree as a society require special training, licensing, and status to do. I imagine piloting a fighter jet is fun, but just because it's fun doesn't mean you automatically have a right to do it.
  9. I wouldn't support an all out ban on guns either, but some weapons just aren't for civilian use. I think most people agree with that particular sentiment, we just all draw the lines in different places.
  10. Okay, where do criminals get guns? they can't legally buy them from the store.. right? They steal them from "legal" gun owners who can't lock them up properly, OR from "legal" gun owners selling them at gun shows...
  11. All of the CCW guys have already purchased, loaded, and are carrying, so now it's a split second decision. Regardless of their emotional/mental state or understanding of the situation around them, death is now a point and squeeze away from anyone in their vicinity. I don't trust that people are typically good at split second decisions. That's all.
  12. Do you even read my responses? or just assume everything I write doesn't mean what it means, it means whatever is the opposite of your viewpoint? Guns have no voodoo powers, what they do have is the power to cause instantaneous death of perfectly healthy human beings with very little physical effort. They make someone's death a split second decision regardless of your mental/emotional state. They compound bad impulse decisions and simple misunderstandings with lethal consequences.
  13. Overlooked? Nah... If gun deaths are so few and far between, why do you need one? (unless you're a ghetto drug dealer trying to protect your stash?) Furthermore why would you need a gun designed to kill lots and lots of people very quickly? (as opposed to a 2 or 6 shot gun)
  14. Not quite... you don't get a 50/50 shot at everything just because you have no observational data regarding the location you're arguing... Do you also think the chances are 50/50 that there are bugatti veyrons at the center of each iceberg? Without drilling, how would you know?
  15. I realize there is no way to definitively measure this, but if there were, I'd be willing to bet "Conservatives" do more regurgitating of their media head's talking points than "Liberals" do...
  16. I don't like either solution... and they aren't quite analogous when riding a motorcycle, whether you wear a helmet or not only affects your own well being... when out at a particular public function, having a gun, or not, could affect everyone/anyone.
  17. but we aren't without information, on either topic, are we? We know teapots are purpose built pieces of pottery or metal designed to hold and brew tea... we also know how relatively recent it was that we, as humans have been capable of making objects escape out atmosphere at will... so you have 3 real possibilities as I see them 1, an asteroid or comet ricocheted off the earth, carrying with it a teapot that managed to sustain orbit on it's own around the sun (odds are quite slim) 2. some physicist deemed it a reasonable venture to launch a teapot into orbit around he sun without announcing it to the world, or 3 aliens of some other planet happen to enjoy tea, and managed to lose one of their tea pots along the way from our planet also giving it enough speed to sustain orbit... all of these are extremely unlikely scenarios... therefore the end result is an equally absurd notion. Where I draw my conclusions from skepticism, you draw your conclusions from belief. this is fun..
  18. and therein lies our differences of thinking. My opinion is that the odds are quite low, in fact, as near zero as I can imagine. However, I cannot prove to you that it isn't there.
  19. I understand, I have a lot of respect for you. I believe your question was asked honestly, and so I wanted to answer your question as fully and honestly as I can. If some people take my positions/arguments/logical conclusions personally, and can't handle a little opposition, then they probably already have me blocked. I'm okay with that.
  20. short answer, it's just entertaining same reason I used to frequent the Y!A R&S board, I guess My opinion was far and away the minority opinion, but I liked to see how far I could push the logical arguments. (at least what was logical to me) Guns are similar, their opponents cite all of the bloodshed and heartbreak they are responsible for, and proponents cite all of the advantages and peace of mind... It's really a similar mindset.
  21. Because it's usually intellectually stimulating. Also, I like to hear opinions that differ from my own, as well as the reasoning behind those opinions... and see just how far I can push those opinions using hypothetical scenarios.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot
  23. I want you to find a teapot swirling around the sun somewhere between the orbits of mars and jupiter...
  24. I want to know where the law says anyone outside of law enforcement is required to own or to carry any firearm of any kind...
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