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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Really? A law mandating people to buy weapons they may or may not need, or even want? Simply because of what their job USED to be... sounds like a GREAT idea... Look I get the opposition to guns being banned, but to walk it back the other direction and mandate guns for people, is just dumb.
  2. I said it, I find it offensive, that is all. No debate, no extra threads, if he wishes to use such a dire distress call for a political ad, so be it. He has freedom of speech. I just personally found it offensive, carry on.
  3. the risk is small, very small, very very very small. I take bigger risks in my sleep. I just don't fear people the way some of you seem to, at least not enough to justify carrying the means to instantly kill them 24/7. Do I think guns are too prevalent, and to easy to acquire? yes.. Am I doing anything proactively to stop it? No, just refusing to acquire one myself.. and try to explain to others why they don't need one either.
  4. I'm trying to find out where YOU draw the line of too powerful or too destructive for the general population to have free access to... that's all...
  5. I'm sure, and those that shot them did in fact lose everything... I've said it before, and I'll say it a thousand times, I'm 10000 times more likely to die on my motorcycle than by being shot. I'm not going to let the fear of death keep me from living on my terms. Maybe I'll die in a fiery crash because I was on a motorcycle and not in a volvo, and maybe I'll be fatally shot by an enraged man at the park. The first doesn't scare me enough to stop riding, and the second doesn't scare me enough to buy a gun.
  6. I agree with most of this rambling...
  7. No, what I'm saying is that if a right can be "revoked" then it was never a right to begin with... free speech, you can say whatever you want in public (so long as it isn't causing a panic or a riot)
  8. Apparently... but yet I continue...
  9. I wouldn't want to tangle with anybody, and I think that's my whole point. I'm not out to start a fight, I keep to myself, and I don't have anything of particular value that anyone would want. Nobody would have anything at all to gain by shooting at me... just things to lose.
  10. if it can be revoked... yes.
  11. I agree that we have no moral high ground to stand on. I don't think it would be beneficial in any way for them to obtain nuclear capability, but I don't know that it's our place to police the world either. I was using this more as a double standard on "gun rights" that somehow we think gun control is good when it comes to certain weapons, but not for others.
  12. Everyone draw your own lines. Write your congressmen/women tell them what you think should be legal/illegal and have them vote accordingly. Carry whatever weapons you want to make yourself rest easy at night. There are more than just 3 groups of people
  13. that's my point, if it can be taken away, it was never a right... but a privilege. If the government can decide that you no longer have a right, then you never had a right to begin with... you had a privilege.
  14. i find your avatar offensive... that is all.
  15. No, they were the best thing going in the 1700's... I still stand by most of them and their foundations upon which they were written. welcome to 2012, some things have changed, and some things continue to change... does that mean we throw the constitution out the window? No, it means we amend it to suit our lives and our times.
  16. then they aren't rights... are they? rights are universal, everyone has them... privileges can be revoked.
  17. that is GUN CONTROL... one aspect of gun control, who should have access? is it everyone's "right" or is it a "privilege" that can be revoked? What are the limits of firepower that a person should posses? What aptitude and education should one have before being allowed such a responsibility?
  18. not concealed, I always wear short sleeve shirts.
  19. So why do we care if Iran has a nuclear weapon? are we infringing on their rights as a nation to spend their R&D dollars as they wish? Or do we realize that Nuclear weapons need to be in the hands of responsible nations and NOBODY else?
  20. WHY? because there are very few nations with ACCESS to nuclear weapons... "gun control"... same concept... why we're all working so hard as a planet to keep Iran from getting them...
  21. What the hell? The government and military can have weapons that I can't have? That's not what the founding fathers envisioned.... Now where is that harrier jet? I need to patrol my neighborhood for evil government spy planes...
  22. or... you're the one who's terrified he isn't enough of a man without one.
  23. So we should all buy nukes to defend ourselves from our government who has a nuclear arsenal...yes? what a wonderful idea, where do we buy them? anyone got some uranium or plutonium laying around? my great uncle has an aircraft carrier I think...
  24. I read that, did he hear that from the masked shooter, or is he psychic? Maybe he saw the shooter look in his direction (no proof that the shooter actually saw him hiding behind a pillar). and that happened to be when he turned suicidal... fact is the ccw kid could have "hoped and prayed" and done as much good.
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