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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I believe a few of the retired guys over at RODO do that sort of thing...
  2. The problem with the "military vs. social programs" contrast. The argument suggests that because we all contribute to the military (even though some disagree with it's action and leadership) is that it benefits "us all" to have a strong military. In contrast he claims that these social programs do no good to anyone other than those who are currently receiving benefits. This is not the case, as that "safety net" isn't just there for those who are currently receiving benefits, that safety net is there for everyone. If by some weird twist of events, Mitt Romney were sued, or got some weird Mediterranean disease that stripped him of every asset he had, and he were unable to work because of it, that safety net would be there for him as well... It benefits everyone, but only when you need to utilize it. The other way it benefits everyone is that thanks to those types of programs, we aren't inundated with swarms of homeless people living on the street, and revolting against those of us who have things. It reduces crime, and bodes well for the general welfare of the country. As for the morality of those individuals, there can be no blanket statement about those "in" the wagon and those "pulling"... There are plenty of moral and wonderful people pulling, and plenty of wonderful moral people riding. In contrast, there are plenty of immoral sick and twisted selfish bastards on both ends of that spectrum as well. I do find flaw with the analogy regarding the wagon. Some of those "pulling" don't actually do anything to "pull", and some of those "riding" aren't really drawing any of the energy from the wagon, and do pull their own weight...
  3. I much prefer his work from "sultans of swing" I've always wanted to learn that particular guitar solo at the end...
  4. the onion fools chinese, pravda fools americans... cynicism, snark and parody, ahh what delightful temptresses you are..
  5. Now we've all been unsocialized...
  6. this should definitely go in your sig line.
  7. don't get woodbury'd while you're down there
  8. dad sold a ford pinto when I was a kid, it was a pretty decent specimen, would fire up and run first crank every time. Dad sold it without the battery (told the buyer to bring a battery when he came to pick it up) Buyer showed up as we were sitting down to dinner. We heard the car cranking but it wouldn't start...weird, it usually fired up first try. Dad went out to investigate, turns out they had the battery hooked up backwards... i thought it was very strange that a ford pinto would actually try to crank the engine backwards.... you'd think they would have a diode or something in the starter to prevent that sort of thing.
  9. ohhh, i think he meant lien, but if a bank were leaning against it... that might be interesting.
  10. fine... guess i'll take my ghetto blaster and go home then...
  11. I can understand the sentiment. This does happen, short circuits are rarely good for electronics. indeed.
  12. I'm tentatively in... Need to see how money and time falls as we get closer... If I'm in, I'm riding down... it'll be a cake walk compared to the rides I did in '09 and '10, even if I freeway fly it in a single shot. If'n i have more time and money than I think i will, then I'll be rolling with Pauly on the 2 lane route.
  13. I'm with you, I'm no EE, but the electrical system of the vehicle being jumped shouldn't care how many amps are going into the battery doing the jumping, so long as the voltage isn't out of range..
  14. :leghump: for good measure
  15. fun to do with an old 800lb carbed bike that is too tall for you and nobody to help... click to 2nd gear, pull choke, squeeze clutch, run like hell, jump onto bike, dump clutch... lather rinse repeat.
  16. Ever been thrown off by an onion headline or article? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/kim-jong-un-onion-sexiest-man-alive-newspaper-144736602.html
  17. add a tow hitch, rent a motorcycle dolly from uhaul...
  18. I'd come grab it with the wagon, but I'm a good 3 1/2 hours away.
  19. Hoblick is the pro in the area... I'm sure he could give it a once over for a very reasonable price.
  20. once you got 120 psi in the can, until it drops below 90, you're running at full power... it just isn't for very long.
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