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Everything posted by magley64

  1. My point was that there are few studies either way, but the fact that some build up a tolerance suggests that there is a physical addiction in some cases. I still agree with you that it should be legalized, and laws intended to protect people from themselves are misguided.
  2. ZOMG!!!! You all better stock up on vagisil, they are gonna ban it soon... *eyeroll*
  3. Ehhh, I dunno about that... I know a few people who don't dabble because it's not worth the risk of prosecution or job loss... if it were legal, these people would probably become casual/social users... would that be a terrible thing? No, I don't think so.
  4. That's kinda what I was thinking, how do you miss an unmanned drone? It's not likely to have been taking evasive action, right?
  5. And that is where they are wrong... IMO legislation written to save people from themselves is misguided. this includes drug laws, seatbelt laws, helmet laws etc...
  6. Increased tolerance is evidence of a physical change, not a psychological one. My point is that there is some evidence there. Same as alcohol, I think it should be legal, along with heroin, and crack, and whatever else you want to put into your body as an adult...
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-says-iranian-warplanes-fired-u-drone-over-200033688.html Do they not realize this could be construed as an act of war? Had that been a manned plane, I imagine they'd have gotten some missiles fired up their asses.
  8. again...your personal experience does not equal the experience of 7 billion other people I can eat a whole jar of peanut butter in a day, someone with a peanut allergy will surely die from that much exposure.
  9. "Heavy pot smokers may quickly build a tolerance to marijuana, possibly needing up to eight times the dose to get the same high as infrequent users. Increased tolerance is a sign of physical dependence and changes in brain chemistry." The fact that you can build up a "tolerance" to it is evidence that there is a physical change, your brain chemistry has changed, and this change is not just psychological. I realize there is some debate over whether this constitutes a real physical dependence, but it is clear that this is not "only" psychological.
  10. the XB and XD are almost as ugly as the cube,
  11. For you, perhaps. However, I seriously doubt your experience will be identical to the 7 billion other people on this planet.
  12. then why are you disagreeing? That altered your brain to a much larger degree, but it still varies person to person.
  13. sorry my friend, everyone has different physiology, some people do get addicted to marijuana, some people get addicted to alcohol, some people get addicted to nitrous, or meth, or nicotine... saying one is always physical and one is always psychological is an oversimplification of addiction.
  14. wars was worst, followed by ODST reach was on par with 1, but with better graphics (1 gets the edge for being revolutionary) tossup between 2 and 3
  15. yeah... that's true... separate issue, but should also be legal.
  16. True, but spoons do not. caffiene nicotine, etc do alter your state of mind, but to a lesser extent than alcohol, marijuana, ambien, topamax, nyquil... etc.
  17. false comparison my friend, both are inanimate objects for sure, but one has a direct effect on your brain chemistry, and (potentially) your decision making skills. The other is just a tool. Comparison works okay on other tools: guns, pencils, knives, screwdrivers, bulldozers, grenades, etc... Not such a good comparison for mind altering substances.
  18. AHHH hahaha... what a great episode of top gear that was.
  19. So we should also reinstate prohibition? since they are the same and everything.
  20. I'd buy a hyundai/kia before a suzuki car, and that's saying something.
  21. Reach was pretty good IMO... 4 looks exciting, lets hope they do it as good as bungie. besides, Halo is a pretty cool guy, eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything
  22. Maybe neither... the mentor mall has 2 floors, and you can access both from ground level.
  23. You weren't first my friend, you were the :repost: :repost:
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