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Everything posted by magley64

  1. DON'T DO IT!!! you'll be 40% more likely to crash after you take it...
  2. again, all chaps are assless, if they had asses, they would be pants... maybe you're not giving this guy his due, he might be a jim beam enthusiast...
  3. :plus1: for seafoam, half a can per fill up should work, 1 can will do, you will notice the bike runs better on the third tank (first one after the seafoam)
  4. EOC is the MOST effective way to safe fuel, the idea is not to waste potential energy. if you're on a motorcycle, it's even easier... grab the clutch, snap the kill switch off then on... once you get to your target speed at the bottom of the hill, slowly release the clutch... win win win.
  5. say what you want, hardcore hypermilers do, in fact, shut off their engines while coasting... and like it or not, it is a more efficient method than your 5th gear engine drag downhill.
  6. My Method INCLUDED turning off the engine at the top of the hill...then restarting (either by the starter or bump starting with the clutch) at the point you needed to accelerate again. "impractical and dangerous"? Please explain how the turning of the ignition switch is impractical if you're already taking the time to pop the trans into neutral... and dangerous because....? (I've already acknowledged the fact that you should have a car with manual steering and manual brakes if you don't have the strength to bypass the power systems, and the fact that you don't want to lock your steering wheel)
  7. how are you using gas if your engine is off?
  8. no you would not get the same result, because if you are not driving the pistons you would coast FURTHER and use less fuel... and it would not be dangerous at all if you have manual brakes, manual steering and a non-locking steering wheel... even easier if you have manual transmission because you wouldn't waste electrical energy restarting your engine.
  9. you would use the least fuel if you popped to neutral at the top of the hill and shut off your engine, coasted until you needed to accelerate again, restart engine and pop into gear... now would you run the risk of a speeding ticket or an unsafe speed for a turn... I don't know... but you would use less fuel for that trip than the other method. I've done a great deal of fuel economy study, i did some work for aptera before they closed their doors, and their car was getting 200mpg equivalent. I wish i could get my grubby mitts on one of their mules... they had about 12 iterations at their plant in carlsbad, super aerodynamic and super lightweight, had a drag coefficient lower than lance armstrong at full tuck.
  10. Saw a statistic that said people who ride late 90's zx-6r's are 157% more likely to eat chocolate ice cream while doing whoolies in their grandma's front yard...
  11. I would argue if the highway doesn't have the word "interstate" in the name, you're golden... Interstate 90, interstate 80... now to be on the safe side, I'd say anything that is limited access, and has a speed limit over 55, I'd probably steer clear of in case the officer wants to be a PITA. (not to mention those roads aren't much fun to ride anyway)
  12. *shrug* Doesn't apply to me... Good luck to those of you riding without licenses.
  13. The '01 XX gets around 30 mpg when the weather is nice... and 45-50 when the roads are wet. (entirely due to my right hand and left foot) '00 Caddy STS gets 19 mpg what I save on fuel, I break even on tires. The cost savings is from the shrink I don't need.
  14. I would disagree, that is causing more drag and slowing you down to continue driving the engine... you'd be best to pop to neutral and kill the engine on a downhill... the problem is if you have power steering or a locking steering wheel, it could cause stupid people to crash.
  15. pm sent, and i'm cheaper than these guys, 79 cb750, cant promise much more than a frame w/title, straight forks, and an engine that used to run that still turns freely. there is most of a bike here, but i'm looking to unload the crap in the shed.
  16. That thing is soooooo fun! I took it for a quick test ride up town... I giggled my ass off.
  17. I'd love a one piece like this, but I don't have that kind of coin for gear...
  18. I definitely "prefer" right turns, but I think for me it has more to do with feeling like I'm leaning into someone elses lane on lefts (even if I'm not) Rights you have the whole lane for your tires to cover, and your body never crosses the center whether your tires are running left edge, or right edge or somewhere in between. Left turns if your tires get too close to that inside line, and you have any kind of substantial lean angle going, your body is in the other lane, so it essentially cuts your lane in half..
  19. Congrats, you got some catching up to do...
  20. I've denounced my republican associations, and I'm happy to call myself completely independent, though I lean libertarian. I'm not happy with most of what happens in our government. I'm gld there are organizations like the ACLU. I believe most politicians are completely retarded or completely hypocritical.
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