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Everything posted by magley64

  1. the speeding ticket one may not apply to you, but the second part absolutely fits... "health insurance flat tax" pay up... if you have health insurance, you get a tax credit or a waiver for this new flat tax. I like the way this was upheld, because it paves the way for other waivers... for example, a bunch of my money leaves my paycheck every 2 weeks in the form of "social security" if the precedent stands, perhaps I could get a waiver for proving I have my own retirement plan.
  2. they absolutely can... just as you can decide to speed, you can decide to go without health coverage... If you're discovered, you will pay a nominal penalty.... or alternately... you are charged this "health coverage flat tax"... should you prove that you have health coverage, that amount will be returned to you in the form of a tax credit. as worded by the deciding justice
  3. While I hardly consider myself an Obama fan, I would prefer him over mittens
  4. I really, REALLY like most of it... and I'd vote to keep it. (even though I'm still not a big fan of the mandate, the rest of the law makes up for it)
  5. See I've heard speculation in both directions... Some think the fact that it was upheld entirely would slow down or quiet the republicans' "repeal it now" chant, others seem to think they will get louder.
  6. Based on that, I'm willing to bet the kill switch is fine...
  7. thank you wikipedia socialism has other definitions, too... but it doesn't stop the conservative base from labeling everything the government does that they don't like "socialism" and depending on that age old connection to "communism" and the stigma attached to communism by the old ussr...
  8. IDK, it was upheld as a "tax" with a waiver for those who carry heath insurance... it was written as a "fine"... I can see how they upheld it, but it should have been written better. edit: I guess i should have asked for clarification as well, but I'm assuming he meant the mandate...
  9. Your "welcome" is nearly 77 years late... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Security_Act Thanks President Roosevelt!
  10. kill switch on handlebar, bike in gear with kickstand down? (i know stupid ideas but sometimes i overlook the stupid stuff)
  11. JRMiii beat you to the punch http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=85349&page=3
  12. "usual sound" does that include the fuel pump coming on, and the starter cranking the engine, obviously...? if you've got those you're looking at either the fuel injectors not pulsing, or the ignition system not firing... if you've got access to an inductive timing light, that could let you know that your spark is working, that would narrow it down to the injection system...
  13. and it stands... I've evolved my position on this... I'm still not so excited about the individual mandate, but even with it in there, I'm glad the law stands.
  14. The VFR and XX was what I had narrowed my search to... I got the XX, and I'm glad, but I believe I would be saying the same thing if I had gotten a viffer instead. Both are great bikes in their own right.
  15. Hey guys, headed out to qsl in mentor... g/f wants to go for a ride, so we'll be hanging out and probably grabbing a bite at dibellas.
  16. If its during next week I'll be able to roll down... got the week off
  17. Hey we don't always agree on everything, but best of luck on your future endeavors..
  18. I have no idea if there are any laws governing this... I would assume it is YOUR legal duty to inform the local authorities of your own 1 car accident, but I know from personal experience that of the 4 towing companies locally, the police showed up minutes before the tow trucks, so coincidence seems to be out of the question. Once for my mom, luckily my buddy Ben happened by and pulled her before the cop or the tow truck showed up... the other 3 companies locally were stories from other friends.
  19. this is the exception, to the best of my understanding, not the rule. I did have a family friend who was a towtruck driver, and I always called him because he would actually try to help me, not try to make money off of me.
  20. http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/america-s-best-ice-cream.html
  21. I'm not sure how fast JRMiii was riding when i was following him to hit the (absolutely no)castle run, but it was pretty quick...
  22. that is the problem with calling a tow truck, they almost always call the cops to show up before they do...
  23. AMA membership, well worth the price of admission.
  24. I find myself volunteering to run sweep when I am in either of those situations. If I'm the slow guy, I can "catch up" in the straights, and if I'm the fast guy, i can "catch up" in the turns...
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