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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    Dealer is guaranteed money, cash in hand... and if he got an offer that was higher than yours, that's the beauty of capitolism... I'd have probably done the same. Sorry
  2. As my dad calls it "egghead humor"
  3. Yeah:rolleyes: I've said it before, if you want to carry a gun around with you, more power to you... I don't want one, don't need one, and won't bother getting one. My terms.
  4. I never said they were incapable... hell, a tablespoon of fluid is capable of being a deadly threat, but I'm not paranoid enough to don a life preserver every time I have a bowl of cereal. We all die eventually, I'm just determined to live my life on my terms...
  5. As an atheist, I'm not allowed to be a boyscout.
  6. I still don't like it, but it definitely would have been a better option.
  7. Yes, still a kid to me, maybe a kid that needed his ass beat, but a kid nonetheless... And I have no respect for anyone who pulls a gun during a fist fight.
  8. He wasn't 280 pounds and built like a brick shithouse, he was smaller than zimmerman... Put me up against any 160 lb 17 yr old...I'm not afraid, even if I am a little out of shape.
  9. Sorry you think so little of my integrity max... but its fine, you live your life your way, and I'll live mine my way, I do wish you all the best, stay safe out there.
  10. found it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCuxTopsruE&feature=watch_response 14:32
  11. IMO, it's more difficult to have scorn for a dead person... not impossible, just harder, they've already paid the ultimate price... also "illegedly" QUIT FOLLOWING, there is still a ton of wind noise on the microphone, which kinda makes me doubt that part of the story...
  12. another funny... zimmerman went "rouge" the last few days? http://www.examiner.com/pop-culture-in-hartford/zimmerman-lawyers-withdraw-as-he-goes-rouge-and-loses-contact why did he go pink/red? did they mean rogue?
  13. Actually I do... I've made the decision not to carry a weapon, therefore I'm fighting with my fists/elbows/legs and knees, it's all I got, it's all I need. If it's not good enough, and I end up killed, I hope the justice system would investigate the situation (as it seems to finally have done in this case) but he wasn't, he was a full grown man, like myself, and he was illegedly attacked by a teenage kid... Don't get me wrong, I don't care about either party, I've never met them, I've never spoken to either, and on the whole I'm pretty selfish, so I could care less how it turns out. At this point, I'm satisfied with how it's been handled, I'm content with letting the justice system run it's course.
  14. you do the same mang... If i'm going to be any statistic, it's going to be motorcycle death. Fuggin cagers texting, reading the newspaper, doing their make-up, drinking and driving... WAY more dangerous than anyone with a gun.
  15. I'm sorry YOU live in that world, maybe you should move.
  16. I'd be better off carrying a dynamically grounded lightning rod. Seriously, look at all the murders in my county, and discount all the murders by spouse/s.o./drug deal gone bad... I'm 10x more likely to be hit by lightning. I love living here... and we're all so poor, we're not worth robbing. and I have other means of protection in my home, a firearm is just not worth the risk of having around.
  17. #4 and #6 are where my story would have changed. #4, I'm not getting out of my vehicle to run down a young black man, just isn't happening, it's like a walrus chasing a cheetah...Perhaps I'd have followed with my car, but not likely, once the LE was contacted, they were handling the situation... #6, if someone jumps on my back and starts slamming my head, I'm not reaching for a gun, I'm throwing elbows. The only time I'd reach for a gun (even if I carried one) was if I were faced with a gun.
  18. I don't have a shotgun, I never plan on buying one. The only way the burglar in the case you described would have a gun is if he brought it himself. That's also not an apples to apples comparison (this didn't occur in zimmerman's home and martin was not B&E or attempting robbery) but I get what you are saying. In my case, No I would not use a gun on an unarmed person, definitely not an unarmed person more than 10 years my junior. Maybe it's easy for me to say since I will never be in such a situation, but I'm sticking with it.
  19. it's a girl with hair as curly and soft as yours.
  20. and since I am back in this thread....(shit) I support your right to carry your sidearm, I just don't have a need for it myself. Your constitutional rights are my constitutional rights, they need to be preserved. The only issue I've had with zimmerman (based on what i've heard) was how he was tryng to act like a police officer, judging someone before he had any information, and honestly using a firearm on an unarmed person. I'm almost as old as zimmerman, and there is NO WAY i'm pulling a gun on a 17 yr old kid (i wouldn't pull a gun on anyone, but definitely not a 17 yr old kid). I'm proud of him for manning up, and turning himself in, that was the right call. Maybe shooting martin was a mistake, but we have to be held accountable for our actions, even mistakes.
  21. I don't know if he will be found guilty or not, but I am glad the wheels are in motion, and he will get a trial/judge/etc..
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