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Everything posted by magley64

  1. globs of molten metal FTW... delete key Remains of platter...
  2. even though your website translates to "detrimentally addicted to butt crack" and your online persona is obnoxious, I sincerely hope you have a safe and successful weekend. good luck
  3. Starts in 3 hours, haven't decided if I'm going or not
  4. Libertarian, maybe, liberal, not so much... I believe in freedom from governmental oppression too much to be liberal, and I believe in freedom from religious oppression too much to be conservative.
  5. seemed out of character for you, that's why I was asking... So how do you sort the "enemy" from the "civilian"?
  6. Then Funny, sounded like you were condemning islam...
  7. Killing your enemy is one thing, killing an entire population of people, including innocents who have no stake in the war, that just want to live in their homes... that's genocide You might not believe the integrity of the united states of america precludes genocide, but I do... But if you're just going to level a nation, a handful of nukes is a much cheaper option than you describe, cleaner, too...
  8. Blaming islam for the deeds of terrorists is as stupid as blaming christianity for the deeds of the wbc.
  9. OUR integrity, not theirs... And quit with the allah bashing, none of the abrahamic religions have a high horse to claim (they've all been responsible for atrocities)
  10. Sorry, was including fox in my "lamestream media" comment, wasn't trying to turn this into a political thread, just trying to be funny with the palinism... I am honestly concerned that none of the major media outlets bothered to cover this, even mention it... bp must be paying them a lot...
  11. Its called integrity, we play by the rules, and we still win... other team cheats, they still lose.
  12. THIS ^ Thought it was funny that arab news is covering this better than our LAMESTREAM media #ILOVESARAHPALIN
  13. "clearly the gun was designed by god, how else would it fit so perfectly into a human hand." - Stephen Colbert
  14. I don't necessarily dislike guns, I just don't have use or need for one... like an ipad... Just thought about it while working today, seemed like a clever premise... meh
  15. What? Its in the r&r section.. So if you're so concerned with personal safety, why ride a motorcycle? Wouldn't a volvo be a MUCH safer option?
  16. to answer your question.... they aren't... "surviving in their home country" does not equal "kicking our asses".
  17. HONESTLY, how many of you gun toters bought them for protection, and how many of you bought them because you like guns?
  18. Got a set of cutting torches? Hard to read data off of a hunk of molten metal.
  19. If it's a steel disk, some of the old disks are ceramic
  20. magley64

    Break out Ride

    I'm the lightest lighweight imaginable... I never drinkk and drive, I never drink and ride... unless I'm not leaving my property... (totally drunk off my ass when I popped that 12:00 wheelie and fell off the twinstar)
  21. If you want to do it like the kgb, you over write 1000 times, grind the disks to powder, and bury in a secure location...
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