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Everything posted by magley64

  1. this would be a coin in the Trayvon bucket...
  2. I agree Life isn't fair, if you are responsible for the death of another human being, even unwillfully, that is the definition of "involuntary manslaughter" This is not one of those cases... he is not KNOWN to be innocent
  3. His gun, His bullet, He pulled the trigger can you dispute any of those details? maybe not murder 1 (even though the 911 calls definitely suggest that he followed this person before killing him) But at bare minimum charged with involuntary manslaughter, people have gotten that for nothing more than driving their truck down a dark road at night and hitting people in the road wearing dark clothing. I'm not saying he should be convicted, that's for a jury of his peers to decide, but i don't like the picking and choosing from the police of who gets charged.
  4. I'm still on the other side of this... he killed that man, it was his gun, his bullet, and he pulled the trigger. He should be "charged" with murder based on the evidence, allow him a jury of his peers to decide if it was murder or self defense.
  5. sound it out man... duh hukt awn foniks werkt fur me
  6. I'm not saying anything bad about subaru, or anything else, just seems like a problem if you can shatter a center diff by popping the parking brake. I have zero experience with AWD cars...so i can't say if any other cars are the same way. The only exp I have is with an 86 4wd blazer, pop the parking brake (or the regular brake), and you had 4 wheel stoppage in 4wd mode (it had posi front and back) once the transfer case was in 4wd, and the wheel hubs were locked, all 4 wheels spun at the same speed. It was rock solid, didn't really care what you did to it. the weak link there was the rear u joint, took me 5 minutes to swap when it would start getting noisy.
  7. welcome, we are all mean jerks... just fyi, lol

  8. ahhh... the today thread... good times
  9. Thought maybe it was MY backpack, but not in kentucky.
  10. I would LOVE to see an exhibition game between Cleveland's 3rd string team and OSU's starting line-up... Once osu was down by 50+, or 2 quarters (whichever comes first) we could end the game in a mercy rule. I think it would be fun to prove that college is college and pro is pro, they are different leagues for a reason.
  11. probably not til the end of the week... http://www.weather.com/weather/5-day/44047:4:US
  12. i just pop the parking brake (left foot) when playing in the snow...popping the rear out around corners as I drive around town I suggested it to my friend who has a 09 WRX, and he informed me that it would break it... so sad that such a car is so easily broken.
  13. sum up thread. "i come on your site and talk shit, and then you just watch me talk shit on my own site" Wow, brandon, if this whole store ownership thing falls through you should totally apply to write slogans for harley davidson. "I pretended to play along, while puffing and beating my chest in front of my friends" "please let me advertise, I'll be good I promise" "but i really like you guys" "i really do" "you hate me" "i really like you guys, but you hate me" "you're missing out, I'm the coolest, but you already hate me" "I'm a man, I have needs, please help me" "i really like you guys, but the big bad admin is making me look bad" "i didn't mean to say all those mean things about you" "you made me say all those things" "fine, I don't need you, you need me" "don't you want to be as cool as me?" "I'm not really a jerk, I'm just a friendly troll" "please please help me" "Pay attention to me" "i'm gonna lash out" "you need me" "I'm cooler than all of you" "please please pay attention to me" "i really do have a life, I don't need you" "pay attention to me" "I need attention" Why don't you like me?" "you need me" "give me attention" "i'm cooler than i seem, i promise" "at least not everyone hates me" "please help me, i need you" "I'm doing fine, i don't need you!" "okay, i lied, i do need you, please help me" "i'm so scared, please help me" "fine, i don't need you, i'm cool by myself" "please help me" "fine, I'll take my chuckie cheese token and you can't play with me" "i'm cooler than all of you" "i tried to be your friend, but you wouldn't help me" "cmon, just be my friend, i'm really cool" "I'm so cool, you have no idea" "you're a big meanie" "Fine, I'll take my bat and ball and go home, this is your last chance" "your really really last chance" Brandon, honestly, I think you should see a psychiatrist regarding your bipolar disorder. I have some real world experience, and think you might benefit from some mood stabilizing meds, such as resperidol, benzotropane, topamax...
  14. oh, different ordinance... damn you state of ohio
  15. As I suspected, this says nothing about ear plugs...which i always thought were legal.
  16. magley64

    Break out Ride

    Margarine? Screw that pseudo plastic, I want real lol butter on my toast
  17. Not an issue on my 300HP fwd sts lol
  18. poor keyboard, so many beverages spit into it...
  19. lewis didn't mind sonny, he hated lewis...
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