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Everything posted by magley64

  1. wait wait wait, all of a sudden, the prosecutor DOESN'T know what she is doing? what a flip flop...
  2. it was during the press conference he just gave in florida... he was complimenting the prosecutor regarding her professional behavior during her press conference.
  3. LOL, Zimmerman's lawyer "there was no fisting"
  4. magley64


    ninja 250 on the board...
  5. i was thinking more one person gets even, the other gets odd, and then there is a set period of time for posts on OR, that way we all have control, but nobody really gets to choose?
  6. lbts, glws looks like a good beginner bike for someone.... definitely needs repainted, yellow is a horrible color for an automobile no matter how many wheels it has.
  7. Dude! You are not a honey badger, you are a human being (I've seen you before). Try acting like one for a change.
  8. Ummm, I guess I was seeing things... nvm:bow:
  9. Can we have a mod remove one of the tags please?
  10. He doesn't want any more kids, he should take the step to head them off at the pass. partner's opinions might change later on. lots of possible complications with those.... could be more trouble than it's worth. this^^ vasectomy is an outpatient procedure that takes no time at all, and recovery is quick, tubes tied is a major surgery, and has a higher rate of complications.
  11. he wasn't my first choice either, I'm still voting Ron Paul
  12. at least mitt doesn't want to take away your prons, not that it matters much, neither had a snowball's chance in hell against obama... 4 more years
  13. magley64

    Taser C2

    that's a good reason.
  14. magley64


    don't mind the leg humping, it'll pass... wait a sec, no it won't, ask holly.
  15. I agree, I think you should at least charge material cost for these, if not adding in your machine time...even if it's an "optional" donation You might not want to make a profit from this, but if you do them for free and free shipping, you're going to be drowning in requests.
  16. like the tron bike, the 1/2 batmobile and the judge dredd bike, it would likely be worthless to actually ride, but it would make for a nice costume prop, or bike night conversation piece.
  17. http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/unplugged/akira-superfan-builds-iconic-bike-charity-000959542.html
  18. magley64


    she's learning quick! Welcome sounds like you'll do just fine here.
  19. works great for RWD or AWD with rear bias
  20. that implies 1, she has an entire collection, she keeps them in jars around the house, and takes them out when she needs them...
  21. then pop in your old hard drive a voila, the same exact 360 (for all intensive purposes)
  22. you could get any old xbox 360 and swap cases, couldn't you? the only thing special about it is the case.
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