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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Been riding longer? No if I was TRYING to bash him, it would be brutal, I'm not like that. I'm a realist how many times do I have to say that I don't have a problem with him?
  2. round 2 of racing looks a LITTLE better... http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=48047
  3. Okay, racing is hard, there have been plenty of rookies who have won major races.... I'm not doing it, you're absolutely right about that, maybe he'll get better, maybe he wont... I don't really care one way or the other. Actually i cited the results of the race that far, and the commented on how he was so much more experienced than the rest of the field, combine those 2 things and no, that doesn't look good for him. Should we sugarcoat it? I don't wish for him to fail, Had he succeeded, I'd have posted the SAME results page and said something like "2nd fastest time! hell yes! go Brandon" I have no personal issues with Brandon, i met him once a couple years ago, he's alright. I have no problem with any of the other junkies I met that day, none at all. Why do you and ped seem to think I have some personal beef with brandon? I HONESTLY hope he gets better results, but if not, he should accept REALITY.
  4. While underway if necessary, the device looks like a CB radio... Detector is on a cord just like the microphone.
  5. it's not his first race, it's his first race at the pro level, and he could have won if he were a better rider and/or better mechanic. everybody else in his race had an equal shot at winning, it's not like he's at some sort of disadvantage here, if anything as the most experienced rider he should have a sharp advantage over the 16-18 yr old field. jesus, i'm just cracking a few jokes, chill out man... I hope it works out for him, but again, if it's not viable, i hope he knows enough to quit before it bankrupts him. exactly, I know where my talents are, and they aren't in racing motorcycles, it's a hobby, not a viable career option for me. there are 10000000 riders out there better than me at going fast around a track, they are younger, more driven, better financed, and they have the means to practice every day. I'm pretty happy with my career choice.
  6. Southern Cali (la, santa monica, etc) They are SO motorcycle friendly, there are some SICK roads, and th weather is perfection (most of the time)
  7. I rode in a car with the breathylizer in it, it would randomly start beeping every 10-15 minutes, requiring a new reading to delay an automatic shut down.
  8. okay, then how do you stop those same assholes from reading the newspaper, or a book, or shaving their legs... you're assuming that because one distraction is unavailable, that they will somehow magically pay attention to the road, rather than diverting their attention to some other distraction... the problem is shitty drivers that don't focus on driving, not the shit they do OTHER than focusing on driving. Treating a symptom, not the problem.
  9. I am avid about my view about drinking and driving. I don't venture out on the roads after even a single drink... that being said, I dare ya to put a breathylizer on my car, i would bypass that shit so fast.
  10. apparently some mechanical problems with a shifter and an engine I DO mean it... I hope his luck improves, but he should also keep perspective, no sense dumping a bunch of money into something that isn't viable...
  11. I think this thread has been mostly supportive, aside from a couple jokes (and the actual results) but ped is obviously one of brandon's friends, and doesn't like it when we wish him luck.
  12. wow, seriously? you're really bad at reading comprehension aren't you? and it's pedaling: the act of propulsion with your legs, utilizing your feet on pedals not peddling: the act of traveling about, selling things
  13. Someone is being oversensitive... We joke about everything. I do wish the best for him, but if he can't cut it, he can't cut it... we don't all get trophies just for showing up and trying, you have to also objectively asses your skills and abilities with your opportunities.
  14. so what you're saying is that all the good racers have moved beyond this class by the age they can drink a beer to celebrate... not a good result, eh? http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=48034
  15. Not looking too good for prez in qualifying... http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=48024 hopefully the races go better
  16. Yes, and stop giving business to those hospitals, if you are sick or injured, you should go to a local gun friendly establishment and ask for their medical treatment...
  17. I have no horse in this race, no love or loyalty for either business... huntington ftw!
  18. "They don't want to play with us anymore, so we're not gonna play with their friends, and we're gonna tell all of our friends not to play with them either"
  19. He was just talking out of his posterior in all likelyhood, and never owned any other bikes... I highly doubt a 40-50 hp sportster could ever even feel remotely as fast, and definitely not faster than a 100ish horsepower 600 cc sport bike Exarch, search for all posts by ringo, you'll find some of the references, lol
  20. sorry, in a weird mood, seemed like the appropriate response
  21. actually kinda impressed with project cheapskate today... rode it out to visit my g/f, thinking maybe she'd want to do a little practicing (not the case today) So we chat for a while, and then i head down to DQ for some ice cream. Speedo cable breaks on the way. (who needs a speedometer anyway?) A sportster is there, and there is a temp tag on the back. I asked the guy "been riding long?" he starts on this story about how he used to have a crotch rocket 600, and how his sportster was so much faster than his old rice bike, it is 300CC bigger after all . So i smell the manure he's shoveling, and I can't help myself. I start egging him on a little, "well this is just a little 450 twin, but i bet it's got enough to leave your sportster in the mirrors :D" he bites, "oh yeah?" "Yeah, and I just paid an enormous amount for it, too... $300" "Man, I paid more than that for that custom skull air filter" so after some more bantering he insists that we race long story short, he was shifting earlier than I was, and the little twin indeed left him in the mirrors, but i have no idea how fast we were actually going. I also couldn't help giggling like a school girl the whole time
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