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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'm done with this thread, i hope I don't get shot and killed, if I do, so be it, it's not worth my time to beat my head against a wall any further. I will say I'm more likely to be the trayvon martin, so i guess that's why I identify with that side of this case. I'm gonna go get some candy. Nobody shoot
  2. second degree murder, no premeditation, he didn't plan to kill this kid, he just did. "Generally, second degree murder is common law murder, and first degree is an aggravated form. The aggravating factors of first degree murder are a specific intent to kill, premeditation, and deliberation. In addition, murder committed by acts such as strangulation, poisoning, or lying in wait are also treated as first degree murder."
  3. no no, you have to prove that I didn't fear for my life... you have to read my mind... the other person is dead.
  4. hey look, thats the difference maker in this case.... instead of an unarmed dead kid, you'd have a police officer there... how about doing the right thing?
  5. Yes you keep saying that, self defense, self defense, self defense... if the glove don't fit, you must acquit... assuming you're 100% correct, and Martin came at zimmerman in a full rage with a bag of skittles... Why would he do that? was he provoked? Where is his due process? Where is his innocent until proven guilty? Where is his trial? if defending yourself from an unarmed attacker half your size (that you provoked in the first place) includes plugging them in the chest with your sidearm, you've got bigger issues. that's assuming that zimmerman is as innocent as he claims, that's a "best case scenaio"
  6. no, i'm not assuming that, that is a worst case scenario, and if that is the case he should be executed via firing squad. I'm assuming that he shot and killed an unarmed person, which by all accounts isn't even in question, the only question is why... the reason, motivation, excuse...etc...
  7. this thread has convinced me that I clearly need to be better armed, from now on i'm carrying grenades with me everywhere. pins pulled so if i get shot at least everyone involved will be dead, assured mutual destruction.
  8. I guess I'm one dead motherfucker then If I'm visiting family in your neighborhood, and decide to walk to the store for some candy and you confront me, and start hassling me with your gun, I'm gonna tell you to go fuck yourself. You have no rights, no authority, and no business bothering me for walking down a street. REGARDLESS of my fashion sense.
  9. so in this country you can just kill whoever you want, then claim self defense... what a fucking trip. :drink:
  10. walmart was my option, but Ryan sounds like a better one... if he's up for it and has what you need in stock.
  11. Evidence says he shot him and he is now dead... that is the evidence, that is all the information that we have for sure. that is murder, now it is his responsibility to provide a defense as to WHY if there is no reason why, that is murder 2 at least. Disparity of force? yeah, that's why I carry around a rocket launcher at all times, just in case the other guy brings an armored car.
  12. Yes, because I have a difference of opinion, I'm either retarded, stupid, or trolling...
  13. Apparently he brought his 2 best friends along for the fight he was about to pick... smith and wesson.
  14. yeah, that's comparing apples to apples... but since you brought it up... if the person breaking into your house leaves, and you chase them down the street and shoot them, it's not considered self defense. by all accounts martin wasn't breaking into zimmerman's house, or his truck, or anything else for that matter...
  15. so we can just shoot and kill whoever we want on the street, so long as long as we can claim to "justify" it? no witnesses, it must have happened exactly as the person who is living said it did.
  16. I disagree, what we don't know is "who" committed a crime, either it was assault and battery by a now dead person, and andy was in a self defense situation, or some cowboy on a power trip hunted down and killed an innocent person. the facts as i've heard them don't really point to any alternatives.
  17. this thread did get moved out into the "website info" forum so it was in clear view for any newbies to see as the top viewed thread... Can't fault a newbie for tossing in their $.02
  18. "RideOhio.org, a place to complain about kids these days"
  19. Disagree, he needs to be charged with the death of a human being... whether he is convicted or not is up to a jury of his peers I agree, not necessarily, but a death by one person shooting another person, in an area that is not a war zone?
  20. gotta say, I'm a little confused by this myself. maybe some people here are confusing OR and AFJ with the east coast vs west coast gang war?
  21. I don't typically let people ride "beside" me for very long... and I have the manners to move out of the slow lane if traffic is coming down the ramp. People want to show me their fingers, so be it.
  22. the evidence is there to "charge" him, Martin is dead. does that make him guilty of murder? no, he has the right to his defense. and it is up to the jury to decide, not me... The evidence is clearly there, If the bullet from his gun, that he was carrying caused the death of Trayvon martin...(which nobody is disputing) I'm curious what would constitute "proof" in your opinion... and speaking of innocent until proven guilty, what about Trayvon Martin? where is his due process? What does he get if it's proven that he was innocent? Nothing.... nothing at all.
  23. No i passed judgement because 1 is dead, and the other is alive, that is enough (in my mind) to charge him with trayvon's death. If "self defense" is his response, then it is up to him to prove that in a court.
  24. yeah i made up that whole story... did you think i actually had seen such a video, and then exxagerated on where he was shot? the ONLY details I have are as follows. 1 Armed man vs 1 Unarmed man. The unarmed one is dead, the armed one is free. I guess the lesson we learned here is if you intend to shoot someone, make sure they are dead so they cannot argue their side.
  25. riight, She has a video of Trayvon, stealing the gun from zimmerman who was doing nothing wrong, then screaming for help and shooting himself in the back of the head... right?
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