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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Welcome newb! ditto... heres to hoping you learn how to ride before crashing too hard...
  2. magley64

    new job!

    Blow molding is a process of making a thermoplastic preform, then heating it until the material becomes pliable, closing a mold around it, then filling the preform with air until it fills the cavity... Apparently this company does 90% of their business for a well known motorcycle(and auto) manufacturer...:honda:
  3. magley64

    Break out Ride

    this would have been repped if the butter rule were not in effect...
  4. magley64

    Break out Ride

    I was hoping it would get to this... first: I can tell you I in no way speak for this entire forum, the rest of these people may disagree with me entirely, some may even want to be a part of your M/C...(I speak for myself only) Believe me; I have my "alliances" (I just call them friends). The difference is we don't need patches and matching pantyhose to parade it around. We hang out, we ride together, we bullshit, party, and have one hell of a good time. Sounds like you've forgotten what riding is about, (or it's about something completely different for you than it is for me) I care nothing for the bureaucracy and bullshit involved with your M/C. If I want to ride somewhere, I do it. If I want to invite some friends along, we ride where we want, when we want and we could give 2 shits who's "turf" we're on. If I get invited to a ride, I just go... If this sounds like I'm rude or immature, fine. Me personally, I'm just making fun of your club because I find the whole concept to be a waste of time and resources. Why mess up a good time with pseudo-government, and invented class structure?
  5. magley64

    Break out Ride

    ahh hahaha, doin it for the lulz
  6. magley64

    Break out Ride

    this^ but on a positive note, we did get your post count to double digits mr. prez:D
  7. magley64

    Break out Ride

    It means I've installed stereos on my motorcycle, and others... (it's a joke, you wouldn't get it) and yes your parade is headed to my "figurative" front door. You'll be in good company though, GOTL is full of loud, slow, boring bike parades from spring to fall. have fun "koyprez" whatever the hell that means... do you get to veto motorcycle koybills? or sign motorcycle koybills into law? declare war on other motorcycle "clubs"?
  8. LOL, me too.... entrtainment is achieved...whether through corny and campy antics or though actual quality cinema... lolomg...now i need to see that!!
  9. magley64

    Break out Ride

    not interested in a parade...even if it's coming to my front door. and it seems a little late in the year considering the nice weather we've been having..
  10. magley64

    new job!

    I'm gonna be doing some product development work for blow molded parts...
  11. TORQUE! and Biker Boys!!! "Burn rubber, not your soul" "I live my life a quarter mile at a time" "that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard"
  12. magley64

    new job!

    yep, right smack in the middle of my hometown. 10 miles from the house, and 10 miles from the house i wanna buy.
  13. magley64

    new job!

    You now have another enginerd in your midst... got an offer this morning.
  14. I won't need them for a while, but I'm running avon storm 2 ultra if it lasts as long as the angel st, and has the grip I like (rear) 180-55-17 probably mid season.
  15. I saw it in 3d imax, and 2d regular theatre, the imax was better, but i couldn't tell if it was the 3d that made it better or just the imax...
  16. I do not like the 3-d business in all the movies... Some of the movies, fine, avatar was great... I'd rather watch a crisp 1080 high def image than a 3-d any day of the week.
  17. nah, mines the 01, we got digital speedo, temperature, and fuel gauges in 01. yes, they are getting harder and harder to find, fortunately, they haven't really gone up in price too much regardless of their rarety. Mine had every upgrade I wanted(except my stereo), had just shy of 11k on the clock, and it cost me $5500.
  18. this is definitely one thing I considered, most of the classees only last until 2pm, so that probably still leaves plenty of time to ride... but I agree, it might suck to miss out on seat time.
  19. Why should I hate on honda? Are they perfect? Absolutely not, but at least they are trying, they win races, they improve their designs every year (as little as it may be) The XX is a wonderful bike, but once the squids learned the 'busa was 200cc's bigger and 5 mph faster, the XX just didn't sell very well here in the states. I still love my bike, and aside from ovehauling the clutch this year (50,000 on the clock, and I'm not gentle with it) I've had to do very little in the way of maintenence and repair. Another 50,000 - 100,000 on the clock, and I might have to look at a replacement, but I have no quams about taking my bike anywhere, it is hands down the most reliable vehicle I have. The next bike I buy may not be another honda, but I can tell you it will be the first company I look at... If I had to choose a brand new bike today, it would probably be either a zx-14 or a BMW K (either 1300s or 1600 converted to S) but I wouldn't rule out the new viffer. I'm curious...What would you like to see changed with the goldwing? 1800 flat 6 not make enough power for you? navigation, airbags, stereo, cb, baggage? what's missing, what is there to redesign?
  20. lol, the big rediculous chopper was corny, but at least it was eye catching... who wants to see a superhero on a vmax?
  21. yeah, I'm not looking into this as primary income...
  22. Bullshit, they started out copying indian, engine design, suspension, all copied from indian... then when they introduced the sportster, it was SUCH an obvious british muscle bike knockoff that they even copied the kick starter (on the opposite side as the rest of their bikes) And they haven't come up with a new design since... Unless you count the amf engine (the first engine that they ever made that could reliably crack 20,000 miles without a complete rebuild) Or the vrod, which is a porche design... Harley is a fucking joke in the world motorcycle community.
  23. "they" are full of shit... "they" have copied designs from everyone... "they" only survived because uncle sam imposed hefty tarrifs on superior machines from overseas... "they" do not represent america, they represent the worst of america, underachieving, content with mediocrity, and declining. "They" refuse to evolve with changing times, and will become extinct in short order. We need a REAL american motorcycle company. GM, Ford, Chrysler, all were grossly mismanaged, and begged for their lives once... now they seem to be on the right track. (even though there were casualties in the process) As for the "not everyone that rides them is a poser" well sure, some real motorcycle enthusiasts are extremely pre-occupied with that "look", and that's what they buy, so be it... but I see no good reason to buy a brand new replica of a bike that was built 40 years ago, why not buy the real thing?
  24. Harley no longer sells motorcycles, what they sell is emotion and image... If pretending to be a badass from the 60's that looks like a pirate is your game, buy a harley. If you want a performance machine that requires very little maintenence, buy one of the big 4's 600 or 1000 offerings If you want a performance machine that is comfortable all day, get a hypersport If you want a machine that is comfortable for 2, but still has the ability to thrill you in the twisties, get a sport tourer, or a dual sport. if you want something that is directed 100% at comfort, but still has some guts for going, get a goldwing or a connie... I can't imagine a single scenario where a harley is the best option...ever... they sell apparel, jewelery, and their most expensive jewelery is their butt jewelery.
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