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Everything posted by magley64

  1. sign me up... best of luck with your build...
  2. http://www.cracked.com/video_18386_if-breakup-ballads-were-more-realistic-and-way-crazier.html
  3. *shrug* Did it online, stopped me and said my plan was incompatible with 4g...
  4. having fun with my droid 4, Was considering the RAZR Maxx, but I like the slide out keyboard, was almost ready to get a Snap-On slider for the Iphone 4. Paid $150 for the droid 4, which seemed really inexpensive for everything it does.* Screen in nominally smaller than RAZR, reception is AMAZING...* Regrettably I had to drop my unlimited plan for a 4gig plan when switching to 4g, I rarely go over 4 gig but it was nice to not have to worry about it... *compared to the iPhone 4
  5. this, and if not for the XX, no busa... You're welcome... This, too... I wish honda would've actually come through with the CBX remake...
  6. This seems to be the official/unofficial DTC tank bag. I bought it with the intention of using it just on long rides/trips/etc, but ended up being so useful it rarely comes off the tank now.
  7. lol...idjut http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ap2m_oWjO40lWTEv0o9VtpkX5XNG;_ylv=3?qid=20120215100447AAsbHjg
  8. the BRC requirement isn't a big deal to me... it's $25, the IPO class is $100.... the only Pre-req I don't have other than the classes is the first aid training...
  9. I gotta take the BRC, and then fill out an application, then I can sign up for an instructor's course. I think it would be a great way to make some extra money.
  10. anyone here currently a MSF instructor, or been one in the past? Are there any hidden pitfalls or issues with being a MSF instructor?
  11. if you can travel a bit, I'd suggest talking to our own hoblick in columbus... He's a stand up guy.
  12. ditto, or go to the sponsor page, and click on ducRX... Don't go monopolizing our mechanic...
  13. this reminds me of ricky gervais on falklands... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo0Pz0wTSZw
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