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Everything posted by magley64

  1. if there is something wrong with that... I don't wanna be right.
  2. Just because there was an internet picture this time doesn't mean there will be one next time... IMAGINE the law suits... Teachers are going to opt out every time, even if they have the training. "you shot my kid" = Multi million dollar law suits.
  3. nope, in this case little TJ walked right up to the group of students he wanted to kill, popped them off in quick succession, the best a teacher could have done is shot back at him (endangering more students in the crossfire) after he had already drawn and fired those deadly rounds... it would have changed nothing, except there would possibly be 4 dead students instead of 3... he didn't have a large magazine, he wasn't spraying kids at random, this was a direct and by all accounts pre-meditated attack on those individuals who were shot, and nobody else.
  4. I don't think so... Most of these actions (in the past) have been murder/suicides... they killed the few people they wanted to, and then went themselves... I think at this point they don't care too much what happens to them...
  5. I replaced all my steels and frictions with oem, figure it was good enough for the last 50,000 should be good enough for the next 50,000 (or more since I found out my old plates weren't really bad anyway...)
  6. I would Tim, but Pauly is swamped with Turtle and Jbot, besides, I'd like to get to the point where I know this bike from nose to tail, bolt by bolt...and there is no better way than to fix it yourself...
  7. back story: Towards the end of last season, my clutch started acting funny around the friction zone... Full release it felt okay, and engaged it was tight (no slipping), but as i came across the friction zone, it would shudder and engage unevenly... somewhat unnerving... so i just assumed 50,000 miles on the clutch, and me not being very gentle with it, it was just worn unevenly and shuddering as the thicker sides of the friction plates tried to pass through narrower sections.. reasonable theory i guess... As I was replacing my clutch tonight, I got all the steel plates and friction plates off, inspected, and didn't find any signs of damage or uneven wear... Pulled the clutch bar out, slave side is very dirty, thought okay, maybe this was causing my problems last year...couldn't figure out why though... Out of curiosity I checked the bearing in the outer clutch plate...It appears to be binding pretty badly... AHA! this makes sense... Even when it was binding it didn't bind enough to affect the bike at full clutch, but as the clutch plates got more friction and the bike started to roll, that binding gave it that uneven torque to make it shudder... Make sense? or am I chasing a shadow? I ordered a new bearing anyway... also does anyone know offhand if that has to be pressed in? or if it's just a tight fit and will pop in/out with some gentle persuasion? bearing 17 in this microfische http://www.motosport.com/motorcycle/oem-parts/HONDA/2001/BLACKBIRD-_-CBR1100XX/CLUTCH-99_03
  8. this^^ lots of shiddy teachers out there... I wouldn't trust most of them with a squirt gun in school.
  9. just read this "bullied outcast" describes me to a T, 10 years ago... I had good parents...and aspirations that included me succeeding, not just my "enemies" suffering... otherwise the outcome could have been significantly different. instead of "I'm gonna make you pay" I opted for, "I'm going to make something of my life and you'll still be the sad little rednecks in this sad little town drowning your misery at the local tavern"
  10. 5.) arm all the students... make a policy where all students must carry their sidearm drawn, loaded, cocked and at eye level at all times...
  11. latest injury report takes injuries to 5... 4 male one female, 2 life flighted 1 suspect in custody
  12. Let 'em burn them, they can buy more flags to burn...slight uptick in flag making business..
  13. Yep, if a secular government has to respect one group's superstitions, they can't completely disregard another's. When you break your neighbors window with a baseball you go and apologize with nice free words. Right call
  14. looks like a "slightly" less gay segway...
  15. Minor things here or there maybe (i honestly can't think of one right now), but no, for the most part I had respect for my parents, they had respect for me, I told them what I was doing and where I was going most of the time...and there was rarely a problem, and if something did happen I could go to them to help me fix the situation. example: one time i was run off the road by a large truck, I swerved to miss it, lost control in the snow and ended up in a ravine. By law I should have gotten a failure to control ticket, and lost my license (provisional). I was driving faster than I should have been in the conditions but not faster than the speed limit. I called dad, he came out and couldn't pull my truck out with the vehicles he had at the time, so he called in a favor to one of his friends with a tow truck. just one example of any time i had a problem, they were my safety net. I'm not saying my parents were always proud of the things I did, but I can say they were always proud of ME (as a person)
  16. If you're that clueless about what your child is doing, (in this day and age especially) you're a pretty shitty parent IMO... 4 wine coolers and 4 mixed drinks a piece says she probably wasn't new at this either.
  17. with the new gig, it looks like I may be able to afford this...WHOO!!! of course, I'll most likely be riding down, so none of this business will be required.
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