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Everything posted by magley64

  1. i said "ride" the dragon... not "drive it around"...
  2. what's a f4 m.o.u. ? Do you know 4 daivi? :welcome:
  3. then obviously you've never seen lord of the rings, or quikzx9r's ass dragging style...
  4. duh, so when you give the #5, and #7 woman kickboxers a ride home they are already warmed up for ya...
  5. like i want to slice my damn hand off every time i open the fuel tank...
  6. it'll cost ya... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Custom-Built-2004-Suzuki-Hayabusa-Dragon-Bike-/190636954940?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2c62d9153c
  7. does it matter at this point? you know in november you're going to have 2 choices, "bad" and "slightly worse" up to you which is which, but it's shaping up to be mitt romney vs obama.
  8. this is kinda what I asked... it would be like me getting paid overtime for hours I didn't go to work...
  9. why should you get hazard pay for sitting in florida?
  10. doesn't look so naked to me...
  11. this^ most of the people who run from the cops don't have the skills/experience to actually know how to ride well enough to get away.
  12. ~100 bux a week... 300 a month is a payment on a pretty nice car...
  13. awesome! I'd have blackmailed the kid.... "you're giving me 30% of your paycheck every week if you want to keep your job."
  14. Doesn't look any smaller than a ysr 80 or NSF 100 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGXt_vRx4H8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  15. Total shit, how? Frame breaks after 10 mins? Engine blows up?
  16. http://www.minipocketrockets.com/super-pocket-bikes-x19/ was thinking about grabbing one of these for backpack... anyone seen one in person, ridden one, etc? looks like it passes federal regulations, so I could get it titled and street it. otherwise i'd like to find her a YSR or NSR that is streetable.
  17. spring time? backroad in georgia on my way to georgia, and about...
  18. I love when harley guys start talking performance... I've heard the harley guys tell me how much more torque their bike makes... I like to inform them that their top speed is nowhere near mine, and if I were to change the rear sprocket to drop my top speed to match theirs... It's no comparison again... then they usually resort to racial slurs...
  19. The LED light should be drawing next to 0 amperage, I've left LED's on for weeks on end and not killed my battery.
  20. Yea, I'm guessing you got the second Easter egg
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