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Everything posted by magley64

  1. no argument here, none of those things are guaranteed... but I know when I speed, I'm more likely to be paying attention to the road and my surroundings, guess I'm just projecting a bit...
  2. I guess my position is more that I'd rather see a good driver driving fast and paying attention to what they are doing, rather than what I usually see, which is shitty drivers doing the speed limit, not paying attention, and generally clogging up the highway with their bullshit.
  3. gotta say, the argument here is thin... were there semis on that road doing freeway speed? should they be required to go slower since they are carrying the same inertia as a maserati doing double the speed limit? Since when am I responsible for other people failing to signal? If you switch lanes with no signal for no reason, aren't you taking it upon yourself that the lane is clear?
  4. Yeah, this will work, too... these flashers use a IC timer instead of a current (heat, pop, reset) timer for the flash cycle. When I wired up my turn signals in the dune buggy, (all LED) I used one of those strobe controllers to control the flash speed. It's pretty cool cause it's adjustable on the fly, and I can switch from single to triple flash... I suppose I could've programmed my own timer, too using a pic microcontroller... or built a wigwag using a couple capacitors and a couple resistors. But that seemed like a lot of work.
  5. check the resistance of the stock bulbs using a multimeter... then use a resistor with that value for each?
  6. you hooligans and your speeding, putting our lives at risk:cry: you know I've never done anything that could be construed as risky, or illegal...
  7. I agree, that's wrong... While an all private school system would improve performance for some, I anticipate there would be bigger problems with poor schools in impoverished areas than we already have. agree
  8. was that berating? i apologize if it was... i'm on cold meds... so my head's not exactly on straight right now. I thought we were just agreeing
  9. There are no laws restricting your child from wearing a cross at school, none... We have those, they are called "private schools" they cost money, please pay them and send your child there. All of this is fine, as long as my "public" money isn't used to promote religions I disagree with, or at bare minimum, public money is available for equal access among all religious views.
  10. you can only have 1 fatal accident, unless you're a zombie
  11. wow, surprise surprise, I agree with most of these... this one I have issue with... and I'm not sure how you can differenciate between the two... "I want the freedom of religion the constitution provides not freedom from religion that some try to twist it into." How do you define "freedom" if it's not the free exercise to partake,or not partake as you see fit. therefore freedom OF religion must include freedom FROM religion. just as silence must be protected as free speech.
  12. by that right, we shouldn't trust christians... Luke19:26- 27:For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. honestly... all the abrahamic religions have vague verses in them that can be twisted to suit whatever your pre-concieved notions of the world are....
  13. just pit them into a ditch, solves the problem of them being on the road instantly... and when they call for the tow, the towtruck driver will call the cops to meet them at the hook-up.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/gingrich-goes-rivals-despite-positive-pledge-000634517.html calls the republican establishment "liberal" and in the same article basically says that Ron Paul is way out in right field... has he gone insane?
  15. bonus points for likwid... you're not too crazy
  16. well, clearly nobody has given me any alternative definition, so how am I supposed to change my mind?
  17. quite the contrary, I'm looking for alternatives... so far, every time I hear one of the candidates claim to be a "social conservative" it means they hate muslims and gays... I'm really trying to keep an open mind, and ask if there are any alternative definitions for the term.
  18. This was mentioned in another thread today, but I hear it a lot, and I would like someone to decipher the code for me. what does "Consevative values" mean? Is it like an old codgery meaningless, "things were better in the 50's!" or "back in my day when kids respected their elders, and everything could be bought for a nickel" what do conservatives value that nobody else values? or is it just PC language for bigotry and intolerance?
  19. like segregation, arranged marriages, and the flat earth model?
  20. from a guy on a hypersport couch, I can honestly say I have NO idea what you're talking about. several 16 hr+ intervals and a 30 hr+ interval with no pains... leg, back or otherwise.
  21. *sitting at work* yikes, glad it wasn't me...
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