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Everything posted by magley64

  1. that was satire, i made the same mistake...
  2. it's not going to break, relax.... if it bothers you, you could put some sort of force absorbing cover over it...
  3. yes they do, it's called a helmet.... one of our members (s-13) t-boned a semi, bounced off and came out of it fine...
  4. ehhh, ABS might actually stop a little faster...depending on conditions.
  5. wow...if so i need a chill pill...and i totally missed the satire...
  6. LOL WUT???? it's called coefficient of friction... tire compund to roadway vs chrome to roadway, i'd put my money on tire compound every time, unless its a really shiddy tire... In "translation" (2 surfaces sliding against one another) the surface area doesn't have any bearing on the equation at all. physics...take it
  7. as if you have room to talk? no the short bug is long gone... this was hand painted by my uncle back in the 80's...
  8. the only thing left is the skis need replaced or reworked, as they are rusted through in the back... we're gonna try to patch them up and coat them in urethane... but we might need to replace them.
  9. that's just the base for the seat... when we acquired it a few days ago, the seat was rotted, the engine was seized, and it was full of mouse nests... we've since re-built the engine, in the process of re-doing the seat, and we cleaned it up...
  10. is it at least kinda fast? from the look of it, it's gonna be pretty slow, but i've never had one before...
  11. we've acquired a 77 yamaha enticer 250..."snow dawg" lets hope there are no defensive linemen on the greenway trail this year, I won't be able to make it past them...
  12. 30, depending on how i ride...
  13. droid intrigues me...it's basically the same as my phone, but it has a solid state keyboard (mine doesn't) and it's made by motorola (mine's samsung) if I can get the droid for a decent price i'll probably switch to it...
  14. I'm over 15000, but > 5000 of that was over a single week...
  15. when did todd get a fucking idiot?
  16. my reply: "you do a wheelie then I'll do one..."
  17. no passion, no detemination...they just don't seem to play with any sort of conviction whatsoever, the whole team (with the exception of cribbs) appeared to be half asleep during the whole game... it's unfortunate, yet i continue my loyalty...
  18. good luck buying that in a bar in ohio, pennsylvania, new york, west virginia...etc.. I go with the jack n coke on the rare occasion that I drink in a bar... I wish there was a Tiki around here "ray's mistake" was pretty good.
  19. ha, no...but i think the mushrooms are going back on for now
  20. I'll give you a hooker card next time i see you....guaranteed to be in your room in 20 minutes...
  21. depends on your personality... For me it was worth it....ONCE. I can't imagine that I'd ever do it again, unless: I brought someone special with me, I was on a Goldwing, I really took my time to enjoy some 2 lane roads, and it was closer to the middle of summer... next time I go to LA or Vegas, I'm flying.
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